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Old 10-07-2003, 07:22 PM   #16
Your Bartender
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I like Bruce's suggestion to ask the boss casually "is he always like this?" It'll help you learn more about where this guy is... you might get, "Oh yeah, Harry's been around a long time, he knows how everything works." Or "Oh that Harry, everybody ignores his bullshit." Or "What do you mean? Like what?"
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Old 10-07-2003, 07:37 PM   #17
"I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me."
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wanna-be supervisors

If at all possible, I'd document each and everything that he says and does. He sounds (to me, at least), like he could "go off" on someone at anytime, and that he could easily choose you to be his target. He also sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Good idea keeping communication with the real supervisor. Maybe if this moron gets out of line, you could report him to the boss and they could handle his ass.

Good luck!
"Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken." ~Tagline from the movie "Amistad"~

"The Akan concept of Sankofa: In order to move forward we first have to take a step back. In other words, before we can be prepared for the future, we must comprehend the past." From "We Did It, They Hid It"
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Old 10-07-2003, 07:54 PM   #18
The future is unwritten
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Originally posted by juju
SNIP- I attempt to get "in" with them. This means I befriend them, find things we have in common, and try to develop a good rappor with them. This may seem a little immoral to some, befriending someone you personally dislike. -SNIP
Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 10-07-2003, 08:53 PM   #19
lobber of scimitars
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I will hunt around and see if I can find my copy of "Since Strangling Isn't an Option." Actually saved my job. I also have a copy of "Dealing with People You Can't Stand." (I have a thing for self help books with bizarre titles like that).

The last guy I actually had a serious conflict with ended up getting fired. (he wasn't fired for the litany of policy violations, errors, and general unpleasantness that he had inflicted upon myself, my other coworkers, and our patients. It took him making some racial slur or another to get him the hell out of there.

I would say continue to do what you're supposed to be doing, where and when you're supposed to be doing it. I know you won't fall into the trap of giving him any power over you that he doesn't actually have.

Just to the job and go home ... because therein lies in important point. It's a job. Not a career. For HIM, though, it's a career.
wolf eht htiw og

"Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception." --G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island

High Priestess of the Church of the Whale Penis
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Old 10-07-2003, 09:14 PM   #20
The Prodigal Brat Returneth
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I gotta find those books....I work with the cover models.
The Constitution gives every American the right to make a total fool out of himself. But that doesn't mean you need to.

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Old 10-08-2003, 12:10 AM   #21
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Slang dude i feel for ya . I am a former Marine , and have had to deal with assholes like that , hell i have cought my self acting like that a time or 2 !!!!!:p
At all jobs you will run up on some dude ( or chick , sorry ladys just trying to relate to Slang here ) that is so in secure in there own meager existance that they feel that they have to establish them selfs as ALPHADOG ( leader of the pack ) .
I have had MANY co workers who tryed this on me . I used to fire insults back at them , hell i have even tryed stepping up in there faces and saying " If you have some thing to say to me or about me you need to be a man and say it to my face BOY !!!" This has NEVER come out good . So i have come to the conclusion that I am above this kindergarten shit ( school yard bully saying "it's MY sand box ") . I am a grown ass man and can stand on my own 2 feet !!!
I agree with Wolf and Bruce and Whit , ask all the questions it takes for you to learn your job , do it as well as you can , and go home at nite .
Don't Don't Don't point out when dude comes in stinking of booze from the nite befor , or point out that he is streaching breaks out , or that he fucked up the last production run . Let HIM fall on his own face .
I had a fellow scale tech saying i didn't know what i was doing once , he got other offices in the corp involved .The NEXT day when i had to go fix the mess he had caused on a job , my service manger and another service manager from another shop were on the job . They were looking over my sholder the entire time ( big customer ) . They saw the stupid sloppy work that he had done . With in 6 months dipshit had gotten a dui in a company vech , caused a few thousand dollars worth of damage to said vech and his victom sued the DOG SHIT out of the company , and won !!
So like i said let asshole fall on his own face , if he calls you out phyicaly just smile and go about your work , if he attacks you DEFEND YOUR SELF !!!!! just look at my sig line below
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Brother Dave Gardner
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Old 10-09-2003, 02:41 AM   #22
St Petersburg, Florida
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wolf I will hunt around and see if I can find my copy of "Since Strangling Isn't an Option."

-- I *need* that book wolfie. I need to read it again and again and again!

Rush Limballs I'll send you an EIB Drive Master Golf Pack freebie.

-- I only golf when I'm out of ammo

ThreadHijackMan WTF?

--`Welcome to the Cellar. Very interesting name you have.

AngryWebLemming If he is truly that abrasive, the boss knows this.

-- The boss knows, trust me.

xoxoxoBruce Ask the real boss if this guy is always like this, in an offhanded manner, just to see if they're aware.

