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Well, I've thought a lot about that. One of the few things my mom was absolutely serious about in her declining years was that she wanted to be buried with an old teddy bear she bought in an antique store decades earlier. She said it reminded her of one she had when she was a little girl. I was happy to honor that wish, even though the bear was almost too big for the coffin. (If only she'd cared that much about her damned four karat diamond ring . . . we never did find that. :neutral:) The bear in my dream didn't look anything like the bear I buried her with, but . . . *cue Twilight Zone theme* |
~ something like that ~ |
* yeah, nice *
And maybe this God is comprised of the patterns that we let influence us the most. Whereas nature-worship or ancestor-worship would have one made more sense, what would today's God be? As we accelerate towards Kurzweil's singularity, technology, and it's oversized impact on our lives, is changing on such an ever-shortening scale, that we've hardly had time to determine what the main influences in society are, before they've changed altogether. And if we live in a world of false symbols, such as 1981's Simulacra and Simulation suggests, maybe this is why "simulation theory" is starting to take on a religious-like quality. |
Flint, you and UT are giving me way too much to think about, and I thank you both.
As it turns out, I've always believed there was some sort of fundamental interconnectedness of all things (and here I thought my weird little "religion" was too out there for polite company. Shoulda known better with this bunch!). I need to think on this some more. Thanks for giving me some leads to pursue. :) |
Sorry for veering off into the weird technology stuff.
We're a social, cooperative species--this is how we survive (not claws, teeth, or muscles). We're made to be interconnected. It's who we are. |
Y'all sound like a bunch of dirty hippie Buddhists, but I think you've got the neurological basis of it.
1 Attachment(s)
The Dali Lama says...
"I feel the way you would"
So, I'm scheduled to leave Portland OR for (JFK, and then) the Dominican Republic, leaving late tomorrow night. I just got an email message from Expedia (through which I booked my flight), saying that ALL my flights - going and returning - had been cancelled. Crap weather is currently forecasted for NY and cancellations over the next few days wouldn't be surprising, but . . . .
I called Jet Blue and they said everything is still on schedule, no cancellations either direction as yet, and no impossible weather issues are anticipated. Fuckin' Expedia. I should've known better. :censored: It won't kill me to leave a day later if that's necessary, but goddammit, I have a LONNGGG overdue vacation to start and I don't need this bullshit!!! :flipbird: :angry: :banghead: |
Bummer, just tell me when I have to be at JFK. ;)
Crap. Sorry
I think it's evil entities colluding to keep us apart. :(
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