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Aliantha 04-14-2013 08:21 AM

Just click ur heels together and say, theres no place like home. ;)

Undertoad 04-14-2013 09:00 AM

Tick the boxes on the right-hand side of the messages you want to move. At the bottom of the page, on the right again, is a box that says "Move to folder..." Just hit GO and it will ask you where to move the messages you've ticked.

infinite monkey 04-15-2013 09:23 AM

Or you can use 'ctrl' to select particular emails out of a list of emails (you can skip around, basically) or you can select emails in series by using 'shift' and clicking on the first and last you want to move. Then you just right click and drag...all your selections will follow along being, and 'drop' it into your new folder.

I have a question.

Some time ago I posted a song I really liked. I can't remember what it was or really much about it. I know someone (Dana I think) commented on it too.

Is there a way to search for my own posts in a particular thread?

glatt 04-15-2013 09:43 AM

Yes, you go up one directory so you can see all the threads including the one you want to search, then you click on the number of posts under the "Replies" for the thread you want to search. It will open a window with a list of everyone who replied to that thread, and how many replies they have. Scroll down and find you name, and click on the number of replies you have made. That will give you a list of the replies you have made, and you can browse through them and open the ones you want.

It sounds more complicated than it is.

infinite monkey 04-15-2013 10:00 AM

Thanks glatt! I'm still not locating it but who knows exactly where I put it.

I didn't know you could do the search from the top of the thread!

infinite monkey 04-15-2013 10:34 AM

I found it!

It must have been fairly new in 2009 when I posted it. I've sure heard it a lot since then. But not enough. Such a pretty song.

Gonna go post it. The one I posted back then is broken.

Clodfobble 04-15-2013 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
Yes, you go up one directory so you can see all the threads including the one you want to search, then you click on the number of posts under the "Replies" for the thread you want to search. It will open a window with a list of everyone who replied to that thread, and how many replies they have. Scroll down and find you name, and click on the number of replies you have made. That will give you a list of the replies you have made, and you can browse through them and open the ones you want.

It sounds more complicated than it is.

Whoa, cool! Been here nine years and I never knew that.

footfootfoot 04-15-2013 10:44 PM

That is excessively cool. Now I'm going to start clicking on all the links just to see what else they can do.

DanaC 04-16-2013 04:02 AM

Bloody hell...all these years...has that always been possible?

xoxoxoBruce 04-16-2013 01:05 PM


infinite monkey 04-30-2013 11:00 AM

What does my usertitle say?

glatt 04-30-2013 11:05 AM

"We go together like pp^^"

The question is, what does it mean?

infinite monkey 04-30-2013 11:08 AM

I was hoping for some guesses.

I thought t'was clever. Maybe it isn't, but I like it. I like it a lot.

Clodfobble 04-30-2013 11:30 AM

I get it! :)

"We go together like peas and carrots."

infinite monkey 04-30-2013 11:32 AM

YES! :)

I don't know if I wrote it: I got the idea from another post here in the Cellar, but I'm not googling it only to find out I wasn't the first most clever. :lol:

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