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Old 12-01-2003, 10:39 AM   #31
Radical Centrist
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I'm really amazed that so little I've posted results in a shitstorm so large.

But I would like to take back the notion that you're a good guy. It's true, you are right - I was wrong. I admit it, I'm a terribly poor judge of people, and it turns out that my original opinion was wrong: you're a complete and total ass.

I definitely made the right decision not getting closer to you. You treat the people who are close to you like shit because it solves your own needs. Have a nice life.

"Not very introspective" funny. It is to laugh. You don't know me at all.
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Old 12-01-2003, 11:34 AM   #32
lobber of scimitars
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So wait, is dave back or not?

See, having read the above several times ... I still don't fucking get it.

And I'm the one here that actually has people skills. Okay, so they're primarily crazy-people skills, but you know what I mean.
wolf eht htiw og

"Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception." --G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island

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Old 12-01-2003, 11:42 AM   #33
"I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me."
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Originally posted by wolf
So wait, is dave back or not?

See, having read the above several times ... I still don't fucking get it.

And I'm the one here that actually has people skills. Okay, so they're primarily crazy-people skills, but you know what I mean.
Yeah..I also did a when I saw it...
"Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken." ~Tagline from the movie "Amistad"~

"The Akan concept of Sankofa: In order to move forward we first have to take a step back. In other words, before we can be prepared for the future, we must comprehend the past." From "We Did It, They Hid It"
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Old 12-01-2003, 12:07 PM   #34
Hubris Boy
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Dude sure does talk a lot for somebody who's not here.
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Old 12-01-2003, 12:21 PM   #35
Radical Centrist
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Ah yes, and one more thing:

And the question is, are we still cool, or is this an unrecoverable sin against you?
Presenting this A-B as a "choice" is just more games I don't play.
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Old 12-01-2003, 12:22 PM   #36
I can hear my ears
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I guess it's good that I don't answer to you or value your opinion on my life then, isn't it? It's not such a "little thing" (as I have said above and will demonstrate below). I tried to fix a problem, the other party was unreceptive, and I looked at the whole picture and made a choice. Angelus will be happy, others will be disappointed. They will get over it, and anyone that really cares to know me can private message me or email me.

I don't want attention, which is another one of the reasons I didn't make a huge deal about it and post everything when I left. As for it making me look "childish" - what, trying to resolve a conflict is childish? You say nothing of the other players here? Why, because one of them is so grown up as to call names behind someone's back? If your measure of what is childish and what is not was the one that mattered, then I think this world would be a much worse place than it is. Perhaps you should wonder why you feel yourself so qualified to write about something on which you are largely ignorant? Because until these posts, you didn't really have any fucking idea what happened here.
I just call them like I see them, Nancy. And FYI, i roughed syc up pretty good on IM for not letting you up. And who gives a shit what i do and dont know about you and the vaunted past. What i know is what I see. You acting like a sissy, syc ignoring the problem, and toad flippin his lid.

the bottom line is this:

YOU quit

They're still here.

come back and stop being a cunt ( bruce told me to say that)
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Old 12-01-2003, 01:09 PM   #37
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Fuck damn shit. Crap. Fart bitch ass hell. This shit is giving me fucking Tourette's.

I'll resist the "you two are both cool so make nicey-nice." But I have some observations to share. Ignore them if you like.

Tony: I think you may need to remind yourself that though you mean to participate in discussions as an equal here, you are the Cellar Master. For one to publicly side against you is akin to siding against the community, so keep that in mind when doling out damning judgements against the people here. To declare a long-time, much-enjoyed Cellar contributor a "complete and total ass," seemingly in response to a single thread that didn't involve you directly, and seemingly as a complete 180 from your previous opinion, seems heavy-handed and misguided. If there is more to it than what is publicly visible, then you might consider making it all public, or keeping it all private... otherwise nobody knows quite what to make of it, and members here may learn to fear your judgement as irrational and unpredictable. And if you are dismissive of the previous statement, then you trivialize this community, which you built. Here, your comments weigh in heavier than everyone's else's. And they always will.

