The Cellar

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monster 01-06-2008 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 421957)
Yeah, but then he burned a message about it onto his own brain so it's okay.

(is anyone going to even get that? Zaphod?)

yes, dear. Many of us are exactly the right age to get that. closing in on 42 fast......

Ibby 01-06-2008 05:55 AM

c'mon, NOBODY gets late-era Hitchhiker references...

'cept you buncha nerds, huh.

classicman 01-06-2008 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 421974)
c'mon, NOBODY gets late-era Hitchhiker references...

'cept you buncha nerds, huh.

l guess that would include you too, eh?

monster 01-06-2008 12:15 PM

Brits grow up on that stuff, dude. That and MP.

Drax 01-06-2008 04:38 PM

Yep, UT seems quite understanding here, but VampYre, well, he's another story.

HungLikeJesus 01-06-2008 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 421950)
lol - you locked yourself out too.

That's OK. He just called a locksmith from Nevada.

ZenGum 01-13-2008 11:15 AM

I recall a few months back someone writing that the IotD was supposed to be "family friendly".
Is this true? I have been sent some photos that are NSFW, NSFKids, and NSFthe Aesthetically Sensitive. Its either the IotD or WTF/NSFW thread.
Any guidance?

Clodfobble 01-13-2008 12:39 PM

I don't know about family friendly, but many many people browse IOTD (and the rest of the board) from work. If it's just gory, that's one thing, but if it's truly NSFW, that should definitely go in a NSFW thread.

classicman 01-13-2008 12:52 PM

WTF/NSFW thread, but thats just me.

glatt 01-14-2008 11:11 AM

On the whole, I'd generally rather not see graphic stuff in IotD. One of the NSFW threads would be better.

But, there have been some grisly IotDs in the past. The burned Nigerian gasoline thieves come to mind. I think those can be good for IotD if they tell a story that you aren't seeing somewhere else.

HungLikeJesus 01-14-2008 11:34 AM

But glatt, aren't all images considered graphic?

glatt 01-14-2008 12:31 PM


Flint 01-18-2008 10:20 AM

What's going on? Can I post anywhere?

I can't post a reply in the photoshop thread, and the advanced button goes to a page cannot be displayed.

EDIT: Yeah, I definitely can't post a reply in that one thread.

Sundae 01-18-2008 10:30 AM

I thought it was a slow day on t'internet but the station next to me is working at normal speed so I guess it's just the Cellar.

My two hour log in has been mostly spent looking at error messages :(
Have we been invaded?

Undertoad 01-18-2008 09:20 PM

try with the non www version

i.e. not

or vice versa if you use the www version

lumberjim 03-22-2008 10:08 PM

can you make the fucking search thing accept 3 letter words already? who does brianna have to blow to make this happen?

SteveDallas 03-22-2008 10:31 PM

You can use Google.

Undertoad 03-22-2008 10:39 PM

It turns out to be a MySQL limitation which is fairly serious to override. It would require downtime and table rebuilds. Not kidn

lumberjim 03-22-2008 11:03 PM

ok....just rememberd the google trick
site: (criteria)

but, who does bri have to blow, anyway?

Undertoad 03-22-2008 11:33 PM

xoB most likely - he could convince me to do the work for the change

lumberjim 03-22-2008 11:47 PM

talk about an honorable cause. Not that he would have any trouble on his own...but that's even better than the quest to meet tw.

xoxoxoBruce 03-23-2008 03:20 AM

I have nothing but four letter words for the search function. It never works for me.

Brianna, on the other hand, always works for me. :joylove:

Trilby 03-23-2008 11:34 AM

aren't youse guys da sweetest?

Shaeling 03-25-2008 12:31 AM

Well, second post on the board. Here's hoping I've found the right place to ask, and don't end up looking like a complete noob.

I can't seem to find the field in which I would input my signature to be displayed! I'm just about as veteran as one can be with most forum setups - I first searched the board for any thread telling a person how to change their signature, but it returned nothing that looked relevant. I then looked through the FAQ, which tells me I can edit my signature in My Profile, but looking in there, I see no place for it. I also did try to skim through this thread in the hopes that the topic would come up, but .. my, this is a hefty old thread, isn't it ...

