orthodoc |
10-09-2015 06:37 PM |
As of this afternoon I am unemployed. Got the whole 'finish your charts speedily so that we don't have to hang around too long waiting to make sure you don't smash your computer or steal the 99 cent wreath hanger you hang your coat on or otherwise sabotage this pathetic windowless closet we gave you to work in, now that we've announced we're ditching you after sucking you dry for a year' 30 second talk by the glaring VP of HR who's always in a bad mood after spending the morning in court with his ex; but he couldn't stop me from hugging the staff on my way out, and he couldn't stop them from being shocked or weeping. Then the humiliating escort out to my car as if - what? I'm turning 56. What am I going to do?
I guess I posted here because I hope something will get better but it's too soon to tell