I respect the hell out of you Tony, not only for your insight and intellect, but for many of your actions which I have observed indirectly on the Cellar. I strongly disagree with some of the things you have posted regarding this whole mess, but it's worth noting that I do not intend to stop respecting you just because I strongly disagree with something you posted. If it started happening consistently, maybe. But when someone I respect and/or care about behaves in a way that troubles me, my first reaction is not to projectile-vomit the person from my life, but to say "What the hell, dude?" and try to understand where he/she is coming from. If it turns out that I am uncomfortable with where he/she is coming from, THEN the relationship is in trouble. But perhaps I'll learn in listening that I didn't have all the information, or was failing to see the situation from the other's point of view. But that's just me.

So... what the hell, dude?

Also, your comment of "Either you have to drop the practice of insulting people as a way of being close to them, or you have to accept *anything* they hand back to you" would have been best directed at both Dave and Syc... both use this practice. To insinuate that Dave is the only one of the pair doing ths misrepresents the situation. In fact, many would argue that Syc's initial comments about Dave's eye were much worse than Dave's later comments about Syc's unemployment... and Dave didn't even get offended about Syc's comments, as he explained later.

Dave: I can understand, if not condone, your reasons for leaving... from what I can see, it was a poor solution to a complicated problem. I saw the humor in the frowny face thing, but I can why others didn't. I was perplexed when some seemed to view your jabs at joblessness as worse than Syc's comments about your eye. Sometimes the "I can see both sides" position is a shitty place to be.

Yeah, I know you don't care if I condone your reasons for leaving. Nor should you... it was your choice to make and you know more about it than I do. But I think Red put it best... "the place you live is that much more drab and empty that they're gone."

I can't fucking believe it's not butter.
Hot Pastrami!
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Old 12-01-2003, 01:22 PM   #38
lobber of scimitars
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Originally posted by hot_pastrami
To declare a long-time, much-enjoyed Cellar contributor a "complete and total ass,"
Dave was behaving like Dave ... this is why I'm having trouble seeing the point of contention, I guess.

(It's really about the lack of motherfucking pad gai, isn't it?)
wolf eht htiw og

"Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception." --G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island

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Old 12-01-2003, 01:23 PM   #39
Intouch with his inner sheep rider.
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It doesn't matter who's right or wrong.

This whole thing is a case of bullshit getting blown WAY out of proportion and the three idiots involved being too damn stupid to realize what a fuss they were making over nothing.

Instead you retards would say "I don't believe he's so upset over just a few lines" and then you're proceed to rant on and on and on about how he's practically the modern day antichrist.

Yeah I don't know any of you and I've only been on this board for a few weeks. Well maybe that’s exactly what gives me the clear view of this idiotic mess.


You're a fucktard. Learn when to shut up. You don't have to have the last say in everything and it's alright if somebody wrongs you just once. Let this shit go. You don't need your apology accepted today. Can't you just let the guy sleep on it for a week maybe?

Also, you can't leave a community on a bad note and expect people to speak kindly of you. Don't come back just to post your "But I was right!" posts. As said previously. You don't always need to have a last say in everything. So come back or STFU.


You're a fucktard. Dave claims that you two were 'friends' for years? Well fuck that. What kind of a friend doesn't accept a sincere apology? And over what? A bad joke? Big fucking deal. Friends are supposed to joke about each other without being insulted much. If the line is crossed, you say so and accept the apology. You don't make a huge deal out of it. That’s retarded. You don't go calling up your other friends and getting them invovled in the shit. That shows how immature you are and unable to deal with problems you managed to get yourself involved in. Next time somebody makes a joke you don't like, say so and let it go at that, otherwise you'll run out of friends damn fast.


