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Happy Monkey 05-30-2007 04:28 PM

Highlight the text you want to make into a link, then press CTRL-k.

Tested in IE; I don't have Firefox available at the moment.

BigV 05-30-2007 06:47 PM



test failed.

I typed "test" Ctrl-a which highlighted the word test then Ctrl-k and nuttin. FF 2.0.3 here. This is in the quick reply box. Alt-s posts. Still searching.

It moves the cursor to the search box to the right of the address box in the browser. Must be a FF thang.

Happy Monkey 05-30-2007 06:50 PM

Oh, well. Try more CTRL-* commands. That's how I found K for IE.

BigV 05-30-2007 07:56 PM


Shawnee123 06-07-2007 04:21 PM

There was a pic I remember seeing some time ago, but couldn't break it down into a meaningful time frame. I searched and searched everything I could think of, and can't find it. I really wanted to see that pic again. Any cellar search advice? Is there a way to search for just posts with attached pictures?

glatt 06-07-2007 04:28 PM

Describe it to us. That may be the easiest way to find it.

Shawnee123 06-07-2007 04:29 PM

Nah. It's silly. :blush:

lumberjim 06-09-2007 06:07 PM

2 things:

1st: I'd like to see some post count stats for the last 2years by month.....totals

2nd: Is it possible to put the 'today's post' link ...that is currently inside the 'quick links' dropdown ...up there in the title bar near where 'New posts' currently resides?

Undertoad 06-09-2007 06:47 PM

Post counts by month

January 2001 - 244
February 2001 - 268
March 2001 - 383
April 2001 - 307
May 2001 - 451
June 2001 - 521
July 2001 - 540
August 2001 - 546
September 2001 - 741
October 2001 - 980
November 2001 - 956
December 2001 - 1381
January 2002 - 2460
February 2002 - 1219
March 2002 - 1259
April 2002 - 1336
May 2002 - 1664
June 2002 - 2326
July 2002 - 1613
August 2002 - 1549
September 2002 - 1856
October 2002 - 2061
November 2002 - 2466
December 2002 - 2531
January 2003 - 2604
February 2003 - 2164
March 2003 - 2945
April 2003 - 3132
May 2003 - 3323
June 2003 - 2446
July 2003 - 2405
August 2003 - 2984
September 2003 - 3616
October 2003 - 3727
November 2003 - 5469
December 2003 - 5791
January 2004 - 4797
February 2004 - 6148
March 2004 - 6550
April 2004 - 6062
May 2004 - 7313
June 2004 - 7276
July 2004 - 6292
August 2004 - 4185
September 2004 - 4085
October 2004 - 5115
November 2004 - 4539
December 2004 - 3742
January 2005 - 4467
February 2005 - 4813
March 2005 - 6266
April 2005 - 5618
May 2005 - 5743
June 2005 - 5780
July 2005 - 5808
August 2005 - 5899
September 2005 - 5672
October 2005 - 6005
November 2005 - 3740
December 2005 - 3339
January 2006 - 5184
February 2006 - 5201
March 2006 - 6226
April 2006 - 10122
May 2006 - 8216
June 2006 - 8507
July 2006 - 7611
August 2006 - 9094
September 2006 - 7721
October 2006 - 11841
November 2006 - 11413
December 2006 - 9756
January 2007 - 8741
February 2007 - 7143
March 2007 - 10059
April 2007 - 10333
May 2007 - 9878

Undertoad 06-09-2007 06:50 PM

Item #2: maybe, let me see how difficult.

busterb 06-09-2007 10:26 PM

Why, in my grisr mill post are the words grist and mill in yellow? I never change the text color.

Clodfobble 06-09-2007 10:34 PM

Did you do a search for the words "grist mill" to find the thread? It will highlight any words you did a search for in yellow.

Look at the address bar in your browser: does it say


The extra bit at the end of the top link is what tells it to highlight words.

busterb 06-09-2007 11:52 PM

Maybe. I just made a shortcut so I could find it later. Just went back now, by looking under quality images. No yellow words. Damn your bright! Thanks. My very own translator. :bolt:
BU BU BUT Why in yellow, to hi light the search term?

Clodfobble 06-10-2007 09:24 AM

Yeah, just to help you see the word you were searching for.

busterb 06-10-2007 01:50 PM

All I see is a yellow blob. Kinda like when some asshat post in white. :flush:

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