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The interview went well...I couldn't 'read' it though. I mean, I knew 3 of the five on the committee, and they're people I always liked who liked me. One my ex-boss. All grinning at me, seemed happy to see me. An IT guy wandered into HR while I was waiting to be summoned and made me get up to give him a hug. Another girl saw me pass her window and flashed me the peace sign. But, I don't know. I was just myself in the interview. I was honest about my time in the City of Death and Smells. It won't be professional staff, mostly processing. But the thing is, I liked the processing part the best anyway. It's like doing puzzles, to me. And honestly, I've had my fill of people. Yeah, I can counsel and advise and talk them off proverbial ledges...but perhaps it's best if I don't have to do that anymore. At least not for a while. So, we'll see. I don't want to get my hopes up, but the big 'hook' was obviously my experience, and I can hit the ground running, and they need someone like, yesterday. Quote:
Ugh, really it could go either way. I feel like I'm getting my hopes up. OK, I'm probably not going to get it. So, I'm not going to get it. That's OK...I still have income and I like some parts of one job and many parts of other job. But man, I'd love a normal full-time job. |
Here's hoping!
And so my cow orker, this morning, lets me in on a little secret that we're getting a raise. Which is really nice. But 2 % won't make up for only working 24 hours/week, and it won't cover the difference I'll get if I get the other job.
Today is a good day. Days in here aren't always so good when cow orker gets stressed sometimes she takes it out on me. And I end up feeling stupid about things I was never taught, or for asking too many questions because I don't want to like, screw up somebody's life or anything. Anyway, I want to write more in another thread...so awayyyyyy I goooooo... |
Thank you.
Second interview Monday!!!!!! |
I was trying to be healthy.
I bought some fruit juice instead of soda. Yes, I know it's high in natural sugars, but as calories go it is usually better than fizzy pop vitamin wise. It spilled. Spilled its damn self all in my bag, which happens to be a beach bag, which I use as a handbag because I can tote around a paperback and little sample sizes of necessities in case I have another rush to hospital (yes, I'm paranoid). Being a beach bag was good because it did not immediately leak onto the bus seat/ floor. Being a beach bag was bad because it contained the sticky fruit fluid, and everything inside swam about in it for really quite a while before I realised and rescued it. Everything inside was awash in sticky strawberry, lime and coconut. My flash-drive-thingy (not very good with the names of these things) has dried out. My phone and purse (wallet) were in my pocket - phew! My charger is so far not working, but I had a spare. My little bottle of Johnson's Baby Powder had to be binned. As did the sodden spare pair of knickers. And a library book was ruined. What might be okay? Well, the librarian suggested, sotto voice, that I could replace the book via eBay rather than pay the cover price. I might be able to get it for as little as £3 in a pristine condition, as opposed to the new price of £7. What's £4? A big difference. Send me £4 ($5.70) and I'll take a photo of all the toilet paper and cereal I can buy with it. |
Norovirus outbreak at U of M, centered around Polo Girl's Dorm cafeteria :(
Yeah - we like things to be clearly labelled.
Friend's child/friend of Thor just came out of an 11+ hour surgery to remove a tumor/mass from her brain. They think they got it all, but they had to take some white matter
:cry: :fingerx: |
That super sucks, for her, her parents, her friends, and everyone who knows her. It's even terrifying for those who only hear about it. I hope they were successful and wish her a full recovery. :fingerx:
What really fucking sucks is that if her parents hadn't done a Clodfobble, the medical profession were happy to write it off as either concussion repercussions or Female menstrual/migraine shennanigans...........
I've been watching the saga from afar but didn't wanted to say anything as she doesn't really know me. I really hope she recovers well.
Our local hospital has an ad campaign about how boss they and one of the ads is a guy who took a bad fall snowboarding and had some sort of scan to be sure his It seems that a full body scan might be good as part of an annual physical. An affordable full body scan, that is. |
She's been talking coherently. And by chance her brother came into my store about an hour ago in one of the rare moments when I was actually out on the floor. He said it was amazing. :D one nice point in an otherwise COMPLETELY SHITTY FUCKING DAY. oh sorry, was I shouting?
You're allowed to shout here, whereas in the store not so much. ;)
After a second completely shitty fucking day Although not as shitty as the day monster's friends and their child likely had. So I'll return to some perspective and stop shouting now. |
She should be home now! Incredible!
They found out this morning. |
Wow. I missed the downs and ups, but glad to hear the positive news nonetheless. Yay.
delayed by one day more, but hoping for home today
Just a few minutes ago, I got up and walked through the house, looked at the backyard, and saw perhaps the biggest rabbit I've ever seen. It wasn't jackrabbit big, but, it was quite large. Verily, I say unto you, this was a healthy bunny.
Of course, I went for my camera, came back, and, yep, you guessed it, no wabbit. No sign of a wabbit. I'm not sure it was ever there.:( I'm going into town later...may as well pick up a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch... |
If he tries to take you down any rabbit holes, make sure you bring your croquet set.
Def be prepared to deal with the Queen of Hearts; keep the Holy Hand Grenade handy.
Not sure if this is cueing up properly, go to 1:25:02 if not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPwyLvG6gxY&t=85m02s
[I][B]"Don't complain. This is your life now." [/B][/I]
Ovarian cancer. Still have to get a blood test and see an gynecologic oncologist in Indy for final diagnosis.
I think the "too soon to tell' isn't accurate here....I probably only have a 4% chance that it isn't cancer. The tumors are big. This has been the shittiest 2 years of my life. Everything fell apart...so I'm not really surprised by this. |
Damn. Sorry, Pico. :(
Oh my ... So sorry.
So sorry to hear this. Sending thoughts and prayers.
That totally is crap. No stars!
Jebus, Pico. :(
fuck cancer
Sorry to hear about this, Pico. |
Undertoad, she told me that its possible for it to be another kind of turmor that isn't cancerous, but that tumor is only ever about 4% of all tumors. I'm to be scheduled for a full hysterectomy and that's when they will be able test and stage it. For now I'm hoping for a Stage 1, where the cancer has not escaped the ovaries. Prognosis is not so scary then. So I'm hoping for the best outcome, but I am mentally preparing for the worst. I'm staying in good spirits, and still enjoying myself, and will continue to do that no matter what. If its really bad news, them I am gonna spend my money and go on a month long cruise.
Thank you everybody...you are all good souls and that is why I never left, just didn't post much, but I loved reading everything you guys wrote.
Sorry Pico, you are in my thoughts.
It's sad news, but, I also want to root for you. I would tell you that you're strong and smart and I think that gives you an advantage. 1/2 :sniff: 1/2 :cheerldr: |
I'm rooting for you as well.
I am not a fan of the cancer thing. I am a fan of the Me associated with Pico. It's about fucking time for some good karma, I'm willing it your way.
You are in our prayers.
I'm glad you are back to posting, Pico, but I'm sorry to hear this particular news. Here's hoping you are in the 4%.
Thank you everybody, It helps. Its surreal to be in this position, and especially as alone as I am. Its good to know that I still have a connection here.
Undertoad, that's the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me. ALL my life I have been looking for that kind of recognition. It brings tears of gratitude to my eyes, even if it is from someone who doesn't really know me. I will remember your words. |
I'm very glad! Cos it's true. :thumbsup:
I'll also say what I told Claudette and she found helpful somehow: if those tumors were on the outside of your body, you could easily just crush them under your heel. They are dumb and weak, and so, not you! |
Need positive vibes, prayers, etc. today. Job interview went well...could be working as soon as next week. *fingers crossed*
Good luck!
We be prayin'.
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2nd interview tomorrow...
You dyed you hair!
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