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Griff 01-04-2019 07:12 AM


Clodfobble 01-04-2019 10:24 AM

Oh, man, I'm so sorry to hear that.

fargon 01-04-2019 10:33 AM

That sux, Fuck cancer.

Glinda 01-04-2019 12:06 PM

Thanks, guys. She's young, very fit, and I expect she'll get through this without too much drama. But, still.

Hopefully, she's got her grandma's cancer-fighting genes. In her mid-30s (same age as my niece), my mom beat thyroid cancer. In her 50s, she beat breast cancer. In her 60s, she beat breast cancer again. And throughout her life, she had multiple skin melanomas, all of which she beat. Cancer took several whacks at my mother, but she kicked its ass to the curb every time. She lived to be 91, and cancer isn't what took her. I hope K can do the same.

Gravdigr 01-04-2019 01:14 PM


xoxoxoBruce 01-04-2019 03:41 PM

My buddy went to the doctors about 6 years ago and he said you have cancer, third stage, nothing I can do, try hospice. So he tried two other doctors and they turned him away also.

His ace in the hole was he has a niece who teaches at Harvard Medical School. She sent him to a doctor doing research in the Philly area. That doctor made him sign eleventeen forms absolving the doctor and practice of any and all liability, then tried several things he’d been working on with varying degrees of success.
They did remove all the lymph nodes from one side of his body last year. He looks like shit but he seems to be hanging in there, going to work most every day.

There will never be “A cure for Cancer” because it’s a blanket term for a bunch of different diseases with different causes/effects. Besides, the guy/gal who says they’ve found a cure for cancer would be immediately lynched by vigilante doctors for drying up the research money putting thousands out of work. Oh, and Jenny McCarthy would say it’s dangerous.

Don’t give up, never give up, there’s always hope and medical progress every day.

Glinda 01-04-2019 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1022484)
My buddy went to the doctors about 6 years ago and he said you have cancer, third stage, nothing I can do, try hospice. So he tried two other doctors and they turned him away also.

His ace in the hole was he has a niece who teaches at Harvard Medical School. She sent him to a doctor doing research in the Philly area. That doctor made him sign eleventeen forms absolving the doctor and practice of any and all liability, then tried several things he’d been working on with varying degrees of success.
They did remove all the lymph nodes from one side of his body last year. He looks like shit but he seems to be hanging in there, going to work most every day.

There will never be “A cure for Cancer” because it’s a blanket term for a bunch of different diseases with different causes/effects. Besides, the guy/gal who says they’ve found a cure for cancer would be immediately lynched by vigilante doctors for drying up the research money putting thousands out of work. Oh, and Jenny McCarthy would say it’s dangerous.

Don’t give up, never give up, there’s always hope and medical progress every day.

Yes. Yes. Yes. ^^^All of that.^^^

I have hope for medical marijuana research, too. Now that it's possible for doctors and researchers to do actual testing and experimentation, I think we're going to find all kinds of beneficial results from the lowly weed, up to and including effective treatments (preventative/palliative/possible cures?) for various types of cancer, pain relief, and psychological issues.

Feds Call For Even More Marijuana Research After Hosting Cannabis Workshop

BigV 01-05-2019 12:22 PM

Glinda, I'm sorry to hear about the unsettling news from your niece. It sounds like she's got a lot of variables on her side, good for her. The dream does sound weird, even to a dedicated humanist like me. Obviously I have no explanations and I've had similar experiences, "Oh hey, cousin who I haven't talked to in decades, I woke last night with your name on my lips!" "Yes, I dreamt of you too!". Straight up weird.

Glinda 01-06-2019 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 1022543)
Glinda, I'm sorry to hear about the unsettling news from your niece. It sounds like she's got a lot of variables on her side, good for her. The dream does sound weird, even to a dedicated humanist like me. Obviously I have no explanations and I've had similar experiences, "Oh hey, cousin who I haven't talked to in decades, I woke last night with your name on my lips!" "Yes, I dreamt of you too!". Straight up weird.

Yeah. I'm a pragmatist and not what anyone would call a spiritual person, but this dream thing is just out there.