Can someone point me in the right direction? I have the feeling it must be right under my nose, but I am at a loss.

lumberjim 03-25-2008 12:43 AM

user cp on the top, then modify signature, save.

Shaeling 03-25-2008 12:52 AM

Aye, Control Panel - but unless I really must update my glasses prescription, there is no "Modify Signature" option, nor in the Edit Profile area.

Is a new member required to contribute through posting a certain number of times, before allowed this feature, or something odd like that? I'm sure I'll be posting with some regularity pretty soon, it just strikes me as strange that I can't find something so common.

lumberjim 03-25-2008 01:08 AM

its actually 'edit signature' along the left margin....but maybe its disabled for the honeymoon period.


Shaeling 03-25-2008 01:13 AM

If it's easily viewable for you, then that's most likely the case, I suppose. I shall post and post yet again where appropriate, and add one in later.

And thank you. :> Shae or MiMi, whichever you prefer, at your service! Or .. well, not service. Unless you pay me. Well. ... And no French Maid outfits, sorry.

lumberjim 03-25-2008 01:21 AM's your quiz: you enjoy taking quizzes?

2. is it a shark or a dolphin?

3. who would win in a fight? stimpy or beavis?

4. Picard or Kirk?

5. What do you put on your hotdog first?

6. Have you ever been arrested?

7. Eff, Marry Kill: Sean Connery; Robert Downey Jr; David Letterman

8. How many fingers am I holding up?

8. Are you a perfectionist?

10. What brought you to the cellar?

Shaeling 03-25-2008 02:02 AM

(Should I be replying to this here? Oh well. From what I've seen, topics tend to go on tangents anyway.) you enjoy taking quizzes?
Enjoy? More like you do them because they're there, and you're bored. Although in the so-called 'honeymoon period', I think sometimes they can help break the ice and introduce you? I guess.

2. is it a shark or a dolphin?
Both. A shark on wheels and a bacon-shooting dolphin.

3. who would win in a fight? stimpy or beavis?
Stimpy. Beavis would be too busy staring at someone's tits.

4. Picard or Kirk?
I can never decide on this. :C Ever. The only one I didn't like was DS9, and I can't even decide on why that is.

5. What do you put on your hotdog first?
... ... Eeeehh, we're talking typical .. like, Ballpark hotdogs? I'll pass. Gimme a bratwurst and a grill. I'll cook for everyone.

6. Have you ever been arrested?
Nope. A better question would be, have I ever done anything which under the right circumstances would have warranted an arrest . . . but even then, I think the answer would be no. Police around here have got much bigger fish to fry than me.

7. Eff, Marry Kill: Sean Connery; Robert Downey Jr; David Letterman
Out of the three? Ah jeez ... ... Uh... Connery. Downey can just go away, please, and Letterman was never really my sort.

8. How many fingers am I holding up?
*Squint* How many have you got? That could be a trick question. ... But I like the number seven, so I say you do too.

8. Are you a perfectionist?
I was gonna say "only when it comes to my drawings" but immediately rejected that, since I never finish a damn thing I draw! ... So no. No, not by a long shot. I DID however notice that number eight has cloned himself and killed off number nine! There's treachery in this place! D:

10. What brought you to the cellar?
Originally (beware: convolutions!) I was searching for a picture on Google to show something similar to a dream I had recently. It was a picture of the "World's Largest Goldfish", as I'd dreamed of a very large ryukin. The first time I found a similar image, my browser suddenly died. Cry. Second time around, it came up with a link to the Cellar, in the Daily Images area, or something along that line. "Images that will blow your mind .. every day".

BUT. I noticed the capuchin monkey and the typewriter and was INTRIGUED by the simplicity of the images. (This happens all too often, as I've got a graphic designer's mind...) And I was hooked once I started looking around. The tenure of this place and its incarnations past is impressive!

monster 03-25-2008 03:48 PM

Welcome, MiMi -I see you're totally at home already, you'll have that custom sig it no time .....but use it wisely and always replace the safety


TheMercenary 03-26-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 441399)'s your quiz: you enjoy taking quizzes? no.

2. is it a shark or a dolphin? shark.

3. who would win in a fight? stimpy or beavis? Stimpy, hands down.

