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sexobon 08-31-2011 10:20 PM

Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little girl like you (and vice versa :p:).

monster 08-31-2011 10:41 PM

post below if you wanna felch gadaffi

Razzmatazz13 08-01-2012 03:19 AM

Oh hai, you dropped your thread.

Gravdigr 08-01-2012 04:39 PM


Welcome back Razz!

Razzmatazz13 08-01-2012 10:51 PM

I'd be offended but I'm not 100% sure what a felch I'll Google it later.


ZenGum 08-02-2012 07:18 AM

Hiya Razz!

Uhh ... don't google that.

At least, not in public.

Use Private Browsing, or delete your search history afterwards.

Spexxvet 08-02-2012 10:18 AM

Resurrected after 11 months. Hmmm...

Gravdigr 08-02-2012 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 (Post 822560)
I'd be offended but I'm not 100% sure what a felch I'll Google it later.


Heh, Razz, just be offended.


jimhelm 08-02-2012 06:32 PM

I've been waiting to call you a cock again, razz.

Welcome back, cock.

•spoken in to my phone

Razzmatazz13 08-02-2012 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 822611)
Uhh ... don't google that.

Good to know, I'll take your word for it.


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 822639)
Resurrected after 11 months. Hmmm...



Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 822731)
Heh, Razz, just be offended

Done, annnnd done.


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 822743)
I've been waiting to call you a cock again, razz.

Welcome back, cock.

•spoken in to my phone

Waiting all this time for little ole me? Aw shucks.

Sundae 09-21-2012 02:52 AM


No, nothing.
Just clearing my throat.

Griff 09-21-2012 07:02 AM

That Mitt Romney seems like a nice well-grounded boy.

sexobon 09-21-2012 05:09 PM

I've heard people say he's a mittwit; or, something like that.

richlevy 12-15-2012 10:47 AM

Happy Holidays!:santa:

Don't drink and drive.

:drunk: + :driving: = :dead:

Sundae 12-15-2012 03:05 PM

I haven't been in love for over a decade.
I need to fall in love.

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