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Old 12-16-2002, 12:26 AM   #16
in the Hour of Scampering
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Originally posted by jaguar
I'll be happy when i see a black lesbian rastafarian president.
I thought you guys had a Prime Minister, not a President.

Of course, your <i>Chief of State</I> *is* a woman...the black Rasta dyke part you'll just have to work on. Although there's some folks who think she's in control of the world drug trade, which might give her a leg up in Rasta circles. :-)
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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Old 12-16-2002, 01:40 AM   #17
no one of consequence
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He may only voice his views on racism, but he may still personally have opinions on lots of other things. Perhaps it's only the racism issues that get press. I just can't imagine that a single person holds only one opinion.

By the way, saying 'Period' doesn't make your argument stronger. <g>
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Old 12-16-2002, 01:45 AM   #18
St Petersburg, Florida
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Originally posted by juju
He may only voice his views on racism, but he may still personally have opinions on lots of other things. Perhaps it's only the racism issues that get press. I just can't imagine that a single person holds only one opinion.

By the way, saying 'Period' doesn't make your argument stronger. <g>
Can you show me anything he has to say that might not be directly related to racism? The economy? The environment? The military? Social security?

Why? Because .............he's a one trick pony Juju. I don't doubt that he has a place in this world, the oval office isnt the place for him though.

And when he loses, he'll accuse someone of being racist for his loss as well. For Al Sharpton, its all about racism as a political issue for his own advancement, nothing more.

I'm sorry if you don't agree but the reality is clear. Show me if I'm wrong.

Last edited by slang; 12-16-2002 at 02:07 AM.
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Old 12-16-2002, 03:20 AM   #19
no one of consequence
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Let's see... according to this story, he's against tax breaks for the rich, for campaign finance reform, and for full public financing of elections. He also strongly encourages people to participate in public service. And he thinks that people should stand up for what they believe in.

According to this page, he opposes the death penalty and school vouchers, and wants higher pay for teachers. He's also for the separation of church and state.

And on this page, it says he's for gun control and that he supports gay marriages.

Last edited by juju; 12-16-2002 at 03:37 AM.
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Old 12-16-2002, 03:53 AM   #20
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I already know I don't agree with either of these men. They are both liberals.
I think statement made certain that any ensueing statements were going to more than a tad coloured, gw on the research juju.

Of course, your Chief of State *is* a woman...the black Rasta dyke part you'll just have to work on. Although there's some folks who think she's in control of the world drug trade, which might give her a leg up in Rasta circles. :-)
Queen a drug runner? thats a new one for me.
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Old 12-16-2002, 12:33 PM   #21
in the Hour of Scampering
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Originally posted by jaguar
Queen a drug runner? thats a new one for me.
Yeah, it's one of the black helicopter/new world order/Illuminati conspiracy theories.
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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Old 12-16-2002, 01:25 PM   #22
lobber of scimitars
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Gotta agree with Slang here ...

i won't vote for or against any candidate based on race. That's one damn stupid way to make a political choice. For that matter, I don't vote party, either.

I WILL vote based on a candidate's position on the issues. (Or occasionally on the basis of "well, he hasn't screwed us over yet")

And for that reason, if given an opportunity, I would vote against the Rev. Al ... or Jesse.

However I don't think that either of these men have sufficient broad-based appeal to mount a reasonable presidential bid. Looking at Jackson's past attempts with the Rainbow/PUSH coalition, I don't think that horse would even make it into the starting gate.

I damn near choked on my Grape-Nuts when I heard the report that Al was considering running in '04. Ditto when I heard that the "other" Al wasn't going to run. It will be interesting to see who the democratic party decides to groom for the race.
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Old 12-16-2002, 06:57 PM   #23
St Petersburg, Florida
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Yes, Juju, you win the match. There are some less than mainstream sites that Al speaks briefly about his perspectives on the issues and I was wrong. The overall image he has, has not changed. The references you gave also mocked him for his even running in the election, I dont have those quotes broken out.

These are some examples to support my original point that Sharpton is a no talent ass clown that has absolutely no interest in any issue that does not appear to be the exploitation of a Black person by a white person, and why he doesn't have a snowballs chance to win the presidency.

The references were helpful and your post was good. Of course, I don't believe he has any use for white people in general, but let's take a look at how I formed that opinion.

<a href=""> The Dart Review </a>

He assured the audience several times that he was not merely here as a precursor to a run for the Democratic presidential primary, although no one suggested that he was.

Why is Al so sensitive about someone suggesting he was there because he might be running for the Presidency? Easy question to answer. Because he doesn't normally speak at colleges or universities. His normal routine is getting face time on TV with some reference to racism.

