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Old 08-30-2013, 09:46 AM   #151
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This is a major milestone... that started with the military.

National Public Radio
Eyder Peralta

IRS Will Recognize All Legal Same-Sex Marriages
The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announced
on Thursday that when it comes to federal tax purposes, same-sex couples
who have legally married will be treated the same as straight married couples,
no matter what state they reside in now.

The move is one in a series from the Obama administration to come in compliance
with a Supreme Court decision invalidating a key provision of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.
"Today's ruling provides certainty and clear, coherent tax filing
guidance for all legally married same-sex couples nationwide,"
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said in a statement.
"It provides access to benefits, responsibilities and protections
under federal tax law that all Americans deserve. This ruling also assures
legally married same-sex couples that they can move freely throughout the country
knowing that their federal filing status will not change."

The IRS says couples can begin filing taxes as married in 2013,
and generally, same-sex couples could file amended returns for 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Talking heads are now saying that for people in states that do not recognize same sex marriages,
"it pays for people to travel to a state that does recognize same sex marriages to be married".

Once again, changes within the military have been forefront in changes within civilian life.

Last edited by Lamplighter; 08-30-2013 at 10:16 AM.
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Old 10-11-2013, 09:31 AM   #152
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When Jack Kennedy was running for President, he had to go to great lengths
to convince the public that as a Catholic, he would not let his personal, religious beliefs
interfere with his duties as President of the United States.
The public believed him and he was elected.

Now we have the Republican Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christy, doing just the opposite.
Christy has publicly said he is Catholic and does not personally believe in same sex marriage,
but is doing all that he can as Governor to stall, stop, and prohibit such marriages in NJ.

The Jersey Journal
Christopher Baxter/The Star-Ledger The Star-Ledger

N.J. judge denies Christie administration request to delay same-sex marriage
TRENTON — A state Superior Court judge today denied the Christie administration's
request to delay same-sex marriages in New Jersey beyond Oct. 21
while it appeals the matter to the state Supreme Court, saying that such a move
would infringe on couples' rights.

But the administration quickly responded by requesting the same delay
from the state Appellate Division instead, according to the state Attorney General's Office.
It is unclear when the court will consider the motion.

The administration intends to appeal the ruling directly to the state Supreme Court
to prevent the marriages, bypassing the normal procedure through the appellate courts.
In the meantime, it had asked Jacobson to delay marriages until the appeal was decided.
Both houses of the NJ legislature previously approved a Bill to make NJ law conform with the USSC decision.
It only needed Christy's signature to take effect.
But he followed his religious beliefs and tried to make it a public referendum.
Now Christy is using the mechanisms of the State to enforce his own religious beliefs.

I don't give a fig what this Republican Governor believes personally,
but as a presumed candidate for President in 2016 he should be held
to the same "Kennedy" standard.
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Old 10-11-2013, 09:46 AM   #153
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I think the concern with Kennedy was that as President he wouldn't be subservient to the Pope.

I have no problem with politicians fighting for what they believe in. Let the voters know what you believe in and then they can chose to vote for you and your beliefs or not.
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Old 10-11-2013, 10:32 AM   #154
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Yes, I agree that was one of the facets in this issue ... the way it was stated in the press...
but there was a broader concern (Protestant prejudice) about what Kennedy would do as a Catholic President.

Here are some quotes from Wiki

At the 1956 Democratic National Convention, Kennedy was nominated
for Vice President on a ticket with presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson,
but finished second in the balloting to Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee.
Kennedy received national exposure from that episode;
his father thought it just as well that his son lost, due to the political debility
of his Catholicism and the strength of the Eisenhower ticket.
Kennedy visited a coal mine in West Virginia;
most miners and others in that predominantly conservative, Protestant state
were quite wary of Kennedy's Roman Catholicism.
His victory in West Virginia confirmed his broad popular appeal.
To address fears that his being Catholic would impact his decision-making,
he famously told the Greater Houston Ministerial Association on September 12, 1960,
"I am not the Catholic candidate for President.
I am the Democratic Party candidate for President who also happens to be a Catholic.
I do not speak for my Church on public matters – and the Church does not speak for me."[48]

Kennedy questioned rhetorically whether one-quarter of Americans were relegated
to second-class citizenship just because they were Catholic, and once stated that,
"No one asked me my religion [serving the Navy] in the South Pacific."
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Old 10-11-2013, 07:22 PM   #155
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Let's not forget what Christy recently said. He said a gay or lesbian couple is equivalent to incest. Equivalent to a brother and sister having sex. He stuck by that comment even when challenged multiple times by the press. He only back off that comment the next day when public opinion finally made it obvious he had just promoted hate.