-- Very wise and savvy thoughts Bruce.

Beestie Don't think for a minute that you will ever win a public battle with this self-proclaimed dickhead, either. He's a soldier without a battlefield just looking for an excuse...

-- I know this type too well. You're right, I could never win. His entire being is invested in this act, he'd rather die than give in.

Elspode aka "Ep" He probably was a Marine who killed people...he ran over a bunch of school kids in a crosswalk driving a military garbage truck while intoxicated.

--LMAO This is normally the reality of old soldiers bragging. As much as I would like to kill some asshead bugging me sometimes, it's actually a matter of control. Anyone bragging about actually killing someone, legal or not, is truly confused as to what message he is trying to convey or image he's trying to present.My family is filled with combat vets from all of the major conflicts in the past 50 years.

What do they have to say about their war experience? *Very* little. Mostly that they did and saw things they never thought they'd have to and that they wish us kids would never experience it ourselves. Almost *zero* details.

juju And in the end, when you befriend them, you tend to understand why they behave the way they do.

-- You're a much bigger man than I am Ju. I can control my reflex to actually strike someone, but I *cannot* control my body language and facial expressions that say it all.

Whit but you'll definately bug the shit out of him 'till he leaves you alone.

-- One would normally think so but not this guy. He could talk for 6 hours on how to light a match. If you are paying him attention, he's like the energizer bunny........even more so than rush!

ThisOleMiss Sounds like he could possibly be a 'fake vet'.

-- This is a great point. I often ask vets what their MOS was when I find out they were in. MG was confused.

Slang: So what was your MOS in the Marines?
MG: Huh?
Slang: Your M O S? Military occupational specialty? What did you *do* with the marines?

He said something but I was cut off by someone shouting. His answer wasnt what I would've expected but I cant recall exactly what he said.

Slang: Oooh, field mastrabation. Must have really prepared you for *this* job, huh?

Griff One piece of advice- always be aware of potential cover.

--LMAO And....always know the difference between concealment and cover.

SteveDallas "is he always like this?"

--Yes, I think this is a good strategy

ladysycamore Maybe if this moron gets out of line, you could report him to the boss and they could handle his ass.

-- As tough as it is to find people that are physically capable to do this job, I think they have a different method for dealing with people (as I will explain later)

zippyt This has NEVER come out good .

-- LOL That's my experience too. If I were in my normal career, Idda just told him politely to fuck off then starve his project of FEA and CAD resources. Watch him scratchin his ass trying to learn how to run these programs for himself! It aint like the old days though.

that name (zippyt) is the funniest I have seen in some time BTW.

Last edited by slang; 10-09-2003 at 03:25 AM.
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Old 10-09-2003, 03:17 AM   #23
St Petersburg, Florida
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What a difference a coupla days can make.

The day after MG got far under my skin, we kinda got together and talked about some issues on the line. He was real civil and so was I.

Though we each *know* that we annoy each other, he's made some small but meaningful gestures and I hope that things will level out.

One thing I now do first thing I get in the plant is to ask him how he thought things went the night before ( even though he *isnt* the fucking boss). If I ask him upfront if there are probelems with something I am doing, we can discuss it in detail in an environment that we can *hear* each other and I can "read back to him" the proposed changes. In that same conversation, I throw out the fact that I *may* not be able to do it *exactly* that way from the get-go. I dont reject his suggestions out of hand but often am distracted by the extreme volume of the machines and the fact that I'm juggling 50 lb forms. This seems to feed his ego sufficiently so as to keep him out of my face.

I feel a lot better about the whole situation now.

In addition to this new plan, there's another twist. He was switched off the line out to the far end of the plant. He switched stations with another guy and I can imagine what the tap on the shoulder was like.

Boss: Hey MG, I got a "special" project for you. You know that dumb bastard that runs the end line? Well, hes fucked it up so bad that only *you* have the expertise to save us all from certain doom.

MG: You want I should do *both* jobs? You know I can (blindfolded, underwater with a zucchini in my ass)!

Boss: No, we dont want to insult ol' dumbass, we really dont need him, or any of the others for that matter, since *you* work here but we might need him for fill in during your vacation. You know, someone "just to get us by" in your absence.

MG: Roger that.

BUT...even in light of the "new tone", I can only hear just so much about a 50 year old married millionare that has a 20 inch dick, has kicked ass on three continents (with his bare hands...and a roll of pennies), has the serial number "001" copy of model years 65-72 Mustang, 68-74 TA/Camero, told the owners of the company to go fuck themselves *in thier corp office* over a mistake in payroll, shot a 415 lb/62 point buck last year (and gutted it with a sharp stone and a tree branch in 3 minutes) ...etc,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc

I can't keep myself from laughing outloud in the break room, so I avoid it and him.