4. Picard or Kirk? Picard.

5. What do you put on your hotdog first? a bun.

6. Have you ever been arrested? Only detained.

7. Eff, Marry Kill: Sean Connery; Robert Downey Jr; David Letterman? N/A.

8. How many fingers am I holding up? One, your middle one.

8. Are you a perfectionist? Only at work.

10. What brought you to the cellar?

glatt 03-26-2008 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 441399)
6. Have you ever been arrested?

There can only be one correct answer to this question, and that's to proceed to tell the story of the Alice's Restaurant Massacree, with full orchestration and five part harmony and stuff like that.

LabRat 03-26-2008 11:16 AM

Welcome. Good luck with your move, MiMi.

kerosene 03-26-2008 11:44 AM

Oooh...I wanna take the quiz, too!

lookout123 03-26-2008 11:03 PM

The network admin guy for my building freaked out today saying we were being attacked/hacked through WTF? i seriously doubt that was true, but any ideas what he was seeing?

Cloud 03-26-2008 11:18 PM

The Cellar ATTACKS! LOL!

Clodfobble 03-26-2008 11:34 PM

Were you in chat, versus on the main board?

lookout123 03-27-2008 01:19 AM

actually i had both chat and the cellar up.

Undertoad 03-27-2008 01:26 AM

Chat creates traffic unlike other HTTP traffic because it refreshes its page a lot, but only a network admin with no experience in security would find it to be an attack. My guess therefore is that your network admin has no experience in security.

lumberjim 03-27-2008 10:10 AM

my guess is that he's a snot nosed pickle kisser

DanaC 03-27-2008 10:54 AM


2. is it a shark or a dolphin?
Both. A shark on wheels and a bacon-shooting dolphin.
Cool answer!

Flint 03-27-2008 11:02 AM

Is lookout's office being attacked by the shark on wheels or the bacon-shooting dolphin?

And, exactly how "experienced in security" does one have to be, in order to deal with such zoological abominations?

TheMercenary 03-28-2008 02:39 PM

Unfortunately, the Blob is not affected by the electricity. The Fire Chief notes to Dave that the ploy did not work. Jane’s mother begins to spaz, calling on them to do something. The Chief then points out to Dave that the electrical discharge has caused the diner to catch on fire. Dave wonders if they can put it out, but the Chief says that there is not enough oxygen in the place to keep a fire going for more than ten minutes. In the diner’s cellar, the group notices that there is something burning. Steve then sees that the Blob is beginning to drip down the stairs towards them all. With no other way out, things seem pretty bleak. Jane comforts Danny by telling him to lay down and go to sleep. I suppose she’s gonna snap his neck before the Blob can get to him? She and Steve share a look, a smile and then an embrace, knowing that their proverbial goose is cooked. Outside, the Martins, the teens and the authorities can only watch, powerless to do anything.

Within the diner’s cellar, the cook is using a hand-held fire extinguisher to put out some of the flames. Steve notices that the Blob retreats when the spray hits it. He grabs the extinguisher from the cook and sprays it directly at the nearest chunk of Blob, which promptly backs away. He realizes that the creature cannot stand the cold and this was the reason it did not follow he and Jane into the freezer at his dad’s store. He sprays the beast some more, but the extinguisher is running low. He yells up the stairs to the open phone, informing Dave or anyone else on the other end that CO2 fire extinguishers are the weapon of choice.

Out in the police cruiser, Richie hears his voice and hands off the phone to Dave. After hearing Steve’s message, Dave quickly calls for every extinguisher that can be found…but only the kind with Carbon Dioxide. He has the Fire Chief round up the ones owned by the Fire Department and orders them to start hitting the Blob where it is covering the cellar windows. Mr. Martin approaches and says that he knows where there are twenty extinguishers of that type: at the high school. He just needs help in retrieving them. This is where Tony and the other teens offer their help. They pile into their cars and race away.

In the cellar, Steve’s weapon is about empty, but he continues to call up the stairs to Dave. At the high school, the fleet of cars arrives and everyone runs for the door, but it is locked. Mr. Martin checks for the key but does not have it. With a slight bit of reluctance, he picks up a rock and uses it to smash the glass encased in the door. Oddly enough, the rock that he grabs seems to be the only one on the entire lawn area, almost as if it was conveniently placed there. Mr. Martin then reaches through and unlocks the door. They all rush in and seconds later emerge with the extinguishers.

