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Fireman 03-16-2004 03:18 PM

"Where the Wild Things Are."
I know I am a little late on finding this out, but I have to rant about this. I am sure alot of you grew up with this book. I loved this book, the story of Max and how he sailed away to a Monster Island and did what ever he wanted. I am sure,we all as kids, drempt of the same thing. But this artical talks of how a 6 year old was arrested for a book report of that story. I hope I am not the only one that is outraged about this. I found out about this artical when I was looking of the book for my daughters birthday, and looking for the plucsh Max in the Wolf pajamas. I e-mailed my wife about it and she told me that the book was banned from my daughters school for being a vilent

Fireman 03-16-2004 03:25 PM

Stop the madness

Ponder officials jail second student; first-grader's report on Where the Wild Things Are deemed too violent

By Rose Farley

In the second homework-related arrest in as many weeks, a Denton County juvenile court judge jailed a Ponder student for suspicion of making a terroristic threat after the first-grader wrote a book report on the children's classic Where the Wild Things Are.

Cindy Bradley, a diminutive 6-year-old, was arrested without incident during "story time" at her class at Ponder Elementary School on Tuesday morning. In a court appearance later that day, Judge Darlene Whitten ordered the girl detained for 10 days at the Denton County juvenile detention center while prosecutors contemplate whether to file charges.

"Any implication of violence in a school situation, even if it was just contained in a first-grader's book report, is reason enough for panic and overreaction," Whitten said from the bench. "It's time for you to grow up, young lady, and it's time for us to stop treating kids like children."

Cindy, dressed in blue jeans, a Pokémon T-shirt, handcuffs, and ankle shackles, appeared subdued as she stood before Whitten. Sources say courthouse security officers ordered the shackles after they reviewed her school disciplinary record, which included reprimands for spraying a boy with pineapple juice and sitting on her feet.

"It's not easy finding cuffs that small," said a bailiff, who spoke on the condition that his name not be used. "Fortunately, we ordered a special set last week after that other kid was busted."

That "other kid" is 13-year-old Christopher Beamon, a Ponder seventh-grader whom Whitten ordered detained October 28 after he wrote a graphic Halloween horror story in which he describes shooting a teacher and two students after getting high on Freon. After complaints from parents, Ponder High School Principal Chance Allen called juvenile authorities, who sent sheriff's deputies to remove Christopher from school. He was released after being held five days at the juvenile facility.

Denton County District Attorney Bruce Isaacks said Tuesday that he hasn't decided whether to prosecute Cindy. If convicted of making a terroristic threat, she could be confined to the Texas Youth Commission until she turns 18.

"We've considered having her certified to stand trial as an adult, but even in Texas there are some limits," Isaacks said.

Whitten told reporters that she took action at the request of school officials, who were alarmed by acts of "cannibalism, fanaticism, and disorderly conduct" that Cindy wrote about in her report, titled "Where the Wild Things Are: A Book Report by Cindy Bradley."

Cindy received two gold stars and a stamped smiley face for the teacher-assigned report, according to her mother, Karen Bradley.

"I thought the report was good and deserved the stickers it got," the bewildered mother says. "I thought it was a sign that we had turned a corner with Cindy's academic career. God knows what this will do to her permanent record."

Cindy's trouble began Monday morning, when the mother of one of her classmates called school officials to complain that students at Ponder were encouraged to read books that could cause students to think dangerous thoughts. The officials then contacted Dr. Byron Welch, who runs the Denton county school district, who in turn contacted juvenile authorities.

"In this day and age, you never know what students might do, and I can't risk another Columbine," Welch says. "Frankly, these kids scare the crap out of me."

Welch also confirmed reports that school representatives will soon join several local faith-based organizations, including God-Fearing Opponents of Freedom (GOOF), and ask publishers to review content guidelines for children's books.

Written by Maurice Sendak, the 1964 winner of the Caldecott Medal for Most Distinguished Picture Book, Where the Wild Things Are is a 37-page book about a boy named "Max" who dresses in a wolf costume and is sent to his room without supper for making mischief. The most controversial aspect of the book is contained in an early exchange between Max and his mother. It reads:

"His mother called him 'WILD THING!'

and Max said 'I'LL EAT YOU UP!'

so he was sent to bed without eating anything."

Reached on the presidential campaign trail in South Carolina, Gov. George W. Bush said he had not read the book, but was "appalled that such material could find its way into the hands of a Texas schoolchild. This book clearly has deviant, violent, sexual overtones.

"Parents must understand that zero tolerance means just that," he said. "We won't tolerate anything."

