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Dang because I have this pain in my leg for 6 weeks. It's a 1 out of 10, it only hurts when I twist one particular way, and I can't even duplicate that. It just sometimes happens that it hurts, sometimes. Do you think this dirt application is a good remedy here?
. . |
LOUIS CK has advice for everything
(humor, psychosomatic) |
This is true. I have to say this, more or less, to people almost every day. Maybe I should use this video. Lamp's and sexobon's recommendations hold for most things. Don't do that. And if you do, apply the dirt to your head. Dang, these guys will put me out of bizness. |
So, something else is making me apprehensive, but I had to laugh at the Louis CK vid.
Unfortunately I can't post it here because it may go to court. Plus, my staff have all gone middle-school drama on me and are acting, truly, like Mean Girls. What is that? I offered to buy them lunch on Friday for the weekly lunchtime staff meeting, and they all put on their coats and marched (ostentatiously) out the door and stayed away the entire lunch hour. A lunch hour, I might add, that they only enjoy because I went to bat for them and made it happen. Before I arrived, the other two docs whose feet they want to kiss didn't give a squat whether the staff ate lunch, and the staff never had a designated lunch time. So, I have learned that lobbying for humane working conditions for one's staff earns one a cowpie in the face, lobbed by said staff. Hm. For therapy, I have started weaving again. I took some pics today as I was working on a new project and will post them in a hobby thread, if my chemobrain recalls the way to post pics. Back to weaving. I'm really enjoying this, wish I'd gotten back to it earlier. Maybe I'll just keep weaving and forget to go to work Monday morning. |
Sigh. Chemobrain will not permit me to upload pics the way I used to ... :(
Oh well. Trying to learn not to give any fucks re work, and chemobrain makes itself felt at inopportune moments. If I try to work at my loom any more tonight I will undoubtedly make major errors that will require hours to repair. |
Bruce Jenner's private life has gone public. What's next ?
Sometimes the press should just leave things well enough alone. |
Yeah, I hesitate to even call them the press. If Bruce decided to tell his story that's one thing but this pursuit is ugliness. Paparazzi.
You mean Bruce Jenner of the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and who is reportedly in the works for his own new reality show? The one who was just involved in a car accident that had a fatality and they say he might have been messing with his phone? That Bruce? Yeah, why should anyone peep into such a private life? ;)
Point 1 being that being part of the absolute unreal REALITY show ever rather negates any complaints about his lack of privacy. He checked that at the door. Point 2 being that if a celebrity (and I suppose a reality show guy, and former olympic decathlon winner qualifies for that title) is in an accident involving a fatality, then damn tootin' it's going to be in the news. Right or not, those sorts of things make the news. Or are you trying to make it about intolerance of his transgenderism? I don't see how that figures in to the recent flurry of news. |
I was just thinking, remember when it was 9/12/2001 and nobody gave 1 shit about vapid culture? That feeling went on for a good 3 months. Is there some way we could get back to that attitude without a national tragedy?
I'm gonna guess no.
It's funny you mention it, back then I used to check CNN's website every morning (as I ate my usual breakfast of powdered sugar donuts and a Sprite, but that's a different story...) and I specifically remember that they took away their "Oddball News" section after Sept. 11th, and you're right, it took about 3 months before they brought it back. Then after that it took maybe another 3 years before the entire site became that kind of story. |
Whoops, I guess I need to watch more tv?
I guess if the choice is vapid culture or whoring out for the next war maybe I choose the easily ignored vapid culture. |
Another damned job application. I might as well shred my resume and flush the pieces.
Are you still with the A. D. But looking to move on, or are you available to the industry, as they say?
I don't know what A. D. means, but I am looking to move on from my current situation. I am clearly past my sell-by date.
I know that feeling. Good luck with the search.
I, too, am intimately familiar with that feeling, aaaaand not in the good way. I don't have a recipe for success, but I do know you have to keep grinding away. Keep the faith man. |
Good Luck! Focus forward.
I was telling the legal girl who I am assisting that it ain't an easy job market out there. Keep on trying. Focus forward, as classic said.
"Legal Girl"? A super hero?
I thought that was barely legal girl?
Another damn exam ... after reading/studying for weeks, then cramming and a marathon weekend course to finalize the anxiety. If I get it, it may be my path to a reasonable retirement (assuming I live that long, haha). Just finished the exam, won't know for 4 weeks, so I guess it's time to forget about it and enjoy an evening in Orlando (?).
