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Old 11-09-2009, 02:02 AM   #166
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Careful Radar, he's got a knife.
I've got something better than a knife, Bruce old boyo: I've got history showing I'm right, Radar's wrong, and he can't man up enough to admit his mistake. And it will continue so as long as Radar has his personality. Note he can muster no argument in support of his erroneous thinking. That too shall continue.

No, Radar, no normal person here thinks you have "posted zero bullshit.¨ You are quite, quite alone in that view, and it will stay that way too, since Obama's policies occupy a quasar's distance from Libertarianism.

And you can't conduct a forensic argument. What an incapacity to have.

"I reject your reality. . ." old son. This is because I have a normal brain, with a normal sort of personality. I live elsewhere than the suffocating confines of the Radar-verse.

History tells us Radar is wrong. Radar is not allowed his own facts nor his own history. Radar must, but is too horribly stupid in too many important ways, to admit his egregious, monstrous, silly, totalitarianism-enabling mistake. He's had this coming.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 11-09-2009, 07:28 AM   #167
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UG doesn't have a normal brain, or much of any brain for that matter. He has narcissistic personality disorder and pathological lying disorder and he constantly practices psychological displacement and transference. He has an abrasive, rude, and disgusting personality and the intellect of a flea. He lacks honor, integrity, character, honesty, education, courage, logic, and reason.

He is completely ignorant of history, politics, science, linguistics, current events, the U.S. Constitution, the founders and the principles that guided them when they created America, and pretty much anything related to geopolitical conditions and their roots.

He thinks he is important and he speaks for others on this board, for instance when he denies the fact that I haven't ever lied or posted bullshit on this, or any other website, he follows it up by telling me what everyone else on the board believes.

UG doesn't know the meaning of the word libertarian, yet he claims to be one. He has no connection to reality, and his thoughts, when he rarely has them, are backwards, twisted, and based on fallacies. He has nothing to back up any of his arguments, which is the opposite of me because I back up each and every single thing I say with sound logic, reason, accurate historical record, and verifiable facts.

He's a gutless, sad, and pathetic little man who thinks if someone doesn't agree with his stupidity, dishonesty, and ridiculous propaganda, "he can't man up and admit his mistake"

In his warped and delusional world, he knows what libertarian is, but here in reality on the planet earth, libertarianism is sort of a scale with authoritarianism (fascism, communism, etc.) on one side and freedom on the other. Many of the less intelligent Republicans like to think they are libertarians, but they are not. Barack Obama is not a libertarian, but he is more libertarian than John McCain, Bob Barr, Hillary Clinton, or any of the other candidates that were running for office. That is to say he supports freedoms more than they do...both economic and personal freedoms.

UG can't see this because like the witless Republican dickheads he is stupid enough to believe are libertarians, he can only see the economic side of things. Over the years, my exchanges with UG have become boring and tedious. At first I really enjoyed having a little Republican puppet like him so I could intellectually squash him like a bug. I effortlessly destroyed every single one of his feeble attempts to debate or make arguments in seconds. I still can, but it hardly seems worth the effort to type it anymore. His inability to string together logical thoughts; his complete dishonesty; his woefully poor education; and his fallacious arguments are incredibly predictable.

I, and the overwhelming majority of Americans who voted for our honorable, intelligent, capable, honest, courageous, patriotic, and charismatic President are happy we did so and are proud to have a well-educated, articulate, man of integrity and character in the oval office for a change; a man who deserved and won the most prestigious honor on earth.

And even though President Obama might not be the best President who ever lived, he's certainly better than abject failures like Ronald Reagan or the Bush boys, and especially better than any of the other choices we had on the ballot. America is far better off now, that it would have been if McCain had won.

Having UG on the Cellar is like winning a bucket of used tampons. Sure, I own him, but do I really want to?
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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Old 11-09-2009, 08:47 AM   #168
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 11-10-2009, 11:43 PM   #169
Urbane Guerrilla
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Wall of text, every word false. You are a wreck, Radar, and I have your measure. You cannot show any of what you said, so what you don't know you are doing is squealing like a piggie, eee eee.

It's like you're writing a parody of a rant.

I don't need to have the last word, so long as I have the best. You, sir, are pwned.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 11-11-2009, 08:55 AM   #170
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As usual. I stomp your stupid ass into a bloody stain on the pavement, and you look up with blood in your eyes and claim victory because you're too dumb to know you've been beaten. How sad and pathetic. Your post amounts to "nuh uh"
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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Old 11-11-2009, 10:09 AM   #171
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Say, did anyone hear that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Birth, wealth, and position are valueless during wartime. Man is only judged by his character --Soldier's Testament.

Death, like birth, is a secret of Nature. - Marcus Aurelius.
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Old 11-11-2009, 10:16 AM   #172
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Yea, I heard it. He completely deserved it IMHO.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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Old 11-11-2009, 12:28 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by regular.joe View Post
Say, did anyone hear that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
No. Really? For what?
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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Old 11-11-2009, 12:46 PM   #174
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Well I never... if you people are gonna stay on topic, I'm off in a 400 hp snit.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 11-17-2009, 08:17 PM   #175
Urbane Guerrilla
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I dunno, Bruce. Is Radar in full-spherical-asshole-delusive mode really the example you want to follow? Radar couldn't stomp a bug with his raving, and can't support his argument or contention, and everyone but Radar knows as much. He's all mad at me because I pointed out a large error he committed -- how very unpardonable. Radar's midbrain always trumps his forebrain. Ego gratification is his one, sole, and only concern. Nothing else matters, not life, not integrity, not sanity, not intelligence, not family -- only the salving of that bloated tumor of ego he drags around with him, for no cause sane people could pinpoint. In overall effect, a two-digit IQ.

