Thread: Race in America
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Old 06-01-2020, 08:46 AM   #26
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by sexobon View Post
The tradeoff of having President Trump for four years to get a lifetime Supreme Court that's resistant to the whims of political correctness was a bargain with the devil; but, it worked.
He openly admits he loves damage done to America - socially, economically, internationally, politically, financially, militarily, and scientifically. He even loves it that Kim has been openly permitted to expand his nuclear arsenal. That Kurds were ethnically cleansed. That right wing wacko Likud and Israel will now steal the West Bank. That Trump only praises despots and dictators. Sexobon wants to 'wreck shit' as any good extremist wants. Because Fake Fox News, et al can order him what to believe. It appeals to the emotional brain of a child.

It makes him angry (a tantrum) to learn what justified his beliefs.

Sexobon wants to impose extremist beliefs on all. A Supreme Court of moderates is will not do that. He forgets what right wing extremists believe and openly stated on the Supreme Court. Nobody has a right to privacy. It is not in the Constitution. And it would obstruct right wing fascism.

A church wants to pack people in worship claiming that is an essential business. Everyone (using the adult brain) knows worshipping a god can be done anywhere at any time - all alone. Nobody need collect. With contempt for the rights and lives of all others (especially nurses and doctors), extremists took their Me-Me-Me demands to the Supreme Court. All extremist justices voted to spread a Coronaviruse onto all others. Fortunately the Chief Justice decided to vote as a patriot - a moderate. So the Governor's edict stands. Their Me-Me-Me needs were obstructed by adults thinking like adults - moderates.

Only emotions need to pack people together to worship any god. They must go to be told what to think. Only right wing extremists say that is essential. Meanwhile, America was founded on a principle that right wing extremists hate. Religion is only a relationship between one man and his god. Nothing more. Religious beliefs are never - as in never - to be imposed upon anyone else. Only right wing extremists disagree. Must pack a Supreme Court with extremists who will even impose their religious beliefs upon all others. Sexobon says this is good. That brainwashing appeals to so many adults who are still children.

Because he wants to wreck shit, he openly loves Trump. And does what Trump does to be popular - cheapshots. Destruction is good because it imposes right wing extremism on all others. It even says (without openly admitting it) that black lives do not matter.

Sexobon invents fables about right vs left wing. In reality, it is only about extremists verse moderates.

Only emotional beliefs matter (which explains his racist beliefs and Trump who promotes them). My rights, my emotions, my needs, my entitlements, my flag, my fears, my bully club, my country right or wrong. Extremist rhetoric also massacred 50,000 servicemen in Vietnam for no purpose. And did same to another 5,000 in Iraq - deja vue Vietnam. Extremists who promoted that Mission Accomplish war still do not apologize for those 5,000 useless deaths. They only will if Fake Fox News tells them to. It is called extremism. We need a Supreme Court that protects fascism.

Me-Me-Me is his philosophy alongside Henry Quirk and UG. Even justifies above cheapshots that exist only to demean. An extremist strategy to gain power (as clearly defined in Hitler's book). Because it does what extremists want - destroy adult thinking. Demean anyone who discusses adult thoughts.

Sexobon will even deny his underlying support of racism - contempt for blacks, immigrants, etc. He will deny his beliefs. Otherwise he must admit to what underpins right wing fascism. Emotional beliefs such as hate and Me-Me-Me. He is so extremist as to even believe immigrants have increased crime. Or that immigrants prosper at his expense. His right wing extremist attitude promoted a massacre of 5,000 American servicemen in Iraq for no purpose. He will not admit but believes Trayvon Martin can be blamed for his own death. Filling a Supreme Court with right wing extremists coincides with racism and fascism. All with contempt for moderates. Who would even promote spreading a pandemic. Confrontation and violence only makes fascist (KKK, White Supremacists, Nazis) more powerful. Those are Sexobon's peers.

He will not read all this. It requires an attention span that extremists do not possess. Also why he loves Trump 'wrecks shit' rhetoric. Extremism only requires 140 characters - a Tweet. No wonder extremist hate it that Twitter now requires one to be honest. That, like moderate Supreme Court justices, obstructs fascism.
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