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ZenGum 02-10-2013 10:17 PM

Oh come on, you cynic. It clearly says it was "Verifed" by Visa, there at the bottom. Have a little trust!

xoxoxoBruce 02-10-2013 10:25 PM

That shit was one of the stories on 60 Minutes tonight, fucking up peoples credit ratings over charge accounts, loans and mortgages they never had.:(

footfootfoot 02-10-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 852240)
Oh come on, you cynic. It clearly says it was "Verifed" by Visa, there at the bottom. Have a little trust!

Not to pick nits, but it clearly said Verifiedby Visa. :3eye:


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 852243)
That shit was one of the stories on 60 Minutes tonight, fucking up peoples credit ratings over charge accounts, loans and mortgages they never had.:(

In my case they'd be fucking up the credit rating I never had either.:rotflol:

Sundae 02-11-2013 05:44 AM

Ah - sorry, Foots.
I meant to tell you about that.

There was just such a cute little cat TV on eBay and well, you will leave your card details lying around. Diz says thank you. Although he prefers the box it was shipped in...

ZenGum 02-11-2013 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 852245)
Not to pick nits, but it clearly said Verifiedby Visa. :3eye:

No, the other bottom. The lower one.

Well, VerifedbyVisa, really.

Sundae 02-11-2013 08:42 AM

Going to the cinema tomorrow. Les Mis probably, it's on at the right time. Costs less at lunchtime too, but there are only early showings at the start of the week.

Was gifted a snow day today, so haven't had to pretend.
Tomorrow afternoon I go to see Seb (counselling) so I'll lay it all out and ask for advice.
He might know someone who needs a volunteer. Probably not in his line of work, given that I am newly recovering. But it's worth asking.

Barring that I'll just knock on some doors. Anywhere that needs a pair of hands will do I guess.

Mum & I have arranged to go to Borough Market (London) on the Thursday of half term. Looking forward to it. Money for the fare is an issue - you know me, money is always an issue :) but I think I can swing it. It's a great place just to look, even if you can't buy. I'd love to go there and treat her to the famous street food, or one of the top-end eateries that do marvellous deals there. But all-in-all I think we'll just enjoy the day together. Walking, talking, sniffing, asking for free samples...!

Camera will be coming along for the ride. Brace yourselves for my usual lengthy write-up.

ZenGum 02-11-2013 09:31 AM

*thinking* ....

Can you really keep this under wraps? With your mum's community wide gossip network on the job? Would a forced exposure be worse than a controlled disclosure?

Talk to this counsellor person. Good luck.

Sundae 02-11-2013 10:43 AM

Mum doesn't know anyone from school.
Well, Maureen who suggested I volunteered there, but that was only because it was annouced in her church that they needed volunteers. C of E, not Catholic - Mum knows no-one else from there.

Also it's being kept on the QT by the school. Suspicions about whether an LSA is capable of fulfilling her role does not reflect well on the school and would never be disclosed to parents.

Can't say anything else. I do believe I am free from blame regarding this instance. And even that is probably too much.

Also, Mum is the kind of person who doesn't necessarily place much value on honesty. We have so many elephants in our living room I'm surprised there is room to breathe. I was amazed at things that came out at Grandad's 80th. A cousin had to live with them for a few years because of spousal abuse, another spent time in prison after robbing his superior officer in WWII, Cousin T got a 15 yo pregnant (mother a prostitute, father a Chinese sailor.)

And yet I was the disgrace of the family because I got divorced. Ho-hum.
Mum was right though. She said I'd leave him and break his heart. Can't fault her there.

We're a funny old bunch.

footfootfoot 02-11-2013 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 852287)
No, the other bottom. The lower one.

Well, VerifedbyVisa, really.

OMG you're right! I didn't notice that. Now, I'm beginning to get suspicious.:eyebrow:

footfootfoot 02-11-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 852302)
Can you really keep this under wraps? With your mum's community wide gossip network on the job? Would a forced exposure be worse than a controlled disclosure?


Possibly said by Sundae:
" the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me...

for this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of being your daughter..."
<-- crazy, but it just may work.