“I am not trying to win favor here tonight,” Sharpton began, “I believe in saying what I believe even if people disagree with me… those of you who dislike me after this event, I hope you sleep well tonight, because I will.” The crowd laughed. “If you’re intelligent, you will believe everything I say.”

Is the needle on your bullshit meter pegged from this comment? Here again, Al is attempting to become farmiliar with campaigning, which is much different from his normal protesting in which he has nearly 100% support from everyone.

The rest of the article describes his cookie cutter big city liberal views

<a href=""> </a>

But “Harlem is everything” to who Sharpton is and may become, his spokeswoman says.

Harlem is buoyant these days even if in the economic doldrums like the rest of the city. Years ago everything north of 96th Street was called Harlem. Slowly people moving into the rapidly gentrifying area started saying they live on the “edge of Harlem” at 103rd, then 108th and now even 116th streets.

Now when I say he represents only Blacks, thats not quite accurate. He represents Blacks and Hispanics, but not whites, that's accurate. Mr. Al is a Harlem man, his "headquarters" for his "civil rights org" is there too. There are almost no whites that live in Harlem. If he was interested in civil rights for all races, like he wants us to believe now that he needs white votes, why would his headquarters be in an area that<a href=""> is about</a><a href=""> 7-10%</a><a href=""> white?</a> Because he is all<a href=""> about black people</a> as I will show in many examples to follow.

<a href=""> The 80s server (1980s people/issues/events) </a>

Al Sharpton has made a career of placing himself at the front line of the struggle against injustice by lower and middle-income African Americans.

This is just a run of the mill unofficial bio of Sharpton. To the majority of people, he's a leader of AAs (please don't piss and moan about the AA in place for African American, its an abreviation in slang). Up until 2001 he was known pretty much as only a Black (AA and Hispanic, none other) leader. What did he do? He led marches and gave interviews on how evil the white people are. That's how many see him now even though he's trying to expand his horizons for the run for the prsidency

<a href=""> National Review </a>

But he knows and cares a great deal about Al Sharpton, and he is convinced that this presidential run will position himself as a power broker for black America, as Jesse Jackson was until very recently, despite never winning an election.

And, to absolutely no one's surprise, candidate Sharpton is first and fully for black America, with a few sops thrown to Hispanics and gays - though he starts out the book with catholic intentions.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader

<a href=""> The State </a>

Sharpton spoke to 400 people Monday at Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia as the inaugural speaker for the S.C. Legislative Black Caucus' Speakers Forum. South Carolina's black legislators plan to bring in national figures who speak about issues important to African-Americans.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a Black leader, not a civil rights leader of all races of people , but black people only, with a few sops thrown to Hispanics and gays.

<a href=""> ids news commentary </a>

Al Sharpton, the self-proclaimed new leader of the black community, willingly went to jail for 90 days after protesting Navy bombing drills on Vieques in Puerto Rico.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a Black leader, even though he is protesting a Puerto Rican military test site.

<a href=""> Front page mag </a>

"How can you show ninety seconds of a three minute videotape and say a crime has been committed?" ranted Reverend Al Sharpton to Charlie Gibson during the July 24 edition of Good Morning America. To what was Reverend Al referring? Inglewood, California? Oklahoma City? No, Reverend Al was speaking of a videotape of himself in a conversation about purchasing controlled substances.

Al Sharpton is a staunch advocate of civil liberties. Sharpton believes a segment of video by itself is not sufficient evidence of guilt - except when it comes to white cops arresting a black suspect. In such cases, not only is a video sufficient evidence to convict the cops, it's good enough to indict a whole department.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, helping to promote himself politically with racial issues, while at the same time using his race as a shield.

<a href=""> ABC News</a>

N E W Y O R K, Nov. 2, 1999 - The Rev. Al Sharpton may have ditched his high pompadour, toned down the racially charged rhetoric and shifted from sweat suits to pinstripes, but he continues to complicate life for New York politicians - particularly one who happens to live in the White House.

In 1987, Sharpton’s unapologetic crusade on behalf of Tawana Brawley, a young black woman who falsely claimed that she was brutally raped by a group of white men, made him a household name and a pariah in mainstream political circles. But these days, Sharpton’s Harlem headquarters is all but a required stop for any Democrat hoping to woo black voters in New York.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, he's an outcast in his own political party. The Democratic candidates have to win Sharpton's approval to get the black vote. He deals with AA issues, not white issues.

<a href=""> Rainbow/Push</a>

And white voters reported getting election eve calls urging them to vote for Green because Al Sharpton, the African American leader, "cannot be given the keys to City Hall."

