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Old 08-25-2014, 04:52 PM   #120
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post

You are appealing to a philosophy that the Islamists do not share.

If you made that argument to them here is what you'd get in return. They would like for their children to die for this cause. It's the fast road to heaven for them. This is not an isolated statement:

I'm not making that argument. Sarge (and others here) are making that argument (THEY are death-loving killers). I'm asking for the justification by those making that argument. I'm asking the people who are doing the killing, or those who support those who are doing the killing to explain to me why that's ok. Your post of an angry, stupid person with a microphone does not explain why the "precision-guided" weapons of the Israelis are killing little kids. It doesn't explain why the loss of Sarge's kids would be devastating and the loss of Palestinian kids "is nothing".

What the fuck happened to Israeli agency? Are they the impotent puppets of fuckwit Muhammad Deif? That's your explanation? If a gunman has his pistol to the head of a hostage and he's hiding behind the hostage, do you shoot through the hostage to kill the gunman??? What the fucking fuck?
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