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 852339)
Suspicions about whether an LSA is capable of fulfilling her role does not reflect well on the school and would never be disclosed to parents.

Leeds Softball Academy? London Stanstead Airport?


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 852339)
Mum is the kind of person who doesn't necessarily place much value on honesty. We have so many elephants in our living room I'm surprised there is room to breathe. I was amazed at things that came out at Grandad's 80th. A cousin had to live with them for a few years because of spousal abuse, another spent time in prison after robbing his superior officer in WWII, Cousin T got a 15 yo pregnant (mother a prostitute, father a Chinese sailor.)

And yet I was the disgrace of the family because I got divorced.

Clearly you disgraced her because you were slacking in comparison to the rest of your family.;)

Sundae 02-11-2013 02:29 PM

Learning Support Assistant :p:
I am very slightly less important than the Pope. But good call otherwise.

monster 02-11-2013 05:32 PM

I hear there's a vacancy at the vatican, Sundae. Board and lodgings are included and wifi with your own twitter account. Exotic city, randy locals.....

there are some very wise people here if you need to really talk. I often read in awe at the sageness of their advice. meanwhile at least half term is coming so you can lie in legitimately.


infinite monkey 02-12-2013 08:37 AM

So when a(NOTHER) consultant comes in...this one another 'compliance' person, would you think it odd that when you introduce yourself she says "Oh, your name is all over some of his reports."

I did a jokey "WHAAAAAAAA?" and she just smiled and nodded her head vigorously.

Whose reports? My hope is that our IntDir, who IS helping me and seems sympathetic to my unique plight, has shown that compliance on MY responsibilities has always taken a back seat to the Fiasco of the Month. No matter how I've asked for helpz.

But I'm not going to try to predict the future (the future being 11:30 today) or even worry about it. The options are clear, and I've been prepared for anything since my time in the bin. This new attitude affords a certain kind of inner peace, as opposed to the other feeling of being trapped and at the mercy of everyone.

I, for one, welcome my (getting there) calmer internal overlord.

glatt 02-12-2013 09:01 AM

I'll be really curious to hear how it goes. I'm glad you've got inner peace.

infinite monkey 02-12-2013 09:08 AM

I don't even have to listen to that to know Frank is bellowing "SERENITY NOW!"


Thanks, that was awesome.

edit: I see it says serenity now on the vid post but I still would've known. I've been rewatching Seinfeld from 7-8 every night. It keeps me laughing.

infinite monkey 02-12-2013 01:45 PM

I should have bellowed SERENITY NOW in my meeting(s)...they ran over and were back to back. All about my processes that are FUBAR. That they historically put on their own back burners every time I requested help. To the point (and this is one of my issues as outlined and goal-set in the bin) that I can't concentrate on any one issue, and when I do it seems to loom so large that I almost feel like I run away from it.

Did they hear me this time? I don't know. Is my job guaranteed beyond this week? I don't know. Have I done the best I can? Yes I have, with the exception being that after the previous administration's 4 years of being dismissed, discounted, tossed aside, ignored, and barely acknowledged, I have a really hard time approaching with issues (as if I am somehow singlehandedly the reason for all the problems of the world.) Did this create a fear of the openness in asking for assistance (or at least build on the life long fear of such) and therefore PHYSICALLY finding myself frozen, and unable to push for what I need. Well, it was a big contributor, for sure.

I have a weird social hang-up. I am outgoing and I can talk to just about anyone. But there are times, when I'm in my silence and have been pushed to talk, to interact...when that happens it makes things way worse. I cannot make the sounds come out of my mouth in any coherent form. I cannot act. And if the pushing keeps coming, it ends in complete withdrawal. If I am then still pushed, I come out fighting and gnashing and gnarling.

My stomach hurts. Yes, what happens will happen but I don't get the feeling the swooper thinks I am anything but lame. I think the IntDir thinks otherwise, and my only hope is that he stays on that and supports me.

infinite monkey 02-12-2013 01:50 PM

The other hope is that one of those 'anything can happen in your life you never know what can come along' will actually happen to me. But, with my track record, I'm not counting on it. You say you don't believe in good luck or bad luck? Maybe that's true. But also nothing is evenly distributed, and it seems I used up all my 'good' when I was a teenager and I have none left to experience or offer.

