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Old 01-01-2017, 07:41 PM   #28
I hear them call the tide
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Originally Posted by Pico and ME View Post
I'm struggling to come to terms with a cancer that is not common and will kill me. Its treatable and i will go through chemo, but it is not curable. The only question now is when it will get so bad that nothing can be done and nobody can give me a timetable on that.
It is our experience that "they" verge on the pessimistic when the cancer or the specific occurrence of the cancer is rare and uncurable. They won't tell you because they have no idea, there isn't enough data, they don't want to give false hope. That doesn't mean there is no hope. So determine that you will create the data and it will be positive data for all who follow. You are in a fantastic position to be a ray of light for all who follow. It might get you in the end, and it might be sooner rather than later, but who knows what else was in store for you anyway? It's my unscientific and baseless opinion that predicted demises can be self fulfilling prophesies. Why do you need a deadline anyway? If you have something you want to do ....DO IT. Do it now. everyone should live by this maxim, cancer or no, IMO. Who knows when the next texting driver or nutter with a gun will hover too close to your orbit anyway? Carpe Diem. You got this.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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