Even the Pope does not have Christy's extremist Catholic beliefs.
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Old 10-11-2013, 09:27 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by tw View Post
Let's not forget what Christy recently said. He said a gay or lesbian couple is equivalent to incest. Equivalent to a brother and sister having sex. He stuck by that comment even when challenged multiple times by the press. He only back off that comment the next day when public opinion finally made it obvious he had just promoted hate.

Even the Pope does not have Christy's extremist Catholic beliefs.
I'd like a cite for this please. Everything I could find indicated that Gov Corbett, not Gov Christie was the one that made that comparison, gay marriage==incest.
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Old 10-11-2013, 09:34 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
I'd like a cite for this please.
You are correct. My mistake. It was Corbett - Governor of PA.

Don't know why I confused the two. When Corbett said that, my first impression was that of another Santorum. The Senator who was roundly voted out of office after so many extremist religously inspired actions - including imposing himself on the family of Terry Schiavo.

I believe Corbett is also a Catholic with religious beliefs that even the Pope does not support.
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Old 10-11-2013, 11:17 PM   #158
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I'd like a cite for this please
Christie does have his own views, and expresses them...

NY Times
Published: August 14, 2013

New Jersey Court to Hear Same-Sex Marriage Case
Mr. Christie, a Roman Catholic who is considered a leading contender
for the Republican presidential nomination, has been a staunch opponent
of same-sex marriage. He vetoed the bill legalizing same-sex marriage passed
by the Legislature last year, and Democrats have been unable to win enough
Republican votes to override his veto.

In June, Mr. Christie said that the Supreme Court made a “bad decision”
in extending federal benefits to couples in same-sex marriages,
saying it was “incredibly insulting” to overturn the 1996 law defining
marriage as between a man and a woman.

Instead, Mr. Christie has argued that voters should decide the issue
of same-sex marriage in a ballot question, but Democratic legislators say that civil rights
should not be decided by referendum.

A Quinnipiac poll after the Supreme Court decision showed that
about 60 percent of New Jersey voters supported same-sex marriage.
The poll results don't matter. The issue has been decided by the USSC.

It really doesn't matter what Christie's personal opinions or beliefs may be.
He is the Governor of the State and should be giving priority to laws
of both the State of New Jersey and the U.S., as expressed by the USSC decision.

If I have to live with Scalia's interpretation of the 2nd Amendment,
Christie should have to live with the Court's decision on DOM.

I'm not in agreement with Glatt's idea that by declaring their religion before election,
that after their election the candidate can set about modifying the government
to conform with the belief's of that religion based on their personal views.
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Old 10-12-2013, 08:06 AM   #159
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I didn't quite say that, but I suppose it's close enough. You don't agree that it should be that way, or you don't agree it is that way?

Because it's been that way forever, in virtually every election in history.
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Old 10-12-2013, 08:40 AM   #160
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Both... and I apologize if I overstated or misinterpreted.

Officials in state governments are usually working their way up through elected offices.
They tend to think only about the "will of the people" and being "popular".
Some never get the point that it's their job to protect the minority.

Civil Rights are special areas of the law, and not the purview of a "majority".
Remember the US Army being called out so 9 kids in Arkansas could
go to a school blocked by a perfervid Governor.
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Old 10-12-2013, 09:47 PM   #161
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Instead, Mr. Christie has argued that voters should decide the issue
of same-sex marriage in a ballot question,
This point is specifically cited as an example of Christie's (Governor NJ) political genius.

Corbett (Governor PA) has repeatedly demonstrated incompetence. It is not just his obvious gaffs with gay marriage. He even foolishly all but blamed Paterno for pedophilia in Penn State. Was PA District Attorney General when investigators had Sandusky on tape soliciting sex from kids. Knew of it and did nothing. To apparently enrich frackers (and resulting political contributions), he successfully set their payments to the state at 1/5th that of other states (while PA is so sort of cash as to close bridges all over the state that cannot be fixed - no money). His benchmark legislation was to eliminate state stores (liquor in PA is sold only by the state for great profit and lower taxes). Even both houses of the PA Congress are dominated by his party. And he cannot even get that legislation moved into law.

He does not even know how to oppose gay marriage without promoting hate. Why would anyone have voted this man in office? Apparently god knows. Another example of why politicians who promote their religion on all others is, well, incompetent.

Meanwhile, Christie successfully deflected criticism on this issue to elsewhere (see above quote). A wonderful political move praised by many NJ political observers. Does not matter what your opinions are or if you find this hate of gays acceptable. Christie has demonstrated he is a master of politics.
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Old 10-17-2013, 08:16 PM   #162
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Paragraphs rearranged for readibility

The Oregonian
Harry Esteve
Same-sex couples gain rights in Oregon -- if they were legally wed out of state
<snip>Deputy Attorney General Mary Williams wrote that Oregon’s constitutional prohibition
on same-sex marriage “would likely be construed as also prohibiting recognition
of out-of-state same-sex marriages.” However, she added,
“such a construction would likely violate the federal constitution.”