Those magic happenings are for others: the ones who have magic happenings so often they think it's the norm, not the grand exception.

DanaC 02-12-2013 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 852497)
This new attitude affords a certain kind of inner peace, as opposed to the other feeling of being trapped and at the mercy of everyone.

I, for one, welcome my (getting there) calmer internal overlord.

Hold onto that feeling. It's a remarkably powerful thing to have.

glatt 02-12-2013 02:28 PM

It sounds like a typical meeting with nothing really resolved.

DanaC 02-12-2013 02:39 PM

Gods that's one thing I dont miss about being a councillor. Meetings about meetings to discuss the findings of a meeting and set up new meetings to oversee the work that came out of the meetings, that is to say more meetings.

It's been a while since I had to engage with staff meetings, performance appraisals, back-to-work interviews etc etc. Not really since I was made redundant from the lit teaching and went swanning off to uni instead. I remember them being pointless, soul destroying, vindictive sessions. Like when they had a problem with my attendance (not my fucking fault I was ill. and you twats with your less than helpful help were stressing me out and making my stress related illness ten times worse) and had endless action plans to help me cope....fuck you, your system is broken, all your staff are either bitchy, ambitious, selfish fucks or decent people snowed down under the work of twice their number and constantly shifting and contradictory expectations.

Inf: You have your plan. You are actively engaged in getting healthy. You can deal with this, or more accurately you can take control over the impact it has on you.

Also, you are so totally due some good luck.

infinite monkey 02-12-2013 02:47 PM

Thanks. I'm reminding myself to breathe, and to not overthink...

And this:


It's been a while since I had to engage with staff meetings, performance appraisals, back-to-work interviews etc etc. Not really since I was made redundant from the lit teaching and went swanning off to uni instead. I remember them being pointless, soul destroying, vindictive sessions. Like when they had a problem with my attendance (not my fucking fault I was ill. and you twats with your less than helpful help were stressing me out and making my stress related illness ten times worse) and had endless action plans to help me cope....fuck you, your system is broken, all your staff are either bitchy, ambitious, selfish fucks or decent people snowed down under the work of twice their number and constantly shifting and contradictory expectations.
You're singing my song.

Was today the day the blind carpenter picked up his hammer and saw? We shall see, I guess.

In the meantime, some good luck would sure feel good. First my dad, and now even my mom (who, let's face it, have known me my whole life!) say 'You have the worst luck" or "if you ever have good luck it's going to be a doozy" and things like that. And THEY are the first sort of people who believe you essentially control your own destiny and make your own choices. Even they have had to look back on my life and say "sheesh girl, i remember when this happened which ruined your chances of that happening" or any of the other number of troubles that seem to find me.

But, as you said Dana (and thanks) I AM actively involved in getting healthy and I know it won't happen overnight and I have hope. I'm still going to run into shit, at work or anywhere. I just can't let said shit run over ME.

Lamplighter 02-12-2013 03:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
There's a popular saying: "Be the hammer, not the nail".
But if you're a really good, hard nail, they can't screw with you.

xoxoxoBruce 02-20-2013 06:36 PM

As you go through life,
no two days will be alike.
When you're the anvil, bear.
When you're the hammer, strike.

BigV 02-21-2013 06:44 AM

I like that very much xoB. Thanks.

Sundae 02-21-2013 07:04 AM

Bruce, I think of you as the Anvil Bear.

BigV 02-21-2013 09:05 AM

An anvil can be a devastating hammer too.

infinite monkey 02-21-2013 12:47 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BigV (Post 853863)
An anvil can be a devastating hammer too.

There are many examples in popular culture of just that. If an anvil remains at rest, it's an anvil. An anvil in motion will stay in motion until it hits someone on the noggin. And they ALWAYS hit someone on the noggin.

xoxoxoBruce 02-21-2013 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 853839)
I like that very much xoB. Thanks.

