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Old 05-07-2006, 07:18 PM   #166
Bitchy Little Brat
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Originally Posted by skysidhe

oh and it's not fucken hilarious.
I do know it's not hilarious regardless of what people who think have a front row seat to someones internet life/real life. People need to get a life.
It was funny *to me* Sky, I was one of the people involved, not the whack job either. I found it amusing that people I had been talking to for over 2 years fell for the story this lady was amusing from that perspective.

I just dont get upset about shit like that.
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Old 05-07-2006, 09:06 PM   #167
I can hear my ears
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Originally Posted by skysidhe
Who would believe this kinda thing happens? What kind of board member is in the know of this happening? or worse in the know but deny it anyway. Why would this thing happen at all? How does the heart of the person mend after being at the brunt of something like that?
Does this bother you because you wonder if it's happening here?

If it is, and you don't know about it, what does that mean?

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean people actually aren't out to get you.
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Old 05-08-2006, 07:56 AM   #168
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@ ducks, oh, ok
It bothers me that people are so screwed up generally and someone laughs at disfunctional behavior. It bothers me there are obsessive screwballs period.

@ lj, wow, honored with a reply.Maybe you should talk to someone you actually like? 'cause I don't want you starting your weirdness with me again.

No,I don't think those things are happening here, otherwise I wouldn't hang around.
The only person I think is a wierdo is you.
Basically, I think there is just one possible extreme thinker here and if you can keep your obsessions away from me everything will be cool. akay?

Lastly, I think the last sentence of your was an attempt at humor? Your personal bumber sticker?

I thought so. Have a nice day.

Last edited by skysidhe; 05-08-2006 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 05-08-2006, 08:46 AM   #169
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Re: Ducknuts original post and my reply that got me two posts in response.

One person defensive and one person in attack mode.

I questioned the status quo. When will I ever learn not to or learn there are obsessive freaks getting their game on.

I'm thinking. Maybe I just should have taken the low road. Sat back in my fat chair and laugh at the way people seem to have time in thier life to make up storys, be obsessive, and do all the things ducknuts discribed. I think it's weird shit.
That's because it is. What the fuck does paranoia have to do with it?

I just love how wack jobs twist things.

It makes me feel sad and Fed up.
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Old 05-08-2006, 10:21 AM   #170
I can hear my ears
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Originally Posted by skysidhe

@ lj, wow, honored with a reply.Maybe you should talk to someone you actually like? 'cause I don't want you starting your weirdness with me again.
actually, i don't think this is true. you seem to enjoy being abused. you don't, by any chance, cut yourself from time to time, do you?

ps. i never said i didn't like you.
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Old 05-08-2006, 03:05 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by lumberjim
actually, i don't think this is true. you seem to enjoy being abused. you don't, by any chance, cut yourself from time to time, do you?

ps. i never said i didn't like you.
no I don't like abuse. How much do you like to abuse?

Speaking of abuse. Thanks for the mild post. You're showing restraint I see. You must like me because you have me only being a simple wrist slasher.

I can't thank you enough. I can actuall go to work without feeling like hurling.
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Old 05-08-2006, 04:24 PM   #172
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I like a little abouse... sometimes I'm bad & need to be punished.
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Old 05-08-2006, 04:53 PM   #173
Bitchy Little Brat
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Sky - I wasnt really being defensive, just responding to your comments. Its no biggie.

You're right, its weird shit, thats why I pointed it out. Me, I tend to see the funny side of shit like that, rather than be worried by it.

Sure, I was weirded out by the lady that did it, but in the end I feel sorry for her, it was attention whoring of the worse kind.

She wanted to feel superior on the forum and ran around making up shit about anyone who came in and got attention...that *should* of been hers.

Pure nut job.

Rk (you need to decide what we should call you for short :p) - you are just plain naughty
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Old 05-08-2006, 10:13 PM   #174
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@ ducky

No heart feelings. The post you are referring too I shouldn't have made. It was born out of being tired from working ALOT and should be disregarded. I thought it sounded whiney even to me. I slumped.