As news traveled of Oregon’s new policy to recognize legal same-sex marriages from out of state,
local reaction among gays and lesbians was muted and mixed Thursday.
“It’s almost ridiculous,” said Ben West of North Portland, who recently had a “commitment ceremony”
with his partner, Paul Rummell, but can’t legally marry here.
“I’m from Oregon and Oregon’s my home. I want to marry my partner in my home.”

West was reacting to a new Oregon Department of Justice ruling that paves the way
for the state to recognize valid, out-of-state same-sex marriages, even
as the state constitution bans any marriage other than between a man and a woman.
Over 100,000 signatures have been gathered to change the Oregon Constitution on same-sex marriages.
At least 160,000 valid signatures are needed to place it on the 2014 ballot.
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Old 11-04-2013, 08:20 PM   #163
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This is important
...and although it may only be a procedural vote to begin debate, maybe...

NY Times
Published: November 4, 2013

Bill Advances To Outlaw Discrimination Against Gays

WASHINGTON — A measure that would outlaw workplace discrimination
based on sexual orientation and gender identity overcame a significant obstacle
in the Senate on Monday as seven Republicans crossed party lines
and voted to begin debate on the bill.

[ Some amendments will probably be added to exempt various kinds of religious organizations, etc. ]

The 61-30 vote marks the first time since 1996 that the full Senate
will consider a measure to extend federal nondiscrimination law
to gay, lesbian, and bisexual people — a stark reminder, supporters said,
that as the public has come around to accepting gay rights, Congress has been slow to keep pace.

It is also the first time that either house of Congress has voted on
a nondiscrimination bill that includes transgender people.<snip>

Federal law already protects people from discrimination at work
because of race, religion and a number of other factors.
But it remains legal in most states to fire or refuse to hire people
because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
Just 21 states and the District of Columbia offer such protections.
Huffington Post

John Boehner Opposes ENDA, Dealing Blow To Bill's Chances
E'nuf said about the GOP leadership.
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Old 12-21-2013, 08:52 AM   #164
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I'm sort of proud of this thread.

It started back when President Obama was overcoming his personal feelings,
and over-riding Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, and some others,
to result in the repeal of DADT.

Now look where it has achieved... in Utah, no less
... all based on the "Due Process" Section of the 14th Amendment

Utah’s same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional, judge rules
A federal judge on Friday ruled Utah’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional
in a state dominated by the Mormon Church, one of the country’s staunchest opponents of gay marriage.

Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,
are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;
nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The State will undoubtedly appeal to the US Supreme Court.
We have to wait, but I believe this is a monumental event set in motion...

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Old 02-03-2015, 01:03 PM   #165
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The Supreme Court has finally(?) agreed to deal with these situations,
but the legal maneuvering continues at the State level.

Remember that judge, Roy Moore, who refused to remove the 10 Commandments
from the State's (courthouse) building ? He is still trying to be a player. - February 3, 2015
Court denies state's request for stay on same-sex marriages; Strange appeals
Alabama’s request for a hold on a ruling that struck down the state’s two bans
on same-sex marriage has been denied by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Following that ruling, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange asked the U.S. Supreme Court
to stay the Jan. 23 U.S. District Court ruling striking down Alabama’s same-sex marriage bans.
Alabama had asked the 11th Circuit appeals court to keep the decision on hold
since the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the issue of gay marriage later this year.

State lawyers urged the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta to stay
a judge’s decision overturning Alabama’s two bans on gay marriage.
They suggested there would be continued disputes over the legal status
of marriages even though a judge ruled the bans unconstitutional.

“Absent a stay, any same-sex marriages that are recognized by any official in Alabama
will be subject to dispute and challenge,” lawyers for the Alabama attorney general’s office wrote.

“A stay ensures that people in Alabama, including the plaintiffs, do not have to worry about
the undoing of same-sex marriages or adoptions after the U.S. Supreme Court rules this June,” state lawyers wrote.

State lawyers noted the conflicting statements handed down about issuing same-sex marriage licenses.
The Alabama Probate Judges Association initially said [federal Judge] Granade’s decision did not bind
judges to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. The group reversed course after
Granade issued a clarification order and said the decision applies to them.

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore said last week that Alabama courts are not bound by Granade’s order.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has filed a judicial ethics complaint over Moore’s remarks,
likening it to his refusal a decade ago to obey a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument
from the state judicial building.
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