The Cellar

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Glinda 01-26-2019 08:50 AM

I could hang out here a bit longer if absolutely necessary. ;)

Yesterday, my niece-in-law had to work, so Craig and I did the grocery shopping, had lunch at a funky little sandwich shop where the ladies of the evening fuel up before starting their rounds, then stopped by the beach to dip my foot in the Atlantic.

The handsome young man in the pic with me is Diego, my nephew's horse, er . . . dog. Diego gets a LOT of looks wherever we go - I guess there aren't many American Bulldogs around here and the locals all point and stare but keep a very respectful distance. They obviously think he'll eat them, but he's the most mellow dude on the beach. He's papered/purebred; my nephew and his wife have bred him a few times (to their female AB, who died a few months ago - poisoned - just after she had her latest litter :( ). Diego does dad duty, along with my nephew.

Not sure what's on the schedule is for this evening, but this afternoon we're going to wash all these stinky dogs. That should be pretty entertaining. :D

Griff 01-26-2019 08:59 AM

Great looking doggos!

xoxoxoBruce 01-26-2019 10:42 AM

You and Diego belong with the beautiful people. :thumb:

Undertoad 01-26-2019 10:51 AM

Yah doggos and humans, looking good!

lumberjim 01-26-2019 11:04 AM

good to have a face to go with your name, Glinda. Now you're real. Welcome to my reality!

xoxoxoBruce 01-26-2019 11:12 AM

And she's keeping much better company these days.

glatt 01-26-2019 06:43 PM

Hi Glinda!

Glinda 01-26-2019 09:59 PM

Hi glatt! Hey lumberjim!

Weekend – island time. Slept in, lounged, smoked, washed dogs, did errands and were followed home by a Hungarian gypsy family that wanted to know more about Diego (weird, right?). They want a puppy for their son. Napped. Friends stopped by with some bud (also potential puppy parents). Went to town for some street food (enh – I think I ate dog.). Caught up on the Trump fuckaree (Roger Stone. HAH!)

We didn't eat at this place, but I enjoyed their menu:

xoxoxoBruce 01-26-2019 10:44 PM

Are you cursed with unconsciously editing everything you see in print?
Your hair is lovely. :thumb2:

Glinda 01-26-2019 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1024228)
Are you cursed with unconsciously editing everything you see in print?

Oh, yes. It follows me wherever I go. I work hard to turn it off when out in the world, but I find it nearly impossible to ignore "professional" advertising. People are easily forgiven; corporations aren't. ;)


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1024228)
Your hair is lovely. :thumb2:

Thank you! I added the purple a few Halloweens ago and got so many compliments, I decided it would be my new normal.

My cell phone finally processed a pic of Catherine, my niece-in-law. She's not only beautiful, she's a lovely, sweet, positive, kind, generous human (just don't piss her off; she will cut you). :D

xoxoxoBruce 01-26-2019 11:49 PM

She looks and radiates happy. :thumb:
It also looks like you may gain a pound or two while you're there.

Griff 01-27-2019 09:20 AM

Lovely! What's cooking?

Glinda 01-27-2019 09:58 AM

You mean the pic above? Catherine whipped up a cheese, onion, salami, and homemade aioli sammie (toasted under the broiler) for snacks yesterday afternoon. Yumm.

RFN? We just fired up the bong. :bong: :D

Griff 01-27-2019 12:56 PM

Nice and nice!

fargon 01-27-2019 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Glinda (Post 1024249)
RFN? We just fired up the bong. :bong: :D

Is it legal there?

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