My High School English teacher wrote that in my yearbook.

monster 03-12-2013 08:57 AM

My jeans are all too big. And I hate shopping. And if I buy some smaller ones I'm bound to pile the weight back on. But the are noticeably too big :) Buying new ones might be ok......

infinite monkey 03-12-2013 09:10 AM

Sam, you made the pants too long.

(anyone? Bueller?)

limey 03-12-2013 09:10 AM

I dithered about that until they were uncomfortable and I had to by TWO sizes smaller. Was good. Now they're straining at the seams :( but I'm back on the swim, apple wagon, and a few days on the Sundae diet (you didn't think she's staying here without earning her keep, did you :eyebrow:) will do me a lorra lrra good, too!

monster 03-12-2013 09:14 AM

Hi Cilla, my name's monster and I'm from Hell. *giggle*

Lamplighter 03-12-2013 02:55 PM

I've been a Dwellar now for almost two years, and I'm concerned
because I'm beginning to understand FootFootFoot's postings.

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2013 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 856593)
...will do me a lorra lrra good, too!

I tried to Google that but it brought me back here. Unique R Us. :haha:

footfootfoot 03-12-2013 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 856668)
I've been a Dwellar now for almost two years, and I'm concerned
because I'm beginning to understand FootFootFoot's postings.

See? Illumination suits you.;)

limey 03-12-2013 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 856672)
I tried to Google that but it brought me back here. Unique R Us. :haha:

Sorry Bruce I misspelled it, shoulda been "lorra lorra"

DanaC 03-12-2013 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 856595)
Hi Cilla, my name's monster and I'm from Hell. *giggle*


xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2013 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 856687)
Sorry Bruce I misspelled it, shoulda been "lorra lorra"

Ahh, two nations separated by a common language. :smack:

footfootfoot 03-26-2013 10:05 PM

I'm iguana see if I can get into my local community college this summer to take some prerequisite science courses for going back to a graduate program.

Why a local community college? Partly I'm watching my weight, but also they've got a pretty good program and they are closer than SUNY Albany.

wolf 03-26-2013 10:09 PM

My experience with gradual school was that if you could hit the needed score on the standardized test and pass the credit check, you're in. Now if the sciences are actually a necessary part of the program you're choosing, then by all means, do it for the refresher. There's probably been some new science since you left school ... ;)

footfootfoot 03-26-2013 10:29 PM

Yep, they are needed, but only about 15-18 credits worth. I reread the program and it's a stretch to call it a graduate program, more of a professional certification kind of thing.

orthodoc 03-26-2013 11:03 PM

What program are you interested in?

zippyt 03-26-2013 11:33 PM

Brewing or yeast growing I bet,
Or there is all ways that corse on male prostitution .

DanaC 03-27-2013 02:54 PM

I should have posted in here a fe days ago, but didn't think to. I was feeling mildly apprehensive about a paper I had to deliver today at the annual Social History Society conference.

I was supposed to present last year but did my back in and was unable to travel to Brighton for it. This year it was held at my own university (yey!).

What was making me apprehensive was that a) I hadn't actually written the paper at that point...and b) I was part of a three person panel, along with my PhD supervisor and my colleague/fellow supervisee, (no pressure!) presenting on the broad preset theme of 'Places and Spaces', which we'd then narrowed down to an exploration of place and militarised space in Georgian Britain. A theme I had blithely agreed to present on, with a vague notion of how to approach it. All of a sudden the conference was hoving into view over the horizon and I was hurriedly trying to make my work fit this theme, having submitted a proposal months ago which committed me to a particular direction.

Also, never know how many people will turn up to each panel (all running parrellel). It was possible that we'd be presenting to a crowded seminar room...or a near empty one.

Turned out good though. Enough people to make it worth presenting (8 or 9) not enough to make the seminar room feel crowded.

And I ended up pleased with paper :)

orthodoc 03-27-2013 02:57 PM

All right! It's an extra-good feeling to come up with strong work in a time crunch. Congrats!

footfootfoot 03-27-2013 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 858448)
Brewing or yeast growing I bet,
Or there is all ways that corse on male prostitution .

