The Cellar

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skysidhe 01-05-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 623743)
I know. I just ran out of steam. I haven't been able to get a really good windup going lately.

Me too. Apathy is so boring.

dar512 01-05-2010 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 624095)
Me too. Apathy is so boring.

I've been trying to work on mine, but I just don't seem to care.

xoxoxoBruce 01-05-2010 09:12 PM

You people better shape up, or I give something to be really apathetic about.:eyebrow:

I think I just did.

skysidhe 01-05-2010 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 624125)
I've been trying to work on mine, but I just don't seem to care.

ha ha! That's funny.

monster 01-05-2010 11:40 PM

I lied

Shawnee123 01-06-2010 02:32 PM

I'm confused. Is that normal for this site?

DanaC 01-06-2010 02:44 PM


monster 01-06-2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 624332)
I'm confused. Is that normal for this site?

No. Take two aspirin and three cocks and call me when you can walk without staggering.

Tulip 01-14-2010 12:16 AM

I think this question belongs here. :p

Anyways, my question is once a member posts a picture or video up, is there a way for that person to delete it him/herself? If yes, then how? Or does that member have to ask a mod or admin to remove it?

xoxoxoBruce 01-14-2010 02:06 AM


Undertoad 01-15-2010 04:10 AM

That backup-related slowdown that happens at 4 AM EST? I think the memory upgrade I did yesterday night really improved it.

Flint 01-15-2010 02:56 PM

Where is the "Quote of the Day" thread? I don't see it in any of the forums, and I can't search for "quote" or "of" or "the" or "day" ...

classicman 01-15-2010 03:17 PM

Advanced search of "Quote of the Day" . . .

Here it is

glatt 01-15-2010 03:50 PM

There's always the Google site search for looking for those 2 and 3 letter words on the Cellar.

classicman 02-15-2010 08:39 PM

where is that thread about the asian carp? I can't seem to find it.

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