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infinite monkey 01-07-2017 08:50 PM

Well sure. Like i said, it's nothing, but if you're accessing the cellar at work or in in public it deserves the common courtesy of a warning. It's always been that way here. Roll your eyes all you want. I'm sure I'm a prude, but I'm one with a job who deserves that tiny bit of courtesy. :right:

xoxoxoBruce 01-07-2017 08:56 PM

Maybe your employer deserves the courtesy of you working.

glatt 01-07-2017 08:57 PM

No. You're right. That's more appropriate in the NSFW thread.

infinite monkey 01-07-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 978881)
Maybe your employer deserves the courtesy of you working.

Fuck you, asshole.

xoxoxoBruce 01-07-2017 09:03 PM

Yes Dear. Shame on me for having an opinion, I'm so ashamed. :o
By the way, that language belongs in the NSFW thread.

infinite monkey 01-07-2017 09:07 PM

You are boring. If i suck up to you, and you subsequently make lecherous remarks to me, and i get all grinny and fawny, will i be cool again? Yeah, fuck you.

xoxoxoBruce 01-07-2017 09:12 PM

I don't want anyone to suck up, especially a self involved cunt like you.

monster 01-07-2017 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 978881)
Maybe your employer deserves the courtesy of you working.

My employer allows me breaktime where I can do what I want -including use my computer for leisure- ....but looking at porn is not OK, and I wouldn't want them to think I was doing that even if it was.

How long has it been since you were an actual member of society?

monster 01-07-2017 09:54 PM

OK stop it the pair of you. Clearly I can't type fast enough to even keep up, but how is this warranted or appropriate?


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 978888)
I don't want anyone to suck up, especially a self involved cunt like you.

xoxoxoBruce 01-07-2017 10:17 PM

My response is totally appropriate to that whiney cunt.
Did she tell you about the time she went all to pieces because her cousin died? But she didn't know his name, his parents names, or what state they lived in.

infinite monkey 01-07-2017 10:28 PM

Are you fucking kidding me? My cousin (name deleted by glatt by request)? Who lived in FL? Who was killed by her husband? Are you kidding me right now? What is wrong witb you? Go to hell. I'm done here.

infinite monkey 01-07-2017 10:45 PM

Ill post more about this later, because your level of cruelty took me to a new level of hurt. Your cruelty needs to be exposed. But right now im reeling. You loser asshole.

Gravdigr 01-08-2017 12:23 PM


That escalated quickly.


sexobon 01-08-2017 12:45 PM

Hey UT, is there any truth to the rumor that this thread is going to become pay-per-view?

Gravdigr 01-08-2017 02:00 PM

I think it's a NetFlix Original Series.

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