The Cellar

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classicman 01-28-2017 02:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
OK, so this has been happening for a few months now. Or - I noticed this happening a few months ago. Notice the color is different in the 2nd thread?
I've seen this on 3-4 different threads over the last few months. It seems to stay that way for an indeterminate amount of time. Can anyone explain what is causing it? Curious more than anything.

Gravdigr 01-28-2017 05:02 PM

Same color on my screen.

On second scrutinization, it may be a teensy shade darker, but not by much. And it may just be my eyes.

Not much help am I?

Gravdigr 02-03-2017 02:00 PM

Would the recent changes here on the Cellar affect TinEye searches?

Currently, I right-click on a pic, click Search Image On TinEye. ATM, I can not get any results from pics on the Cellar.

glatt 02-03-2017 02:07 PM

Interesting. I tried searching for one of my bandsaw pics. Did you know I built a bandsaw?

I did it through Google image search and it led me to the Cellar.

But then I realized you said TinEye, so I searched there, and they couldn't find the bandsaw thread. I made a bandsaw!

Flint 02-03-2017 02:08 PM

Folks, folks, we can't lose sight of the real issue here--glatt made a bandsaw!!

glatt 02-03-2017 02:14 PM


Gravdigr 02-03-2017 02:16 PM

I may have read something about that.

Undertoad 02-03-2017 02:16 PM

:( they don't care about us or the saw

Flint 02-03-2017 02:27 PM

saw ur finger off and post a FAIL! video, then we'll talk

classicman 02-03-2017 06:40 PM

Not sorry, that wuz funnies.

sexobon 03-17-2017 06:50 PM

Someone has accessed Sundae's account. I wonder who?

Flint 03-17-2017 06:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)

classicman 03-21-2017 12:02 AM

She mentioned that she was leaving her brother the password years ago. I don't know why I remembered that, but I bet its somehow searchable, maybe.

Dude111 03-22-2017 03:49 AM

I really love this place..... A good place to be and on excellent software!!

sexobon 04-16-2017 10:15 AM

On the Who's Online page @approx. 10AM, there was a ton of guest listings Replying to thread with red stop sign icons indicating they're Viewing no permission message. Would that be an attempted spam attack? If so, can you tell whether it's manual; or, automated?

ETA: 10:45 AM and they're still coming. It seems to happen in waves, must be automated.

ETAA: 11:40 and still at it. This place must be popular.

ETAA&A: Must be an Easter Spamathon.

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