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monster 08-12-2011 09:53 PM

He's unca unca uncapable of doin' it right

UncaDollas 08-13-2011 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 750001)
He's unca unca uncapable of doin' it right

I figured it out, sexbon is the best!!!

glatt 09-28-2011 05:25 PM

Hi Undertoad, when you get a chance, can you move today's IOTD images over to be hosted by the Cellar? I've got them linked via Flickr, and don't want to make them mad.

Undertoad 09-28-2011 05:37 PM

this is done

Aliantha 09-28-2011 07:47 PM

I know this question has been asked and answered before, but does the froth count as the level of the tip mug?

If so, can we just get rid of the froth to save confusion?

Undertoad 09-28-2011 07:49 PM

Froth counts half. If the mug is 100% full at the end of the month, I will switch it to iced tea.

Aliantha 09-28-2011 07:53 PM

So we're about 2/3 there? Another $40 or so is that right?

Undertoad 09-28-2011 08:07 PM

now more like 25% left, hit F5

BigV 09-29-2011 11:26 PM

Why does the text of the datestamp look different from the text of the timestamp in the column of Last Post under the screen New Posts?

Undertoad 09-30-2011 02:29 AM

that's kind of control freaky

BigV 09-30-2011 10:21 AM

I, like many of the other shaved apes here, am a pattern seeking animal. This difference disrupted the pattern and caught my attention. I'm not seeking to control it, I am just curious about it.

Gravdigr 10-03-2011 04:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The most users ever online here at the Cellar was 1,719, on Sept 30, 2007, @ 10:10 in the am.

Was this a special event, or just chance?

Sundae 10-03-2011 04:44 PM

Don't know the answer, but know it's been asked.
I'm too lazy to look for the answer for you.


glatt 10-03-2011 04:46 PM

IIRC, the biggest hit the Cellar ever took was the Foam on the Air Force Base IOTD. I think Toad eventually had to take those images down for good because they were killing us so much. I think that's where all the visitors came from.

Undertoad 10-03-2011 04:48 PM

It was special, I can't even remember what it was that time. (the foam happened earlier)

Once in a while The Cellar dangles something shiny, and they all come over and consume it at once, until the creaking old server can't manage, interrupting our day.

They never stay or even offer a single thanks.

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