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, by another who is percieved as a black leader. He's NOT a civil rights leader(who promotes all races civil rights), he's an AA leader.

<a href=""> USA Today commentary </a>

Sharpton is a civil-rights ambulance chaser. Unlike Jackson, he has little support among black voters outside of his home base in New York.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career.He's not a civil right leader, he's a civil rights ambulance chaser. But only if the civil rights are of an AA.

<a href=""> NAACP dot org commentary </a>

<P>These are some comments from the NAACP website, about Al Sharpton.</P>
<LI>I am an independant voter, and there was one thing that Al Sharpton said and did that disturbed me. During the presidential debates, Al Sharpton said that a campaign should not be based on "mudslinging," yet he was already guilty of this in front of CNN during his news conference. Also, Sharpton has absolutely no experience in the political arena. There is more to America than social programs.........This is another example of how he is perceived presumably by a Black person, as a black leader, with very little experience other than that from his protests in the Black community.</LI>

<LI>If an African-American believes Mr. Sharpton would be good for our image nationwide, then that brother has some major, major problems..............This is another example of how he is perceived presumably by a Black person, as a black leader, that doesn't represent the entire AA community, just a small group (as I said before).</LI>

<LI>Although, Reverend Sharpton has an extensive background in civil rights, he fails to impress me as a person who can be balanced and fair on issues, which he may not agree. Beyond the East Coast he will have a difficult time changing the self-imposed, media created image of the self-serving, loud talking, venom-<a href="">spewing </a> demagogue. Although, Americans are desperately seeking true leadership, few are ready to embrace a character with Reverend Al’s baggage. Perhaps, others in his camp like Cornell West should step forward. His chances would be better.......This is another example of how he is perceived presumably by a Black person, as a black leader, and is characterized as a self-serving, loud talking, venom-<a href="">spewing </a> demagogue.</LI>

<LI>This man has got to stop embarassing himself and black people. Every day I must say to myself this man does not represent my views nor that of the overwhelming black community in general. I am certain that in this day of age there are many among us with superior credentials that could mount an effective race for the Presidency...i.e Mr. Honorable K. Mfume, J.C. Watts--be it Republican, and many more. I hope the NAACP stays away from this escapade. I am surprise at Cornel West for supporting this ......This is another example of how he is perceived presumably by a Black person, as a black leader, that embarasses AAs outside of the small group he serves.</LI>

<LI>There are legitimate black presidential possibilities, like Colin Powell, who would enhance the black image. Al Sharpton is too unscrupulous for any elected office. Remember the Tawana Brawley scam?.......This is another example of how he is perceived presumeably by a Black person, as a black leader, and is seen as being unfit for office.</LI>

<a href=""> Front Page Mag </a>

For while he is clearly prepared to race around the country and confront even the most irrelevant white numbskull who happens to do something as ludicrous as the Perry bar owner apparently did, the fiery activist is habitually silent about even the most gruesome, barbaric examples of black racism directed against whites.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime.

Indeed, like all another self-anointed civil-rights crusaders in the country, he said nothing in response to the October 18, 1995 killing of Richard Will, a white man who was doused with lighter fluid and set afire by a group of black youths in a Chicago suburb. Sharpton was similarly silent in May 1997, when a black member of a Nation Of Islam offshoot viciously beat a white New York woman named Laura Zirinsky, injuring the woman so badly that she needed emergency brain surgery to save her life. Even though the perpetrator was carrying a notebook filled with anti-white writings advocating a race war, Sharpton never once vowed "to make a national example" of this racially motivated abomination. In fact, Sharpton had long been an unapologetic supporter of the infamous Khalid Muhammad, a Black Muslim whose vulgar diatribes against whites did not preclude Sharpton from calling him "a very articulate and courageous brother."

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime

Nor did Sharpton feel "fired up" enough to condemn a 1997 incident in which six black Michigan youths fatally shot two white males in the head, then forced a white female to perform oral sex on them while they sodomized her, and finally murdered her as well.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime

Neither was Sharpton's patience for injustice tested in January 1998, when a fifteen-year-old black gangster shot and killed Vitaly Bereslavsky, a hardworking Latvian immigrant in Brooklyn.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime

Nor did Sharpton take to the airwaves early in 2000, after a black Pennsylvania man named Ronald Taylor gunned down five innocent whites inside an apartment building. Though Taylor's residence was laden with anti-white and anti-Jewish writings, and though Taylor had candidly declared his intent to "kill all white people," Sharpton felt no inclination to publicly condemn either the crime or its racist roots.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime

Even though fully 90 percent of violent interracial attacks involving blacks and whites are perpetrated by blacks, Mr. Sharpton chooses to portray America as a snakepit of racist white vipers lurking behind every corner, just waiting for an opportunity to sink their fangs into the proverbial neck of black America.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime

And in so doing, he willfully infuses into millions of minds the outrageous lie which says not only that white racism is black America's most formidable foe, but also that black racism scarcely exists.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, using racial issues to promote his political career, while completely ignoring black on white crime

<a href=""> </a>

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter (R). Latest: Dec. 7-9, 2002. N=1,005 adults nationwide. These questions were asked of Democrats, as well as non-Democrats who said they would vote in a Democratic presidential primary.
"Let me mention some people who might seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2004. If the next Democratic primary for president were being held today, which one of the following candidates would you vote for . . . ?" If "Not sure," ask: "Well, which way do you lean?"

<LEFT>12/02 (RV) 10/02</LEFT>
Al Sharpton 2% 2%

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a Black leader, not a presidential candidate.

<a href=""> Black </a>

Sharpton is now confronting the same question Jesse Jackson did in 1988. He
can count on the Black vote, but where does he go for white votes? His answer? To the center. Irony of ironies, Al Gore - a creation of the DLC - is now the "class war" candidate in the Democratic presidential primary running to Sharpton's left! In the distorting environment of the Democratic Party, Al Gore must become a populist to be competitive while Al Sharpton must become a centrist.

This is another example of how he is perceived, as a black leader, that is confused about his political ideology. Al Sharpton is a centrist as much as slang is (The message I am trying to convey here is that Al is NOT a centrist)!

<a href=""> UNC TV - Black Issues Forum (I couldn't get this link to work, check out some Glocks) </a>

Program: Reverend Al Sharpton
Feb. 1, 2002
Thanks for the information on Al Sharpton. God willing I will watch your show Friday. Randall is one of my favorite. I saw him when he came to Charlotte maybe a year or two ago. Keep up the good work. I will tell people about your show. I have been watching PBS especially Friday night for many many years. It's my favorite night for TV. And now with your show, it's even better. If you are a Holloway from Durham I probably know some of your relatives. I used to hang with some Holloways during the late 60's. I graduated from NCCU in 1970.

Note: This exerpt is taken from the Black Issues Forum because Sharpton is most farmiliar with and promotes almost exclusively Black issues. <br>

<h3><color=red> So, again I say, Sharpton is a one trick pony. I don't doubt that he has a place in this world, the oval office isn't the place for him though. Am I not on solid ground with this one?</color><h3>

Last edited by slang; 12-16-2002 at 10:02 PM.
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Old 12-16-2002, 07:31 PM   #24
no one of consequence
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Yep, I agree that he's pretty passionate about civil rights. Freak. :)
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Old 12-16-2002, 07:37 PM   #25
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Juju, yer my third favorite liberal... (but don't fuck with my moose)
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Old 12-16-2002, 07:43 PM   #26
no one of consequence
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Who are number one and number two?
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Old 12-16-2002, 07:46 PM   #27
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Syc and 3 are the only libs I talk to. All the big city "progressive" types never made it this far out into the wilderness.

Well, except for NJ hunters for about 2 weeks a year. That's ok though, they leave.
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Old 12-16-2002, 07:52 PM   #28
no one of consequence
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Augh! You mean i'm last place?? Man, i've really got to work on this.

BTW, what constitutes a liberal, anyway?
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Old 12-16-2002, 07:55 PM   #29
no one of consequence
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I think that Sycamore considers himself a moderate, although i'm not quite sure what that constitutes, either. Does that make me #2?

Last edited by juju; 12-17-2002 at 12:01 AM.
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Old 12-16-2002, 08:03 PM   #30
St Petersburg, Florida
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Originally posted by juju
Augh! You mean i'm last place?? Man, i've really got to work on this.

BTW, what constitutes a liberal, anyway?
Good question. I think there are a handful of ideas that tweak me and puts one into the liberal catagory.

<LI>People are all equal and should be treated the same</LI>
<LI>Government is the answer to any and all problems</LI>
<LI>Profit is bad but taxes are good</LI>
<LI>People that make money are guilty of oppressing people to get to where they are</LI>
<LI>The constitution is a living document</LI>
<LI>Firearms are evil </LI>
<LI>How a person feels about something is more important that what the person does (good/bad intentions)

These are a few and I don't have the time or energy to elaborate right now. Maybe we can talk about these or some other issues tomorrow. I have to get some rest for a project in the morning. I'm sure just these will keep quite a flow of comments going.
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