Back at the diner, the Fire Department dudes arrive with their extinguishers and begin putting them to use. Richie informs Dave that he has gotten through to Washington D.C. and help should be on the way. The kids return at this point and join the Firefighters in spraying the Blob with the CO2 extinguishers. The creature withdraws from the cold, gradually uncovering parts of the diner. As the crowd works to freeze the monster, Dave speaks with some military bigwig on the phone. He outlines their plan to freeze it, but reiterates that they need help moving the frozen monster as the sun will be coming up in a few hours. Whoever he is talking to has the bright idea of blowing it up, but Dave says that will just spread the creature across the countryside. He suggests getting a big transport plane and taking the thing to the arctic where it will never thaw out.

At this point, the creature has withdrawn enough to uncover some of [bthe cellar[/b] windows. Steve, Jane, Danny and the others come crawling out (good thing Jane didn’t snap Danny’s neck after all). Mr. and Mrs. Martin rush over to hug their kids while Dave comes up to congratulate Steve on some “nice work.” Steve thanks Dave for getting them out of there. He admits that he thought their number was a up, a sentiment Dave shared for a moment or two. Steve asks what they are going to do with the monster. Dave informs him that the Air Force is flying in a Globemaster to transport it to the arctic. Steve notes that it is not dead, just frozen. Dave thinks the thing cannot really be killed, but at least they have it stopped. “Yeah, as long as the arctic stays cold,” (AL GORE MOMENT) Steve adds.

BigV 03-28-2008 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 442265)
Unfortunately, the Blob is not affected by the electricity. The Fire Chief notes to Dave that the ploy did not work. Jane’s mother begins to spaz, calling on them to do something. The Chief then points out to Dave that the electrical discharge has caused the diner to catch on fire. Dave wonders if they can put it out, but the Chief says that there is not enough oxygen in the place to keep a fire going for more than ten minutes. In the diner’s cellar, the group notices that there is something burning. Steve then sees that the Blob is beginning to drip down the stairs towards them all. With no other way out, things seem pretty bleak. Jane comforts Danny by telling him to lay down and go to sleep. I suppose she’s gonna snap his neck before the Blob can get to him? She and Steve share a look, a smile and then an embrace, knowing that their proverbial goose is cooked. Outside, the Martins, the teens and the authorities can only watch, powerless to do anything.

Within the diner’s cellar, the cook is using a hand-held fire extinguisher to put out some of the flames. Steve notices that the Blob retreats when the spray hits it. He grabs the extinguisher from the cook and sprays it directly at the nearest chunk of Blob, which promptly backs away. He realizes that the creature cannot stand the cold and this was the reason it did not follow he and Jane into the freezer at his dad’s store. He sprays the beast some more, but the extinguisher is running low. He yells up the stairs to the open phone, informing Dave or anyone else on the other end that CO2 fire extinguishers are the weapon of choice.

Out in the police cruiser, Richie hears his voice and hands off the phone to Dave. After hearing Steve’s message, Dave quickly calls for every extinguisher that can be found…but only the kind with Carbon Dioxide. He has the Fire Chief round up the ones owned by the Fire Department and orders them to start hitting the Blob where it is covering the cellar windows. Mr. Martin approaches and says that he knows where there are twenty extinguishers of that type: at the high school. He just needs help in retrieving them. This is where Tony and the other teens offer their help. They pile into their cars and race away.

In the cellar, Steve’s weapon is about empty, but he continues to call up the stairs to Dave. At the high school, the fleet of cars arrives and everyone runs for the door, but it is locked. Mr. Martin checks for the key but does not have it. With a slight bit of reluctance, he picks up a rock and uses it to smash the glass encased in the door. Oddly enough, the rock that he grabs seems to be the only one on the entire lawn area, almost as if it was conveniently placed there. Mr. Martin then reaches through and unlocks the door. They all rush in and seconds later emerge with the extinguishers.

