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ZenGum 02-10-2013 10:17 PM

Oh come on, you cynic. It clearly says it was "Verifed" by Visa, there at the bottom. Have a little trust!

xoxoxoBruce 02-10-2013 10:25 PM

That shit was one of the stories on 60 Minutes tonight, fucking up peoples credit ratings over charge accounts, loans and mortgages they never had.:(

footfootfoot 02-10-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 852240)
Oh come on, you cynic. It clearly says it was "Verifed" by Visa, there at the bottom. Have a little trust!

Not to pick nits, but it clearly said Verifiedby Visa. :3eye:


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 852243)
That shit was one of the stories on 60 Minutes tonight, fucking up peoples credit ratings over charge accounts, loans and mortgages they never had.:(

In my case they'd be fucking up the credit rating I never had either.:rotflol:

Sundae 02-11-2013 05:44 AM

Ah - sorry, Foots.
I meant to tell you about that.

There was just such a cute little cat TV on eBay and well, you will leave your card details lying around. Diz says thank you. Although he prefers the box it was shipped in...

ZenGum 02-11-2013 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 852245)
Not to pick nits, but it clearly said Verifiedby Visa. :3eye:

No, the other bottom. The lower one.

Well, VerifedbyVisa, really.

Sundae 02-11-2013 08:42 AM

Going to the cinema tomorrow. Les Mis probably, it's on at the right time. Costs less at lunchtime too, but there are only early showings at the start of the week.

Was gifted a snow day today, so haven't had to pretend.
Tomorrow afternoon I go to see Seb (counselling) so I'll lay it all out and ask for advice.
He might know someone who needs a volunteer. Probably not in his line of work, given that I am newly recovering. But it's worth asking.

Barring that I'll just knock on some doors. Anywhere that needs a pair of hands will do I guess.

Mum & I have arranged to go to Borough Market (London) on the Thursday of half term. Looking forward to it. Money for the fare is an issue - you know me, money is always an issue :) but I think I can swing it. It's a great place just to look, even if you can't buy. I'd love to go there and treat her to the famous street food, or one of the top-end eateries that do marvellous deals there. But all-in-all I think we'll just enjoy the day together. Walking, talking, sniffing, asking for free samples...!

Camera will be coming along for the ride. Brace yourselves for my usual lengthy write-up.

ZenGum 02-11-2013 09:31 AM

*thinking* ....

Can you really keep this under wraps? With your mum's community wide gossip network on the job? Would a forced exposure be worse than a controlled disclosure?

Talk to this counsellor person. Good luck.

Sundae 02-11-2013 10:43 AM

Mum doesn't know anyone from school.
Well, Maureen who suggested I volunteered there, but that was only because it was annouced in her church that they needed volunteers. C of E, not Catholic - Mum knows no-one else from there.

Also it's being kept on the QT by the school. Suspicions about whether an LSA is capable of fulfilling her role does not reflect well on the school and would never be disclosed to parents.

Can't say anything else. I do believe I am free from blame regarding this instance. And even that is probably too much.

Also, Mum is the kind of person who doesn't necessarily place much value on honesty. We have so many elephants in our living room I'm surprised there is room to breathe. I was amazed at things that came out at Grandad's 80th. A cousin had to live with them for a few years because of spousal abuse, another spent time in prison after robbing his superior officer in WWII, Cousin T got a 15 yo pregnant (mother a prostitute, father a Chinese sailor.)

And yet I was the disgrace of the family because I got divorced. Ho-hum.
Mum was right though. She said I'd leave him and break his heart. Can't fault her there.

We're a funny old bunch.

footfootfoot 02-11-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 852287)
No, the other bottom. The lower one.

Well, VerifedbyVisa, really.

OMG you're right! I didn't notice that. Now, I'm beginning to get suspicious.:eyebrow:

footfootfoot 02-11-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 852302)
Can you really keep this under wraps? With your mum's community wide gossip network on the job? Would a forced exposure be worse than a controlled disclosure?


Possibly said by Sundae:
" the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me...

for this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of being your daughter..."
<-- crazy, but it just may work.


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 852339)
Suspicions about whether an LSA is capable of fulfilling her role does not reflect well on the school and would never be disclosed to parents.

Leeds Softball Academy? London Stanstead Airport?


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 852339)
Mum is the kind of person who doesn't necessarily place much value on honesty. We have so many elephants in our living room I'm surprised there is room to breathe. I was amazed at things that came out at Grandad's 80th. A cousin had to live with them for a few years because of spousal abuse, another spent time in prison after robbing his superior officer in WWII, Cousin T got a 15 yo pregnant (mother a prostitute, father a Chinese sailor.)

And yet I was the disgrace of the family because I got divorced.

Clearly you disgraced her because you were slacking in comparison to the rest of your family.;)

Sundae 02-11-2013 02:29 PM

Learning Support Assistant :p:
I am very slightly less important than the Pope. But good call otherwise.

monster 02-11-2013 05:32 PM

I hear there's a vacancy at the vatican, Sundae. Board and lodgings are included and wifi with your own twitter account. Exotic city, randy locals.....

there are some very wise people here if you need to really talk. I often read in awe at the sageness of their advice. meanwhile at least half term is coming so you can lie in legitimately.


infinite monkey 02-12-2013 08:37 AM

So when a(NOTHER) consultant comes in...this one another 'compliance' person, would you think it odd that when you introduce yourself she says "Oh, your name is all over some of his reports."

I did a jokey "WHAAAAAAAA?" and she just smiled and nodded her head vigorously.

Whose reports? My hope is that our IntDir, who IS helping me and seems sympathetic to my unique plight, has shown that compliance on MY responsibilities has always taken a back seat to the Fiasco of the Month. No matter how I've asked for helpz.

But I'm not going to try to predict the future (the future being 11:30 today) or even worry about it. The options are clear, and I've been prepared for anything since my time in the bin. This new attitude affords a certain kind of inner peace, as opposed to the other feeling of being trapped and at the mercy of everyone.

I, for one, welcome my (getting there) calmer internal overlord.

glatt 02-12-2013 09:01 AM

I'll be really curious to hear how it goes. I'm glad you've got inner peace.

infinite monkey 02-12-2013 09:08 AM

I don't even have to listen to that to know Frank is bellowing "SERENITY NOW!"


Thanks, that was awesome.

edit: I see it says serenity now on the vid post but I still would've known. I've been rewatching Seinfeld from 7-8 every night. It keeps me laughing.

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