Before he leaves or I do, I'm gonna ask for his autograph though. When the world *finally* realizes what a super Alpha he is, it'll certainly be worth money!

Thanks for all your comment and suggestions!

Last edited by slang; 10-09-2003 at 03:20 AM.
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Old 10-09-2003, 03:39 AM   #24
Rush Limballs
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Originally posted by slang
He could talk for 6 hours on how to light a match. .......even more so than rush!
What political persuasion is the match?
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Old 10-09-2003, 04:27 AM   #25
The future is unwritten
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In addition to this new plan, there's another twist. He was switched off the line out to the far end of the plant. He switched stations with another guy and I can imagine what the tap on the shoulder was like.
Maybe your boss or his boss is a lurker, here.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 10-09-2003, 10:47 AM   #26
Breathing into a paper bag
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(blindfolded, underwater with a zucchini in my ass) ??

THERE's an option nobody mentioned.

I got hired to work in three areas: Invitational, chapter business, and Harmony Camp. HC has been run by a micromanager (who is otherwise a great guy) for eight years before this one, and has always LOST money. This year, the board of directors gave me a dictate: police it. I worked hard to do that, creating stress on him and stress on me. we butted heads on lots of stuff that would end up to be financial issues.

this year, for the first time ever, HC broke even..even made a little. Mike's response to that was to tell the board he would not work with me ever again,.... it was him or me on this project. now, he's a great idea guy, and a good overseer, but a terrible day to day administrator. *I* am a great day to day administrator. but he won't let me be involved, and he won't step back. so it's him or me.

a zucchini. or maybe send him off to meet slang's marine?
Taking up smoking to lose weight.

Last edited by darclauz; 10-09-2003 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 10-10-2003, 12:39 AM   #27
St Petersburg, Florida
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The zucchini thing kinda came outta nowhere. It originally sounded like something almost inpossible to do, and a pretty funny mental pic too.
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Old 10-10-2003, 04:26 PM   #28
The future is unwritten
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It originally sounded like something almost inpossible to do, and a pretty funny mental pic too.
No and Yes, very.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:58 AM   #29
St Petersburg, Florida
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<size=4><b> MG / tolerable shitjob, update</b></size>

Things are getting better. I think my hazing period is over.

The last few weeks MG and I have getten along pretty well. Sure, he's still obnoxious but only intermittantly and not to the degree he was before. There have been times he's actually said and done things funny or constructive. At times I've even felt like we're "pals"!

Last night I was working along side of him and he whacked himself in the head with a hammer. He hit the form square and it came right back up at him, klunked him right in the mellon. The blow knocked his hat sideways too which made the event quite funny. He didnt miss a beat though, kept right on whacking at the offending part. I managed to contain my laughter until I got home.

He also said something I thought was a bit strange until I remembered he was a Marine (how could I have forgotten). There's one guy on the shift that is universally regarded as totally useless with the exception of being used as "a bad example". He runs one of the machines on the end of the plant. Mg runs it infinitely better than "bad example" but none-the-less it's his job since there is only one MG and he cant run all the equipment required for the plant. Anyway, BA was griping about someone threatening him after some incident outside of work. He described some verbal confrontation and intimidation while he was at a local store. He was shook up about it and you just knew that he'd get his ass kicked if he ever had to duke it out. After BA was done whining about it and left the area I heard MG say (loud enough for me to hear) something like, "well **I** better not ever see someone fuckin' with *anyone* from second shift........or that someone's gonna get an ass kickin' ." It seems that because BA is on "the team", Marine Guy feels that uniquely Marine obligation or subliminal kinship to stick together when the fists start flying. That one little line actually impressed me because he himself talks so harshly of BA. So in a small way I can relate.

There's also been a stream of people quitting on the spot the last 2 weeks. We lost 25% of the night shift. That puts a tremendous strain on the rest of us. This work is physically challenging with lifting and running power tools. I had to take over MG's position tonight and I can honestly say he's a tough old bird. MG's 54 and he makes his job look easy to 35 year old displaced engineers working their way through another degree.

So, all in all, yeah, hes an ass but I've come to at least respect what he does at work.

Last edited by slang; 10-31-2003 at 03:06 AM.
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Old 10-31-2003, 06:07 AM   #30
Scopulus Argentarius
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Originally posted by SteveDallas
I like Bruce's suggestion to ask the boss casually "is he always like this?" It'll help you learn more about where this guy is... you might get, "Oh yeah, Harry's been around a long time, he knows how everything works." Or "Oh that Harry, everybody ignores his bullshit." Or "What do you mean? Like what?"

I bet it turns out that the guy's sort of a joke behind his own back. I'd pity the fool too fake to be taken seriously..
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