Both my mother and her (only sibling) sister had occasional psychic (?) things happen in their lives - premonitions, sudden feelings of an emergency that panned out, and whatnot. I never have . . . until now?

I have to say, if mom and dad are keeping an eye on the family and are able to get some sort of message to me in times of need, I'm heartened and happy. I miss them terribly and I'm comforted by the idea that they're watching over me/us.

Who's to say? Maybe it's all a coincidence, but I find that pretty hard to believe, given the circumstances.


Clodfobble 01-06-2019 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Glinda
I have to say, if mom and dad are keeping an eye on the family and are able to get some sort of message to me in times of need, I'm heartened and happy.

It's interesting to me how many people attribute this sort of phenomenon to dead people intervening, rather than there being some sort of psychic connection between them and the actual living person. Maybe it's less scary to see oneself as an innocent bystander to the phenomenon, rather than an active but unknowing participant. To me, if we're deciding between the two, it makes much more sense for a signal to exist between living brains than a dead soul using decidedly living-person methods--observing events, then communicating a message based on a free will desire for change--to influence a reality they're no longer a part of. Not saying either one is completely impossible, it just seems like one is a much more logical extension than the other. But that's just me.

xoxoxoBruce 01-06-2019 11:44 AM

Thinking is the best way to travel but if you wake up, or just rouse to semi-consciousness, you don't know how/where/why you are there.

Undertoad 01-06-2019 12:18 PM

Ten-years-ago-me says, our brains are designed to find patterns, but sometimes there are just patterns with no meaning. There was always a probability that a dream about a family member would happen, and then news be delivered about that same family member at about the same time. We just don't take notice of these sorts of coincidences until they happen. We can kind of dismiss the dream.

Today-me says, your value in your parents means that they *are* always "watching down on you" -- as they continue to exist and operate on you in your unconscious mind. Their impact on your life continues, and so they are affecting reality in the present time, even though they are not physically there. Since the metaphorical meaning is real, the dream is real. We dismiss it at our peril.

Glinda 01-06-2019 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1022618)
It's interesting to me how many people attribute this sort of phenomenon to dead people intervening, rather than there being some sort of psychic connection between them and the actual living person. Maybe it's less scary to see oneself as an innocent bystander to the phenomenon, rather than an active but unknowing participant. To me, if we're deciding between the two, it makes much more sense for a signal to exist between living brains than a dead soul using decidedly living-person methods--observing events, then communicating a message based on a free will desire for change--to influence a reality they're no longer a part of. Not saying either one is completely impossible, it just seems like one is a much more logical extension than the other. But that's just me.

I get your point, but the truth is, throughout my life my niece and I never spent any time together (except during the 1.5 years when I traveled to SoCal a few days per month to take care of my folks, and even then it was only a few minutes here or there). We've never called or emailed or texted. She's an international flight attendant and my brother and his wife take care of her son when she's on the job - I've spent FAR more time with her son than with her; she and I were never "close," literally or figuratively.

Oh, we get along just fine, but there's no deep bond that might be considered "a psychic connection."

At least, I can't feature it. :confused:

xoxoxoBruce 01-07-2019 12:26 AM

Since she's kin you know, but neither really friend nor foe, she can't play any role in the story your head produces. The timing could be entirely coincidental, you didn't catch what Mom was about, and Dad looking for something in your room that was probably on his computer at work doesn't make much sense.

What I want to know is why you deny having a big teddy bear?
That's nothing to be ashamed of.
Maybe you don't, maybe you just desire a big bear. Rowr.

Flint 01-07-2019 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1022625)
Today-me says, your value in your parents means that they *are* always "watching down on you" -- as they continue to exist and operate on you in your unconscious mind. Their impact on your life continues, and so they are affecting reality in the present time, even though they are not physically there. Since the metaphorical meaning is real, the dream is real. We dismiss it at our peril.

Yes. People--families, friends, exist as an interconnected web. Everyone has a sphere of connectedness where their personal patterns influence the patterns that comprise the people around them, and vice versa. The pattern convergence is palpable for deeper, closer connections.

When you remove one person's personal pattern from the web of connectedness, everything about them that was reflected in their connections with others remains completely intact, and it never goes away.

How much of what a person "is" is this? In one way of thinking, it's most of what they are.

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