I've always wanted to be a yeast rancher but couldn't find a horse tiny enough.

xoxoxoBruce 03-27-2013 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 858490)
And I ended up pleased with paper :)

See now that's bad, you put it off till the last minute and got away with it. That's a bad habit that will bite you some day when there's hundreds of people watching. :p:

DanaC 03-28-2013 05:40 AM

Hahahahhahah yes I know. One day I will run straight into the wall :P

infinite monkey 04-16-2013 08:56 AM

Two consultants coming in to help clean up a past year's issues. The meeting for them (for which I was supposed to take lead but The Sidler has and that's fine with me) starts in 7 minutes.

Then a meeting with accounting.

Then this after noon the meeting that made me so messed up last week. I don't know if dragon lady will be in attendance.

So, this day could go either way. Send me strength to stick to it, to not give them the satisfaction of quitting.

Right now I am smiling and joking and will go with the flow. Keeping an open mind as my imaginary internet friend ;) told me to, and my loins girded. And I must remember to BREATHE.

Wouldn't mind if the inevitable conclusion happened this week instead of next (the end of my cap which they let me know in no uncertain terms last week that I am completely fucking up.)

Thanks for letting me bolster myself. :)

footfootfoot 04-16-2013 09:32 AM

How do you manage to get a lion into a girdle? I'd have thought there'd be a lot of scratching.

infinite monkey 04-16-2013 09:40 AM

All the fashion Lions are wearing Spanx.®

Which is my way of saying: huh? ;)

glatt 04-16-2013 10:15 AM

How did your meeting go?

infinite monkey 04-16-2013 10:58 AM

The consultants are moving forward on the project. I am here to help when they run into the weird stuff. They cancelled my 11 meeting.

It's the 2:00 which is the meeting that was so awful last week that is worrying me now.

As I've said...I just want it over one way or another. If we all go forward from here and I keep my job: great. But obviously it has to change. I think it can, giving the massive amounts of information I've tried to absorb over the past few weeks. It's really just a question of whether they 'get' what I've been saying or not.

infinite monkey 04-16-2013 03:18 PM

Well, that went pretty well. Huh. She was there, and it was professional and I think I presented my points very well.

One more week, we shall see.

But the best thing: after all I was worried about last night (not sleepy well, which is unusual...I"m a great sleeper) and this morning (a coupla barfings due to nerves) it's over and it didn't go badly. Didn't go badly a'tall. Even if I do only have one more week I can deal with it when I don't feel like I did last week.


limey 04-16-2013 03:26 PM

Sounds good.

Sent by thought transference

Clodfobble 04-25-2013 06:31 PM

We have been lucky to have really great teachers at our elementary school so far. They always seem to treat Minifob as one of their favorites (partly due to the fact that I'm also an active and helpful classroom parent, no doubt.)

At the end of the year, each grade does a little performance program. A hundred-plus first graders, only ten speaking parts, and somehow they gave one of the largest parts to Minifob.

His teacher's insane! I mean, I get it, they see it as kind of a special nod to his social growth, and they wouldn't want to waste a part on any of the kids whose parents won't bother to show up after all. And he's definitely not going to clam up on stage, which can't be said of all kids. But he's also just as likely to turn to the audience and start explaining, "I'm not really Mr. Smith, I'm pretending to be Mr. Smith, this is called acting and when people get up on a stage to tell a story it's called a play, and we're not really lost, we're just pretending..."

Or he might pull it off without a hitch. I'm nervous.

Pete Zicato 04-25-2013 06:53 PM

I would enjoy the performance more if it went like that.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2013 07:45 PM

You have to video it... you must, you must. If it plays out like that, you'll make a million bucks on youtube, and live happily ever after. :jig:

footfootfoot 04-25-2013 08:02 PM

Oh yes! Charlie and his stupid damn finger will be anonymous in comparison.

BigV 04-26-2013 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 862636)
You have to video it... you must, you must. If it plays out like that, you'll make a million bucks on youtube, and live happily ever after. :jig:

America's Funniest Videos, $$$$


you tape it and post it, *I'LL* pay to watch it! to the tip jar, of course.

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