FFS Hebe open your goddamned email and find out. ugh
oh and my new job offers health insurance and Beest's work dictates I have to take it. that is making me aprehensive
'you mean, BOFUS? |
I'm glad to see someone remembers that joke besides me. |
My neighbor, Mary. Really sweet little old lady. We've been helping her out for years, shoveling her driveway and taking her garbage cans to to curb, helping to bring her groceries in if we happen to see her get back from the store. She must be 90 or so.
Her daughter in CA calls her every evening at 5PM, and yesterday, Mary didn't answer. So the daughter called my wife. Wife went over and knocked on the back door and peeked in the window and saw Mary on the floor in the living room, not moving. So she went back into our house and called the daughter back. At this point, I got home from work. So the daughter gave us permission to enter the house (we have a key) and told us that her mom has a DNR, so if she's not breathing to just leave her alone. I knocked on the front door, and used the key to undo the deadbolt, and pushed the door open, and Mary screamed "Who's there?" Scared the shit out of me. I was expecting to be dealing with a body. But Mary was on the floor, and she couldn't get herself up. And when my wife and I tried to gently help her up into a nearby chair, she felt a sharp pain in her back, so we stopped. Called the daughter on the cell phone. Gave the phone to Mary, and Mary proceeded to make it sound like everything was all just fine and there was no cause for concern at all. Had the daughter completely convinced even though this entire conversation took place with Mary on the floor in a loose fetal position. Then gave the phone back to us and we told the daughter the mom was still on the floor. So we all decided it was time for 911. Mary was strongly opposed to that. She wanted us to leave her on the floor. The paramedics were great. Nice and calming. They obviously do this all the time and know just what to say. They also had trouble moving her without causing pain, but they rolled her gently onto the stretcher placed on the floor right next to her. She was mostly completely coherent, but had a few details that were just plain crazy. Like she said she hadn't fallen, but got down on the floor intentionally to check to see if our kids were home from school. And she thought she was on the bedroom floor, while we were in the living room. And she wanted her breakfast, even though it was 6PM. My wife drove to the ER to meet the ambulance and be with her until some other relatives who live 2 hours away could make it to the hospital. So it's too soon to tell, but I bet she doesn't come back. Her house isn't wheelchair accessible and she lives alone, so I don't think she can take care of herself any more. I think we're losing a good neighbor. And I'm apprehensive that the new neighbor won't be as good. The one thing that I'm really happy about, is that we can go visit her in the hospital and future assisted living facility at our own pace, and then just go home and not have to worry about her. She has her own family, and they are the ones who get to worry. We can just do what feels right for us instead of having any sort of obligation. That's so refreshing after 3-4 years of my FIL being in this same situation and we were on the hook there. |
I wish her the best.
As far as good neighbors go, I sincerely doubt you'll get any new ones better than the ones Mary has. |
Yeah right on V. The glatt's are solid peeps.
Monday Lil' Griff's college went through a bullshit bomb and shooter scare. She was locked down in the dorm room of next years roomies brothers girlfriend where she landed when they went into their emergency preparedness procedure while she was walking to class. They were locked down all day. They ate up all the popcorn and spent the day on netflix and texting us. They held up well. I was good until I started talking to people then my blood pressure went for a little trip up the scale. All is well at this point. The State Police doggies did a very thorough job and the college administration continues to impress. |
Glad it was a false alarm. That sucks though.
A simultaneous "Oh shit!/Oh, thank God!" moment. The former neighbors across the street used to call me/Popdigr occasionally to help the Mr. up when he'd fallen. He crawled out from under his truck after changing his oil one day, and his balance just never came back. We were always worried about him being hurt and not being aware of it til we'd moved him. Never happened, though. He was a tough old bastard, and I'm sure the biggest injury was to his pride. |
Its not the quite the same thing as happened with the samples I received (here), but still...
Mistaken Anthrax Shipments Still Being Located ABC News - May 28, 2015, 3:28 PM ET - LUIS MARTINEZ Quote:
Starting a new job today, and my new boss seems kind of cool, hope the other co workers are too.
Questionable "sign": I had a slight "90s ad mentos moment" on the way back from the interview - my shoe got it's sole ripped off nearly completely, so I just ripped off the rest, ripped off the other one and threw them at a nearby garbage can, continuing my walk as if nothing happened on shoes that are about one thin layer of leather away from the ground. While I feel good about the resourcefulness, there is a slight semi-superstitious instinct in the back of my head saying this must mean something in Jewish symbolism.... It's like the reverse mazal tov of breaking a glass in a wedding. |
My biggest client, representing 60% of my income, has just dispensed with my services. Because they were unsatisfactory, but they've not actually told me that until now.