On reflection, the one word he got right on the evidence during the meltdown of post #167 was "abrasive." I do grate on people who refuse to use more than two digits of their IQ at any given juncture. (It's a sin I avoid committing, with success that comes with practice.) Give him his due, his two cents.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 11-17-2009 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 10:14 PM   #176
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UG...what you still cant support is your incessant rhetoric of Obama and Democratic socialism.

Ignorance of the difference between socialism and economic liberalism is no excuse.

I would also suggest looking inward before casting "abrasive" stones.
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Old 11-17-2009, 10:34 PM   #177
Urbane Guerrilla
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Redux, look -- I know from your writings that I'm wiser than you are, and my political choices reflect that extra margin of wisdom, values, and understanding. Events support my contentions, not your attempts at denial. History is on my side. It isn't on yours, as will be seen, even by you, over and over and over and over in the next three years. Each and every major policy shift enacted by the Obama Administration and the Democratic-controlled congress is socialistic, cloaked rather unpersuasively in fair-sounding words and guise in order to foist it upon an electorate that isn't yet paying enough attention to launch recall elections and impeachment proceedings. The Administration's actions are solid proof they are economic illiterates, which is something you have to be to stay a socialist.

You cannot convincingly deny any of this. National Review, Larry Elder, American Spectator and Russell Kirk support my view here, and I'll trust those careful scourers of data and events a good deal more than I trust your spoutings of Democratic talking points, designed to obscure both their fundamental social philosophy and the damage it will do the Republic.

The near-term result of all this will be a Republican takeover of one or both houses of Congress and the encysting of the Administration as a lame duck.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 11-17-2009, 10:38 PM   #178
Posts: n/a aren't that wise, you're just ideologically rigid.

An economic stimulus and/or jobs program is not socialism.

A progressive income tax is not socialism.

A health reform intitative that attempts to provides affordable (not free) and accessible health care to all citizens is not socialism.

Comprehensive government environmental or financial services regulations are not socialism.

Socialism is the bogeymean that you guys spout and spew when you cant defend your own ideology....not just you, the NR guys as well.
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Old 11-17-2009, 11:05 PM   #179
Urbane Guerrilla
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And the National Review guys are smarter than you are, with keener vision. They are also not as easily deceived. You're a good little sheep for the collectivists, just the kind of voter they like best. I've an independent turn of mind, and independence means thinking like an adult and not accepting any manifestation of the State as a surrogate parent -- or ever thinking that I should. My father and mother were really quite adequate to the task, thanks ever so much -- while they were needed.

Buying up a sixth of the national economy is a massive governmental intervention in the economic flow: socialism, by any definition. Perhaps you do not study socialism very much?

A highly progressive income tax is also a socialist feature, as a look at the tax code of any of the socialist welfare states can show -- they wouldn't miss that revenue stream. So it's shown me. Now what's your story? Don't you know anything about socialism?

An inflationarily-expensive taxation-supported health care reform scheme will not cure America, but will sicken the dollar unto death. Socialist states all, without exception, offer rationed, half-effective government-issue health services. Quacks like a socialist duck, Redux, but you'd actually believe it's not? I don't think you know so much, my friend.

Comprehensive government financial regulations can't help but be socialism. They are the very socialist type of policymaking, which has the deleterious effect of distorting the free market mechanisms that are the truest barometer of what a society actually values.

Thus we defend our ideology, through knowing more than the average leftist. Our ideology is essentially expressed as "keep that which is worthwhile, resisting any temptation to discard it just to make room for something novel." Discarding the tried and true for something novel is a temptation for the young, but the magic really goes out of that with either parenthood or turning about 35. In some stubborn cases, both.

Your inability to appreciate and internalize conservative values does not add up to "can't defend our own ideology." It is merely a defect of understanding on your part.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 11-17-2009, 11:15 PM   #180
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UG.....your ignorance, intentional or not, of socialism is appalling but to be expected from an extremist libertarian.

You are confusing, again, intentionally or not, a short-term economic strategy to stabilize the economy, at the time of the worst recession in 50+ years, with a long-term policy of government taking over the private sector on behalf of the "workers" (not happening).

Or to suggest that a health care proposal that keeps the overwhelming majority of Americans in health plans administered by the private sector is a form of socialism is absurd.

Progressive taxation is not socialism by any definition....deficit spending is not socialism (hell, Reagan and Bush were both huge deficit spenders).

And to suggest that government regulation is a form of socialism is even more mind-boggling.....right up there with your "reasonable gun control leads to genocide" argument.


UG....whatever happened to you "getting back to me" on that wacky gun control ---> genocide nonsense?
I shall happily demolish your ignorant contention that it's bizarre that gun control should connect to genocide in a following post. It's a routine thing. I have the knowledge at my fingertips, though it does take a little while to compose the essay....
Its been two months, dude....where's that "knowledge at your fingertips"?

Last edited by Redux; 11-18-2009 at 12:03 AM.
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