Back at the diner, the Fire Department dudes arrive with their extinguishers and begin putting them to use. Richie informs Dave that he has gotten through to Washington D.C. and help should be on the way. The kids return at this point and join the Firefighters in spraying the Blob with the CO2 extinguishers. The creature withdraws from the cold, gradually uncovering parts of the diner. As the crowd works to freeze the monster, Dave speaks with some military bigwig on the phone. He outlines their plan to freeze it, but reiterates that they need help moving the frozen monster as the sun will be coming up in a few hours. Whoever he is talking to has the bright idea of blowing it up, but Dave says that will just spread the creature across the countryside. He suggests getting a big transport plane and taking the thing to the arctic where it will never thaw out.

At this point, the creature has withdrawn enough to uncover some of [bthe cellar[/b] windows. Steve, Jane, Danny and the others come crawling out (good thing Jane didn’t snap Danny’s neck after all). Mr. and Mrs. Martin rush over to hug their kids while Dave comes up to congratulate Steve on some “nice work.” Steve thanks Dave for getting them out of there. He admits that he thought their number was a up, a sentiment Dave shared for a moment or two. Steve asks what they are going to do with the monster. Dave informs him that the Air Force is flying in a Globemaster to transport it to the arctic. Steve notes that it is not dead, just frozen. Dave thinks the thing cannot really be killed, but at least they have it stopped. “Yeah, as long as the arctic stays cold,” (AL GORE MOMENT) Steve adds.

You're all wondering why this boulder is sitting in the middle of this field, aren't you? It's called a glacial erratic. It was moved here by the enormous forces of a retreating glacier. Compared to the glacier, this boulder doesn't seem so big. But minus that context, it appears huge and out of place.

But don't worry. That's only because it is huge and out of place.

ps: Looks like your edit window has closed (the glacier retreated). It's here to stay.

glatt 03-28-2008 05:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I see you, Brianna. Do you see me?

lumberjim 03-28-2008 05:29 PM

she was totally stalking me. well.....Im not jealous. nyah

Undertoad 03-28-2008 05:33 PM

I live three miles away from the theater where The Blob was filmed.

Here I am on stage there. photo credit: xoB.

lumberjim 03-28-2008 05:44 PM

the blob must have been filmed everywhere. The Diner is in Downingtown where i went to High School.

Trilby 03-28-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 442310)
she was totally stalking me. well.....Im not jealous. nyah

Yyessss.... I was indeed.

Sundae and I have made our plans. We'll be showing TIME.

muhahahahahaahhahaaaaa!~(lost control of the evil laugh there at the end but you KNOW what I mean)

Trilby 03-28-2008 05:49 PM

PS---why is glatt, mild-mannered glatt, giving me a ration of shite when I am a sick woman?!

I ask.

also--congrats, UT. I do not intend to get you involved in this feud. It's betwixt me and them. I love the photo.

Cloud 03-28-2008 06:03 PM

you guys are on crack. :headshake

TheMercenary 03-28-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 442307)
You're all wondering why this boulder is sitting in the middle of this field, aren't you? It's called a glacial erratic. It was moved here by the enormous forces of a retreating glacier. Compared to the glacier, this boulder doesn't seem so big. But minus that context, it appears huge and out of place.

But don't worry. That's only because it is huge and out of place.

ps: Looks like your edit window has closed (the glacier retreated). It's here to stay.


xoxoxoBruce 03-28-2008 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 442314)
I live three miles away from the theater where The Blob was filmed.

Here I am on stage there. photo credit: xoB.

I think Jacquelita took that picture, while I was checking out her butt. ;)

HungLikeJesus 04-02-2008 03:01 PM

I was trying to post to this thread, which I found using SteveDallas's random thread picker, but there's no option to 'quote' or 'post reply.'

What I found interesting is that the original link in that thread is still good, six years later.

... and it's very funny, too.

classicman 04-02-2008 04:25 PM

same here - perhaps its a closed thread.

SteveDallas 04-02-2008 05:49 PM

The entire Photoshop Phrenzy Phorum is in the archives.

HungLikeJesus 04-02-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 443348)
The entire Photoshop Phrenzy Phorum is in the archives.

Thanks. So, everything in the archives is dead?

Clodfobble 04-02-2008 06:21 PM

Nah, you can definitely bump super-old threads in the archives in other forums. I think it's because the forum itself is closed.

Sundae 04-02-2008 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 443350)
Thanks. So, everything in the archives is dead?

Not dead. Just awaiting the Rapture.

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