What a good job that although it was core income, it wasn't my core activity, which I am good at :D Time to do some pro-active marketing ... and pull in our expenditure horns a leetle bit. |
So they found out you are actually work for M. Oh well, those types rarely stay in power long, so after the next purge you'll be good to go. In the mean time enjoy Summer, with bunnies and lambs and a brass band wafting on a fresh sea breeze. ;)
Sorry, limey. Hope you find something new soon!
Limey, you know that just means they can't afford you any more, right?
Not in this case, Monster. Someone else will be doing what I did, for the same money that I'd have been paid. Sent by thought transference |
Sorry about that Limey.
They will not be doing what you did, because you'd bring so much more to the job than they will. Glad it's not been devastating news; must still be hard to swallow though. |
Damn, that sucks. Sorry limey.
One door closes and all that. You'll get some new gigs and be better off for it. |
whs... chin up
as for having the surprise of their opinion of the "unsatisfactory" quality of your work, that's really frustrating. |
Sorry Limey.
I'm sorry :(
After 3 days of training - working for this new place - my potential boss says he "needs to think about it" ... On Sunday morning he spoke about it like a "sure thing" where I was meant to go register and do my first paid shift today, on Monday everything was smooth sailing without a hitch, and just as I was on the way he told me not to register yet because he needs time to think about it, and he is taking his sweet sweet time to do just that... Think faster, damn it. I want this job.
Minifob has a giant knot on the back of his head from a fall on the playground this afternoon. I didn't see it happen, the counselor says his butt took most of the impact, but that seems unlikely given that his butt doesn't hurt and his head looks like Mt. Vesuvius. The bump is a good 3 inches in diameter, at least an inch tall, easily visible from far away. Ice and time didn't reduce the swelling one bit, it might even be getting bigger, so now he's at the ER with Mr. Clod.
It's probably fine. But hemorrhaging in the skull is scary as shit to me, because it's all secret and hidden and just fucking kills you in your sleep with no warning. |
It's probably going to all be just fine. But good to get checked out. You didn't mention a headache or vision problems or anything like that, so it should be fine.
Just like the thread title says, it was too soon to tell. They sent him home with an ice pack, said they don't do a scan unless there are significant secondary symptoms like vomiting, dizziness, etc. But the nurse practitioner noted that I'm welcome to wake him up in the middle of the night if I want to check. Meh.
The scalp is one of the most highly vascular areas of the body. When bumped, it swells like crazy. When cut, it bleeds like crazy. That vasculature is also why you lose about 20% of your body heat through your scalp.
The RNNP probably used an ophthalmoscope to do a fundoscopic exam checking for papilledema which would be indicative of increased intracranial pressure. The RNNP may also have also used a sphygmomanometer to check his blood pressure more than once; because, widening pulse pressure (systolic number goes up while the diastolic goes down) is also indicative of increasing intracranial pressure. Had the signs and symptoms indicated it, he would probably already be on medications to reduce inflammation, pressure, and admitted for observation. You can monitor him at home for the symptoms of dizziness, vomiting, etc. ............................................................................ If you're a do it yourselfer, you can keep a drill handy in case the intracranial pressure spikes and you want to drill some bore holes to relieve it. Just be sure to disinfect the drill bits so no one gets an infection. Kids love to watch adults use power tools. |
You should approach trepanation with trepidation.
I've been unemployed for almost 2 months now. I've had several interviews, but apparently, I haven't quite been able to seal the deal. Just before I lost my job (it was a one-year grant funded gig and the funding wasn't renewed), my car blew up...and we live out in the suburbs.
I'm trying to stay positive, but it's incredibly challenging at times. I try to do a variety of things besides looking for jobs, but being out in the 'burbs sans vehicle makes that a bit of a challenge. Although some days, I can take the Mrs. to work and have the car for the day. I think the most important thing I've learned this go-round is that so much of who we are can be tied to what we do for a living...and that can be a dangerous thing. I've realized this before, but I'm trying to consciously move away from that. I am so much more than my occupation. I'm a finalist for a couple of positions...one in St. Louis and one in Chicago. I might actually hear back on them this week. Or maybe another of the 300 gigs I've applied to. I could use some good vibes/prayers/offerings, Dwellars. TIA. |
:comfort: |
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