The Cellar

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Gravdigr 01-27-2019 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1024187)
You and Diego belong with the beautiful people. :thumb:

Whaddaya babbling about?:eyebrow:

They ARE the beautiful ppl!!

Glinda 01-27-2019 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by fargon (Post 1024263)
Is it legal there?

Well . . . not exactly. :rolleyes: It's a lot more expensive than I would have thought, though - $20/gram for the good stuff, if you can get it.

Fortunately, my nephew has quite a wide collection of friends. Hell, everywhere we go - LITERALLY everywhere we go, people stop him and want to chat or drink a beer together.

We walked down Sosua beach looking for a place to eat dinner at sunset this evening and along the way we met five or six people who wanted to say hello. A store owner/friend of his gave me a deal on some tourist t-shirts. On the drive home through town, two different people stopped us in the road to chat a bit. It's like old home week around here, every day. :cool:

Glinda 01-28-2019 05:23 PM

A summer cold is a different animal,
He wants to share your summer fun but you don't want him to.

So, yeah. Some cootified fuck on flight one or flight two shared his/her germs with me, and a few days later I'm one sick puppy. Never fails. Why me, Jebus!??

Bad, scratchy throat yesterday; lung funk today. After wandering around Cabarete beach this afternoon, and enjoying lunch by the ocean, we came home and I slept for four fucking hours with the fan on "hurricane." Wheee.

Bought some expectorant and Nyquill. I shall sleep the sleep of the dead tonight and hopefully will rise a bit less wiped out in the morning. :greenface

By the way, during our travels this afternoon, we ran across another three or four people my nephew knows. Literally . . . driving past a construction site, two guys came out to the road to visit. Someone having lunch at the restaurant was one of Catherine's good friends. What the hell!? Who is this guy? James Bond?

monster 01-28-2019 07:42 PM

the local dealer?

Glinda 01-28-2019 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 1024360)
the local dealer?

I'm certain it's possible, but my understanding is that the basic cold cooties take roughly 36 - 48 hours to start fucking you up, and the bud didn't show up until day two. Either way, I'm indulging in OTC cures, lots of fresh tropical fruits and juices, and engaging in some moderate self-medication. :rolleyes: :joint:

fargon 01-28-2019 08:49 PM

Sorry to hear that you are sick. Summer colds suck.

monster 01-28-2019 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Glinda (Post 1024361)
I'm certain it's possible, but my understanding is that the basic cold cooties take roughly 36 - 48 hours to start fucking you up, and the bud didn't show up until day two. Either way, I'm indulging in OTC cures, lots of fresh tropical fruits and juices, and engaging in some moderate self-medication. :rolleyes: :joint:

I meant your nephew ;) Maybe that's why everyone knows him and goes out of their way to keep on good terms. Maybe the person you are buying from id lower down the chain/s decoy.... :p sorry about your cold though. Air travel sucks that way. My MIL is always sick a couple of days after arrival

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2019 12:37 AM

What she said ;)

Glinda 01-29-2019 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 1024365)
I meant your nephew ;) Maybe that's why everyone knows him and goes out of their way to keep on good terms. Maybe the person you are buying from id lower down the chain/s decoy.... :p sorry about your cold though. Air travel sucks that way. My MIL is always sick a couple of days after arrival

Oh, gotcha. I doubt he's "the man." He and his wife barely scrape by, and they typically smoke junk weed. I'm the one that asked for and paid for the good stuff, and my nephew had to go through some hoops to get it. Plus, there are no phone calls or random visits at the house, day or night.

I think it's more likely that Craig and Catherine are just lovely, genuine people. It doesn't hurt that they've got a massive, gorgeous dog and are in the process of trying to sell the puppies. Word gets around, you know? ;)

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2019 11:32 AM

Plus they've been accompanied by this hot babe lately.:yesnod:

Gravdigr 01-29-2019 04:09 PM

There's that.:D

Glinda 01-29-2019 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1024414)
Plus they've been accompanied by this hot babe lately.:yesnod:


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 1024432)
There's that.:D

Aw, shucks. :blush:

Lazy day today. I helped Craig clean the kitchen and living room, did laundry, napped, smoked. Still feeling crappy, but better than yesterday.

The Hungarian family came by this afternoon to take Pepe home with them. The wife is going to completely spoil that puppy!

Here's a snap of Craig's bastard rooster, Constantine. He used to have two girlfriends, but apparently he killed them in a fit of roosterish assholery. Now he wanders the yard with no one to keep him company. The other day that SOB came after me. Fuckin' roosters. :mad:

Gravdigr 01-29-2019 10:13 PM

Thanks for sharing a pic of your nephew's cock.


Happy Monkey 01-29-2019 10:45 PM

You better hope that image link doesn't break, Glinda.

xoxoxoBruce 01-30-2019 12:47 AM

Well the text will still be there to give her a plausible defense. :haha:

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