@rk. umm That's weird because at work I was thinking those crasy people who get into punishment games don't even go where I go. Now , you gone and ruined my theory.
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Old 05-09-2006, 02:31 AM   #175
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I can't believe that all this was going on during the week that I was not able to spend any amount of time checking out The Cellar. It's taken me two days to write this offline, because of venous complications in my legs I haven't been able to sit in a chair for more than 5 minutes at a time without excruciating pain. But even though some sort of resolution seems to have been reached, I believe I should also have a chance to defend my evil twin Marichiko. Sorry if this cuts into the after-party, but I have a few things to say.

First I have to say that UT is the best administrator I have ever seen, he has the patience of a saint and the skill of a cat herder. I totally identify with him because I am administrator on another international website, I might have mentioned that before in passing, and we monitor 24/7. I have the graveyard shift, after Mazatlan goes down and until Greece gets online. We have to ban people too, fortunately not very often, and the reason is almost always because they declare war on the moderators for not letting them have free rein. I've been called things, in two languages, that have greatly expanded my X-rated vocabulary. I've been threatened with death or hacking or worse, I've been slandered on every other forum the malefactor can find, and I have learned to ignore it as a matter of course. But I can do that because it is Tonchi who has control of the button, I can make them go away forever with one keystroke and there is no appeal except to me. But UT is dealing with a different mindset, a supposedly more mature group. He also has his finger on the button but the whole premise of this forum is supposed to be that the people who belong here can take care of policing themselves. It's UT's forum, and he is the boss and final authority, but he has rarely had to exercise that privilege.

If people are not banned from UT's forum for posting drunk, stoned, ignorant, stupid, biased, antagonistic, or just plain mean, why can't someone also post angry? I'll admit I almost had a heart attack when I saw her post, it was totally over the top, but then what did you guys really expect would happen? Several of you poked and slashed and kicked at her and she finally lost it. She's sitting there trying to pack what material things that remain of her life and get out of her house and on the road by a deadline, and so you start a post which has no other reason except to criticize HER. How many other Cellar Dwellers have ever had a post started by the Administrator with the sole intention of jumping on one of the forum members? I'm kinda new, so tell me - Is this a first?

Then, how many of you could handle the possibility that every single time you wrote something there would be somebody who would attack you on a personal level? "Hello, everybody, let me tell you what happened to me today." "Shut up, you lying welfare whore, we aren't interested in hearing anymore of your trash." Beyond the truthfulness or exaggeration of what Marichiko has said here, which is a different issue, I am talking about the foaming-at-the-mouth hostility with which LJ has essentially stalked her. I don't need to qualify that statement, more than a few of you have already posted all the examples necessary. Some of you think this is "justified", I see? May I ask why Marichiko Must Die but UG, TW, Radar, and other assorted lunatic fringe cases who have flown through here do not elicit the same response? No urgent necessity of getting rid of politically abhorrent members, let’s get The Broad, she makes up things? That’s ... The Cellar? I mean, I have only a basic idea what the details are and I have not read all the posts in the years this has been going on and it would probably take a while to piece all the versions together, but geez, people! Who fucking cares???? Is this really lynch-mob material?

Every individual’s life is the entire world to them. We all deal with being in that life the best we can, and sometimes we don’t do such a good job of it. Everybody copes as best they can and everybody’s understanding of what is happening to them does not necessarily match what somebody on the outside may see. People also handle crises differently. Marichiko’s way is to try to talk through it, to try to outrun it, to try to understand it. She probably talks too much, she gives too many personal details, she has written term-paper investigations of what has happened to her. That is the way SHE deals with it. Mari and I have so many parallel events in our history that it's scary, but I deal with these things differently - I don't tell ANYBODY, I work it though by only contacting the people involved, I do not need a support group, I am secure in the love of several people who I am in communication with although they are not physically with me. Mari doesn't have any of that, and from what I have read on this forum in the last year, she is far from the only one.

