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jaguar 07-14-2004 01:39 PM

Sasycat 08-24-2004 01:53 PM

Can somebody please help me?
Can somebody please help me out ? I am wondering how to create my own post.

Thx :3eye:

xoxoxoBruce 08-24-2004 05:46 PM

You just did. :eyebrow:
Do you mean start a thread?

perth 08-24-2004 05:49 PM

And more importantly, will you abuse this knowledge?

lumberjim 12-10-2004 01:26 AM

did you recently limit the search results to 500 when viewing "all posts by this user", or am I all fucked up?

Undertoad 12-10-2004 01:28 AM

B... I didn't change anything

BigV 12-10-2004 02:03 AM


The date and time of the post is relative to what? My local time? Poster's local time?


Undertoad 12-10-2004 02:09 AM

Your local time zone, which is set in the Options section of Your User Control Panel.

Now to sleep, before everyone decides that all I ever do in life is sit here waiting for questions.

BigV 12-10-2004 02:20 AM

thank you, sir

more questions later

Beestie 01-26-2005 12:25 PM

The "New Post" thing does not work the way I would like it to. I'm not sure what its doing but a lot of new posts don't show up when I click new Posts. However, when I just go back to the home page, I see lots of forums with the "new post" icon that were not represented in the new post summary.

When I purge cookies and come to the Cellar as a not logged in guest, there is a button for "Today's Posts" (posts with the last 24 hours) that lists any thread with action in the last 24 hours in descending order. This is **much** better for me but, when I log into the Cellar with a cookie (where I don't have to sign in) that option is not available.

Is there anyway for a logged-in user to access or otherwise reproduce the functionality of the "today's posts" button? Logging off and reloading is currently the only way but then I have to log on to reply which loses the list. Grrrrr.

BigV 02-16-2005 11:38 AM


I am struggling to duplicate an effect seen in many posts. That is having a post I make that includes a quote display:


Originally posted by Poster:
blah blah blah
Is there a way to automate this? I can make it all come out purty like, but only by manually placing the quote tags and the bold tags, etc. The other posts all look so consistent that I wondered if there was an automated way to do this instead of simply being a stunning example of following a layout convention (extremely unlikely, given the variety of input sources here...)

Thanks in advance.

Happy Monkey 02-16-2005 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by BigV
Is there a way to automate this?

On the post you want to quote, push the "Quote" button at the bottom, and delete the part of the quoted text you aren't responding to. When you do this, you can also see the syntax for doing it manually.

BigV 02-16-2005 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hoppy Mankey
On the post you want to quote, push the "Quote" button at the bottom, and delete the part of the quoted text you aren't responding to. When you do this, you can also see the syntax for doing it manually.

Ahhhh, thank you verrrrry much. I was unable to find the "Quote" button because I began all my posts by choosing the "Go Advanced" or "Post Quick Reply" buttons. That makes the system change the mode and hides the "Quote" button.

I never thought to begin a post by quoting someone. That's a reasonable response for someone who's as in love with his own voice as I seem to be...*embarassed*

BigV 02-17-2005 09:27 PM

Skimmed whole cellar-related thread from beginning but,
I could not find an answer to my question, neither could I find a thread that had a better title, so...

I realize this is probably a browser problem, but I can not get some of the things to work in the cellar. Specifically, when replying, the Manage attachments button is NON-functional, and the [More] link in the smilies box is also TU.

I don't mind using 150 words to approximate a little spinning blinking ball with sunglasses, but to have to describe a freakin attachment is givin me writer's cramp.

Please help.

For the record, here's the profile, roughly:
XP SP2, fully patched as of 15 Feb 2005
Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0 StumbleUpon/1.999

the behavior is repeatable, but did not always happen. I think I have posted a pic before. Sorry, my system changes to much too fast to say which was the last change before the buttons stopped working.

Thanks in advance.

Undertoad 02-17-2005 10:35 PM

Re-configure your pop-up blocker. Both those items open new windows.

Permit anything from, you will never get burnt here.

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