Mine too.
It's cos I screwed up! It just reprocessed a bunch of old mail. Turns out, outbound mail was fucked up! Sorry bout that.
Is the Email notification system working at present?
It is now!
Not sure how long it was down; I think it's been down for several weeks. I know it was down for a bit in November and some of those messages also got reprocessed when I told it to reprocess, so I had like 500 server-related messages from back then :| Sorry :| |
White people problems
Not a question, but, the googly-eyed monkey is just fucking awesome.
It is a little freaky.
You shoulda seen it drunk.
Why, was it reeling around and starting fights?
That wasn't the monkey...Sorry.
I would not be disappointed, nor, displeased, to see the googly eyes stay on the monkey. Very internet. |
It's not really that creepy, is it?
Is it marking a special occasion? Or just because?
It's for International Googly Eye Day yesterday, and Beest's birthday.
Too bad we don't have a tip mug with which to celebrate.
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