Let me give you some information. I, also, am on SS Disability. I receive $1,350 per month, with Medicare hospitalization deducted from that. I had to wait 2 years from the verified date of my disability to get that payment, there was one year after the actual event when I did not file for any benefits or support because I was trying to take care of it myself. Just like Mari. But during that time between April 2002 and June 2005, I had to spend nearly $100,000 of my own money, for the sole purpose of staying alive long enough to qualify for Medicare. I paid for Major Risk medical coverage which cost $845.00 per month. There was less than $3,000 per year income. I was not allowed to work by my doctor, because I could not put any stress on my heart or lungs. What I have is called Pulmonary Hypertension; it was caused by a 15-year history of massive pulmonary embolisms due to a congenital blood condition I have called Protein C Deficiency. Until very recently, it was always fatal. The worst characteristic of this condition is that you do not get enough oxygen to your brain, which causes fatigue, slow responses, forgetfulness, confusion, and poor physical coordination. Just like Mari. I had no choice but to go on full disability because there was no way that by myself I could pay for the operation which would save my life, and besides, I was let go from three jobs in one year because I was not able to effectively handle the work when my body could not process enough oxygen. Just like Mari. I hardly ever went outside my house for 3 years, because the air in Fresno is so deadly that it causes asthma which made my breathing even more difficult. I lived under unbearable stress, just like Mari, not knowing if I would be able to qualify for or receive help in time, because the diagnoses, operation, and treatments which I needed cost almost $200,000.00, and even then there was no 100% guarantee that the hypertension would go away after all the material in my pulmonary arteries was removed. I am alive today because of Social Security Disability, and the inheritance which allowed me to stay alive long enough to qualify for it. Oh, and the first check I got from them was $25,000, just like Mari. They back-pay one full year of your benefits.

None of you knew anything about this, did you? Because I never told you. Because I didn't NEED to tell you. All of this came to a peak last summer, July 15 to be exact. Tonchi could have died on that operating table during a 12-hour-long procedure and never come back to the Cellar at all and very few of you would have thought about it much. And that was fine with me, because that is the way I run MY life. I would rather give sympathy, advice, support, or help to others than ask them to do it for me. But that does not mean that how I do things is better or worse than anybody else, that is just ME. Other people are not me, they don't think like I do, they don't have the same needs as me. So if other people choose to solve their problems in a different way, why should it make me at odds with them? The only thing which gets me upset is when people do NOTHING about their problems. You certainly could never say that Mari does nothing about her problems!

So like I said first, if The Cellar lets you post drunk, stoned, ignorant, stupid, biased, antagonistic, or just plain mean, can't people also just get ANGRY? Some of you worked really hard to make her angry. She should have just mumbled a fuck you and turned of the computer and packed it but unfortunately she didn't. Because she's who she is, she wanted all of us to be with her right up to the launch for the next really big stage of her life, and she got this instead. She's genuinely sorry for her outburst now and admits it was inappropriate. She should not have said the things that she said, and she knows it. But one thing I am positive of is Mari does not have a mean bone in her body. That is more than I can say about certain others here at The Cellar. The Cellar - we've got a bone to pick with you and it better not be a mean one. Let's drop it, can we please? UT was definitely owed an apology and he got it. Major contrition from the offender. Lessons learned and boundaries decided? We'll see.
Everything you've ever heard about Fresno is true.
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Old 05-09-2006, 04:44 AM   #176
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Originally Posted by Tonchi
Tonchi could have died on that operating table during a 12-hour-long procedure and never come back to the Cellar
I know I speak for more than just myself when I say that we are glad you are still with us.
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Old 05-09-2006, 06:17 AM   #177
I can hear my ears
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you write a 2000 word diatribe, insult, accuse, attack imagine and assure, and then say cant we just drop it? it was dropped. i let lots of shit go by in this thread without defending myself. now a week later, you want to get your two cents in?

one thing I am positive of is Mari does not have a mean bone in her body
how can you be?

the perception here is obviously that i wait for every chance to find lies in maris every post, no? please. i usually skip over them. stalking her? fuck you, too.
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Old 05-09-2006, 07:39 AM   #178
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Part of my intent was to prevent the tobacco thread from being ruined by the controversy.

