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It's exciting. Post a picture.
But last night, I was reading through the owner's manual, and discovering all this little neat things the car does that I hadn't realized when we looked at it. Nothing major, but things like I didn't realize the clock would also display the outside temperature if you pushed the little button next to it. Things like that. So I'm starting to feel good about it. |
Many thanks for the kind thoughts expressed - Mr Limey has a touch of pneumonia and will be kept in hospital for the next day or two on IV antibiotics, nebulisers and all the delights that the NHS can provide. I'm feeling better - I hope he will be, too, soon!
I'm glad they are taking care of him, Limey!
Me too! And I'm glad the new car thang is turning out OK. It's nice when you discover the good-but-hitherto-unknown-little-things in your new one, innit!
If he's spending another night in the hospital, does that mean you have the house to youself? You can crank the stereo and dance around in your underwear like Tom Cruise in Risky Business.
Plus I was driving my partner of 12 years to his slaughter.... I almost started :cry: ...but made it through and now have a shiny red tank parked in my driveway. Jim begged me not to name him (thanks for all your help, Jim), so of course I did, even though it's not my norm. Cars that get named generally aquire that name years down the road due to some event or characteristic they are revealed to have. So feel free to guess away...... (oop, thread hijack ....like I give a fuck :D: ) Tell ya what, I'll post a pic in the new car thead and we can move the guessing game to there, should anyone feel like participating. |
Glad to hear Mr. Limey's doing better! Take care of yourself as well, now! :)
First chemo is tomorrow. I'm still healing from the second skin graft but they don't want to delay any longer, so here goes. I just get to be extra OCD about sterilizing everything.
Got my groceries stocked up, got my remedies and green tea, got my comedy CDs and panda t-shirt and grizzly bear baseball cap. I decided to let myself be just a teeny bit nervous about this - magical thinking - because I went into surgery figuring it'd be straightforward and yikes ... so if I'm a little nervous, maybe that anaphylactic reaction won't happen tomorrow ... :rolleyes: |
nervous sounds reasonable, courageous.
you remember courage? action in the face of justified fear? You have it. |
nah, no anaphylactic reaction- they give you IV steroids. The stuff they gave me was a deep purpley-red. Reminded me of pomegrenat seeds. What are you getting? Taxotere and ACT was what I got. In that order. it's usually the other way around.
got any ativan? ambien? I'd advise you treat yourself to one of them along with your jammies, etc. How many doses are you getting? are you getting them in the hosp. or the onco's office? |
Yeah, I've got the steroids today and for the next three days ... still a chance, but much less. It's the Taxotere that's problematic. That's what I mean - it's a small chance, so a little magical thinking should take care of it, rather than being all confident like I was in September. ;)
I've got some Ativan - I'll bring it along just in case. I'm getting six cycles, TC - taxotere and cyclophosphamide. No adriamycin (the A in ACT). Our hospital has an infusion center, so it's half and half - a bit more intensive than an office but not admitted to hospital. |
IF you can keep us up to date with how you're doing. You might be too tired.
Sleep, ask people for favors and best wishes for tomorrow, sweetie. |
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