In Washington, D.C., the news of Cindy's arrest prompted an immediate outcry from the American Civil Liberties Union, which has offered to provide Cindy with free legal representation.

"Jesus H. Christ, are you people nuts? She's just a kid," said the ACLU's Emily Whitfield, the organization's national spokeswoman, who commented while en route to Dallas with a team of lawyers in tow. "When I was Cindy's age, we sang 'On Top of Old Smokey,' and 'Marijuana, Marijuana, LSD.'"

The schoolyard rhyme "On Top of Old Smokey" refers to shooting a teacher "with a .44-slug." The later drug ditty concludes: "Scientists make it, teachers take it. Why can't we?"

By 5 p.m. Tuesday, the day's events were beginning to take their toll on Cindy, who asked her mom to bring her pink pajamas, the ones with the kangaroos on them, before lights-out.

"I don't get why everyone's so mad," Cindy said in a phone interview from the detention center. "Just 'cause I like how Max told his mom he wanted to eat her up and ran away in his mind and did a rumpus with the monsters doesn't mean I would do those things."

Cindy scoffed at the suggestion that Where the Wild Things Are can corrupt young minds.

"Like, I'm sure," she said. "It's bad enough people think like Salinger and Twain are dangerous, but Sendak? Give me a break, for Christ's sake. Excuse my French."

Happy Monkey 03-16-2004 03:30 PM

I'm suspecting shenanigans. Some of those quotes are mighty oniony.

Fireman 03-16-2004 03:33 PM

I was surprized to read about this. It is, hower happening, as far as the book being pulled of library shelves anyway.

lumberjim 03-16-2004 03:38 PM

oh christ i hope so , monkey.

a six year old in handcuffs? in america? over a book report?......


Fireman 03-16-2004 03:41 PM

Are people getting too over worked up of the littlest things here? Monkey, like lumberjim, I hope that this is a false news paper report. I found this completely by accident. I was very,very upset about this. What next? JAck and Jill is too sexual?

Clodfobble 03-16-2004 03:44 PM

"It's bad enough people think like Salinger and Twain are dangerous, but Sendak?"

My ass a six-year-old said that. If she did, she was repeating something she heard an adult say. Six-year-olds just don't talk like that.

Troubleshooter 03-16-2004 03:54 PM

Ok, the link took me to a site that listed the event in 1999 from the New York Times. I did a search there and didn't find anything. That doesn't say it didn't happen, but...

Happy Monkey 03-16-2004 03:57 PM

The story doesn't ring any alarm bells for me. I have no doubt that there are people stupid enough to do all this, but the style of the writing is extremely parodyesque. I suspect that the whole thing is a takeoff on the Christopher Beamon story mentioned in the article.

OnyxCougar 03-16-2004 04:31 PM

And it mentions an organization called GOOF. Come on. Fake. Duh.

Fireman 03-16-2004 04:41 PM

I dont think its a fake.....even though, I am still doing more research on it. There are people on this kind of trip all over. I remember a big problem in High School about doing the play "The Telltail Heart" Poe was pulled of several school shelves. I am still looking around for more articles.

Happy Monkey 03-16-2004 04:43 PM

Damn. Good catch. I didn't even see that. I must be going blind.

Happy Monkey 03-16-2004 04:47 PM


Originally posted by Fireman
I dont think its a fake.....even though, I am still doing more research on it. There are people on this kind of trip all over.
No doubt, but I think you just had the misfortune of picking one fake one from the many real ones. As OnyxCougar said, "God-Fearing Opponents of Freedom (GOOF)"?

SteveDallas 03-16-2004 04:53 PM

The original link:

Please note that it's filed under, ummmm, "satire."

In an instance of "found art," when I visited the Dallas Observer web site to check this out, I saw that their personal ad system was displaying this ad as a "pick of the day":


More about what I am looking for:

I am looking for an old school gentlemen, Someone who love to have fun just as much as I do.
But not, presumably, "old school" as in having learned how to write properly.

Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm not really usually this pedantic.

OK, I am, but I don't usually bother to post about it.

Fireman 03-16-2004 04:58 PM

Well folks........once again I have put my foot in my mouth, and I will admit when I did. I found a newsletter called: Intellectual Freedom. And The story is fictional. It was a Freedom of Speech ploy to the New York Times. I did however, call home ealier in the day(here) and it was taken off some shelves because of the disorderly conduct of some children after reading the book. Like I said, I was wrong. The computers here(Iraq) are somwhat limited. So please forgive me, SteveDallas, thank for pointing that out. Again, my appoligies.

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