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Starring Slutpuppet 09-05-2012 01:41 PM

Are you a gladiator? You must be cuz you're the only one I've seen make even a feeble attempt at moderation/explanations around here so far.

Nice try on the tip jar thing, but I notice that it's really a beer mug. Guess we all know it's 5:00 where ever YOU are.

PS Do you think I'm cute?

BigV 09-05-2012 01:45 PM

no. you are not cute. you are boring. go away now.

Nirvana 09-05-2012 01:46 PM

Troll Troll troll yer boat
Gently down Jim Beam
Merrily merrily merrily
Now we can be mean

Starring Slutpuppet 09-05-2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 828542)
no. you are not cute. you are boring. go away now.

Well, fine! I think my cell phone is finally charged up by now, anyhow. See how nicely I respond to requests?

Undertoad 09-05-2012 02:09 PM

Well I was just thinking a sliding scale of sorts, because the more that comes in, the newer and more powerful the server or servers could be. Like, a little over $100 will get one an HP ProLiant from 2005. A little over $200 will get one a Dell Poweredge from 2009. A little over $300 will get one a HP from 2009 but with 6 drives included so it would be simple to RAID up and be even more reliable with more storage. And twice each would make two servers so the database server could remain separate.

There are many many eBay deals out there, it's a matter of working through them all...!

I've priced the cloud computing and there's no big savings... the cloud people are making big profits and remain in high demand...

BigV 09-05-2012 02:24 PM

thank you for answering my question.

are you looking at what's available or are you thinking more of what hardware is best suitable for the intended task? i know that sounds condescending, not what I meant. I kind of mean, I know you're not shopping for new with some configurator tool that lets you pick the components in the quantity / speed / capacity you need. I never really considered the mfg date in my calculations, but then I never was concerned about it even though I did sometimes buy used gear.

I know db servers looooove disk space and memory, for example. What does the replacement server .. What will be the main function of the replacement server(s)? What trait/component will it need or benefit from an abundance of? If it's running pretty nicely (as it seems to me over the last many months) on a mere 256 mb of memory, perhaps a new server with gobs of gigs of ram would be a "waste", for example.

I'm just curious.

Undertoad 09-05-2012 05:01 PM

There ya go; I'm typing this on my phone, in Wilmington... the server was almost dead from lack of memory, so I swapped the old cellar server's memory in and that is giving us some breathing room

infinite monkey 09-05-2012 05:32 PM

Thanks, toad.

Gravdigr 09-05-2012 05:35 PM

Yes. Thank you. For more than just fixing shit today.

Gravdigr 09-05-2012 05:49 PM

Toad, should we be refraining from doing anything? Like, oh, I don't know....posting frivolous images/videos?

monster 09-05-2012 06:06 PM

Steady on, old boy, if the fly didn't kill you, abstinence from posting frivolous images/videos surely will :eek:

DanaC 09-05-2012 06:28 PM

Way to go Toad :) You da man!

Undertoad 09-05-2012 06:48 PM

Now, a benefactor is interested in promoting this Tip Mug project and here's the deal.

From as of now, until 11:59pm Saturday a "matching grant" will double any donation, until there have been $300 of donations to match.

Iit should be pointed out that there has already been another large donation before matching, but we wanted to start this as of now. It will probably ensure that we can get two quality servers without a lot of mileage, and ensure that the Cellar is in really good shape as we move ahead.

Tip mug donations are anonymous because we really don't want to make anyone feel bad if they can't afford to give. Whether they give, or don't for ANY reason, I hope people feel equal on the Cellar.

I will also say that if there is enough money for us to get a decent amount of disk space, I will be looking to create an image hosting system for Dwellars, as a way of saying thanks yet one more time.

I will point to the eBay sale pages once the servers are bought, so you can see what the donations have brought us.


This has been a rough day, and by the way, making it all that much tougher is having to schedule people coming through my house to see if they want to buy it. There were two people today! And I can't be here when the house is being shown!

BigV 09-05-2012 07:10 PM


hang in there man. keep your priorities straight in this stressful time. there are *lots* of houses out there, ok?

There is but *one* cellar.

Plan accordingly.


monster 09-05-2012 07:43 PM

Bollocks! My contribution was 10 minutes too early!

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