What the fuck? Next time you get called, tell them to work it out themselves. Anyone with half a working brain could tell that it was not their place to get involved. So Sycamore what? Maybe he just needed to talk. You didn't have to get the whip out and lash Dave into submission with it. Dave's an asshole. I'm an asshole. Big deal. So Dave's being an asshole to Sycamore...whoopdie doo... Wasn't much of a big deal when he was being an ass to me. I didn't have much of a problem with him calling my gf stupid. That’s what assholes do. You expect that online when dealing with assholes. It's not a big deal. It's not taken seriously. The shit about Juju's baby was also fucked up. Who gives a shit about online insults/jokes especially when you know that they do not carry any real substance?

So here you have the case of 3 idiots blowing a stupid joke/insult way out of proportion. You can blame dave for leaving all you want...but fuck if he hadn't I bet you'd rant about who was right or wrong till the end of time.


Last edited by FileNotFound; 12-01-2003 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 12-01-2003, 01:24 PM   #40
Radical Centrist
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I've always deeply resented that "Cellar Master" situation and for a while I posted anonymously to try to get around it.

Perhaps I will again.
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Old 12-01-2003, 01:58 PM   #41
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Beestie's Rx:

MF Pad Gai (a good start);
Hash brownies (mellow out the hard feelings);
Bud Light (crank up the "I love you, mannnnnn"); and
Respect (don't let it happen again)

I'm just sensing that the merciless knife-twisting as a means of coaxing everyone back to the table is (to say the least) less than effective so if everyone who has chosen to participate has gotten all the bile out of their system, maybe we can try something else.

Just one interested bystander's observation.
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Old 12-01-2003, 02:01 PM   #42
Person who doesn't update the user title
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For the record...

I did not ask Toad or anyone else to say or do anything regarding the matter between myself and Mr. Ham.

Last week, I called El Sapo about hosting my website (which Dave hosted until I pulled it from his server last week). He asked why I wanted to move it, and only then did I say anything about the situation with Dave and me.

The bottom line is this: Based on various factors, I have decided that I should not be friends with Dave, and I've communicated to him as much. Initially, I wasn't ready to communicate with him after the blowup with his eye b/c well, quite frankly, I was really pissed off at him. Sometimes, you have to let the anger work through you.

I know that some people may not understand why I reacted the way I did to that or why I've made what some might consider an irrational decision...sometimes, people just don't see things on the same wavelength. But I can tell you that I've given it a lot of thought and have discussed it with a few peeps, and I think I've made the right decision.

This is all I'm saying about it here on Cellar. If you really care to know more, you're welcome to PM me and I'll give you the summary version. Other than that, I think it's time to let this shit go and move on.
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Old 12-01-2003, 02:23 PM   #43
I can hear my ears
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Originally posted by Undertoad
I've always deeply resented that "Cellar Master" situation and for a while I posted anonymously to try to get around it.

Perhaps I will again.
would you like any help selecting a name??? I could talk to slang for you.....
....or would that defeat the purpose?

beestie, what else would you suggest? pumping sunshine up their asses? whining? threats? reward based coersion?

Or should we just accept that dave is gone and move on?

I'd really like to see him stay. I like him. So I'm doing what I can to force the little bitch to come back.....
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Old 12-01-2003, 03:06 PM   #44
no one of consequence
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Originally posted by Undertoad
I've always deeply resented that "Cellar Master" situation and for a while I posted anonymously to try to get around it.

Perhaps I will again.
Aaugggh!! Not MORE dummy accounts! Oh, where does it end?

Besides, I'll know it's you. The posts will be from 1-3 sentences, with extremely compact, witty insight.
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Old 12-01-2003, 03:18 PM   #45
I can hear my ears
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Originally posted by juju
Aaugggh!! Not MORE dummy accounts! Oh, where does it end?

Besides, I'll know it's you. The posts will be from 1-3 sentences, with extremely compact, witty insight.

that could describe bruce.....

Utoad has really been bruce all along.....????

has anyone ever seen them together in the same place at the same time.....?????
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