I suppose I should have just let the original thread be ruined. Although its creator had PMd me specifically to ask where a tobacco thread should go and whether or not it would be ruined, and posted in the first message that he hoped it woudn't be ruined.

I should not have attempted to be stylish ("must... not... ruin thread") when suggesting to LJ that there would be a better place for the discussion of Mari smoking. This increased the chances that people would misinterpret me.

When trying vainly to discuss the complete idiocy of a CO-poisoned person smoking, I should have removed the personal aspect by discussing it as if there was some non-involved person I was dealing with.

I should have known that calling Mari an idiot would result in her total spazzing out in order to get even more and bloodier attention.

I should never EVER have taken the resulting bait.

I do, however, stand by my words on the matter. It was not mean of me to prevent the original thread from being ruined. It was not mean of me to start a thread to discuss the matter. It was mean of me to call her an idiot, but that meanness is called-for.

Tonch your instinctive reaction is to post a long message because - oh my ghod they're attacking her and they could well be attacking me! - but you are an entirely different being, despite the fact that your circumstances have some similarities. I am kind of thinking that if you knew that smoking aggravated your condition, if you knew that it might put you back on that table and redouble your expenses, you, like, wouldn't do it.

Evidence: smoking would totally aggravate your condition, and thus you don't smoke. Right?

But if ya did, should we pat you on the back for it, or slap you in the face? Or should we just ignore you, if we have nothing but contempt for what you say.

I don't know. But I prefer honesty to coddling.

(P.S. And how mean is it really, to give a Borderline Personality negative attention? That's what they wanted in the first place. That's why they are here. The whole thing is a farce and frankly you are falling for it... just like I did.)
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Old 05-09-2006, 11:00 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by Undertoad
The whole thing is a farce and frankly you are falling for it... just like I did.)
I give LJ some credit here because I recall he was the first one to "go public" that Mari was a fraud. And I don't think anyone owes anyone an apology for not putting up with it.
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Old 05-09-2006, 11:08 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by Undertoad
Part of my intent was to prevent the tobacco thread from being ruined by the controversy.

I suppose I should have just let the original thread be ruined. Although its creator had PMd me specifically to ask where a tobacco thread should go and whether or not it would be ruined, and posted in the first message that he hoped it woudn't be ruined.

I should not have attempted to be stylish ("must... not... ruin thread") when suggesting to LJ that there would be a better place for the discussion of Mari smoking. This increased the chances that people would misinterpret me.

When trying vainly to discuss the complete idiocy of a CO-poisoned person smoking, I should have removed the personal aspect by discussing it as if there was some non-involved person I was dealing with.

I should have known that calling Mari an idiot would result in her total spazzing out in order to get even more and bloodier attention.

I should never EVER have taken the resulting bait.

I do, however, stand by my words on the matter. It was not mean of me to prevent the original thread from being ruined. It was not mean of me to start a thread to discuss the matter. It was mean of me to call her an idiot, but that meanness is called-for.

Tonch your instinctive reaction is to post a long message because - oh my ghod they're attacking her and they could well be attacking me! - but you are an entirely different being, despite the fact that your circumstances have some similarities. I am kind of thinking that if you knew that smoking aggravated your condition, if you knew that it might put you back on that table and redouble your expenses, you, like, wouldn't do it.

Evidence: smoking would totally aggravate your condition, and thus you don't smoke. Right?

But if ya did, should we pat you on the back for it, or slap you in the face? Or should we just ignore you, if we have nothing but contempt for what you say.

I don't know. But I prefer honesty to coddling.

(P.S. And how mean is it really, to give a Borderline Personality negative attention? That's what they wanted in the first place. That's why they are here. The whole thing is a farce and frankly you are falling for it... just like I did.)
I sure as hell did and it did kill my thread. Which could have been a nice thread. Someone with her professed condition has no business inhaling smoke.
This whole thing got so blown out of proportion, but at the same time it seems that is has been coming for a long time and has been a purge of sorts.
Unfortunately, I doubt that anyone will get to the true bottom of the story.
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