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Old 10-15-2005, 09:43 PM   #16
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by xker
And we noticed too,it's under this situation that EU decided to develop "Galileo" which will stand up to GPS as an equal together with China in spite of USA's menace of destroying it.
Do you have even basic knowledge of the space business AND of the political implications of what is and is not being proposed? Of course you know of the $billions being spent on an anti-ballistic missile program that does not work (according to America's own top experts), that has again been changed because they could not pour concrete on the island in Alaska, and for a threat that does not exist (Osama bin Laden or some other terrorist might get intercontinental missiles). And of course you know all about this political hot potato called Galileo - why it is being created and what it will do.

Xker posted some interesting questions. What he does not understand: most Americans have no idea what he was even talking about let alone heard of any of those projects. Many Americans only hear Star Wars hype - and assume it must be good. Many Americans are so easily deceived as to even think the Moon Missions resulted in new American products.

Start with Galileo. Who here even knows what Galileo is and why it is being created?
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Old 10-17-2005, 05:45 AM   #17
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The article about "Galileo" was abridged.The last sentence of it is:
Analyse above is mostly from militery and political angles of view.From our viewpoint,there are huge commercial value behind "Galileo" and analyse from this angle of view will be put in the "investment reference" next week,please advert to read it.
I only subscibed the abridged version of their reference of 180 RMB one year because the full version will cost me 100,000 RMB a year.

Article of 10/12/2005 talked something about manned and economy:

[referenced news...pass over]

We noticed that,"two important conclusions" were made by "Kanwa Defense Review(KDR)" of Canada about the flying orbit of Divine Vessel Six.First,"It has the abilities of take pictures of certain targets in most area of the world "real time" and "repeatedly".Secondly,the rediffusion of this launching shows that China has totally mastered the technology of "transmit digital satellite pictures fleetly" which is propitious to send pictures taken by satellite to earth and analyze them fleetly.

From our viewpoint,these several technologies that KDR summarized of DVS certainly have their military significance,but not only there aren't the the pick of the basket,but also have been widely used in "Resource-series" satellites which contain military uses.

We thought the "prime" of Divine Vessel Six in military aspect,is life suport system of "multi-cosmonauts" and "multi-days" we referd yesterday.This is the important symbol of that China has the ability of "manned outer space scientific experiments".

So when looking at the "two conclusions" of KDR,we can see that those technologies of reconnaissance which were overrated to be the "beginning of the age of strategically reconnoitring US and Japan" are actually just rudimental technologies of a country which got the ability of outer space military deploying and experiments through carrying out manned spaceflight.They are even not worth to talk about.

Refer to the information we have,"Resource II" satellite of Chian is actually a very advanced recce satellite which can do "live broadcast",that means there's no need of conventional film sensitization in it's transmiting remote sensor,but use high tech vidicon to take "freezed TV image" one by one and straightly send back to earth after encrypting.

Apparently,by this enemy's information can be got more rapidly in military use.In addition the synthetic aperture radar in Chinese recce satellites is very advanced too.From our point of view,this kind of technology which was paraded as the core recce technology that help US army won the gulf war,are used peacefully in China now,and we can see it's economic benefit in water conservancy of Du Jiang Yan and prevention and cure of northwest desert,etc.

In fact,the orbital module will stay in the outer space for 6 to 8 months.Apparently the orbital module with these recce technologies will keep on acting as a recce satellite.

If we look at the flying line of Divine Vessel Six a little more carefully,we find that the line was planned aboratively,it can take pictures of Tai Wan,and of japan,especially USA.

What could be affirmed is,this settle means that the members of the pre-military union of "USA,Japan and Tai Wan" will be exposed under the camera recce system on orbital module of Divine Vessel Six which was described as "resolution of 0.5 foot" by the leader of national security bureau of Tai Wan for about half a year,this will be the reinforce of "Resource-series" satellites.

From our viewpoint,because of the "multi_cosmonauts" and "multi-days",Launching of Divine Vessel Six is much more difficult and danger then Divine Vessel Five,which was "go and back soon" and "one cosmonaut one day".We considered that,if Divine Vessel Six finished it's travel successfully,China will be at a totally new startup of outer space technology.

What is worth to is,although there are only two men in Divine Vessel Six,they will stay in the outer space for 5 days and carry on a lot of "manned scientifical experiments" and "manual works",this confirmed without doubt that "China has solved the problem of life supporting for cosmonauts to stay in outerspace chronically".

We noticed that according to the survey of media,the mostly cared issue by hoi polloi is about "eating,drinking,urinating and relieving nature".These things and sleeping,adjusting of mentality are trivial but point out the most important breakthrough of technology,recapitulate all the necessary condition of living in outer space chronically.Apparently,the launching means that China has got the pivotal technical guarantee of living in outer space chronically and carry on manual works.

USA,who has the most advanced outer space technology knows well about the significance of this "pivotal technical guarantee",i.e. the essential different between "manned and unmanned" and "one cosmonaut and multi-cosmonauts",and how greatly it will affect the development of a country's spaceflight technologies and related militeray technologies.

We noticed that,an expert of American navy war college did a impersonal describe about these huge "differents":If you sent two cosmonauts to outer space,you will have the capital to do more complex and diversiform works and experiments,but it's much more difficult to send two cosmonauts than one.

At the same time,this expert emphasized that "these actions are necessary to China for his future",because "the final objective of China should be building space station on his own,so they must learn how to live in outer space longer".
Certainly the reasons of "necessary" said by this expert locate at the area of spaceflight.But from our point of view,the words "these actions are necessary to China for his future" is not only applicable in the area of Chinese spaceflight but also in other wide area.

From our point of view,spaceflight is a huge system which has wide relationship,great effect of boosting and complex technologies.It has close relationship with many industries of a country,such as electronic message,new materials,technology of controling,exact manufacture,biochemistry,etc.

From the samples of USSR who realized manned spaceflight technology first and USA, who's second,spaceflight is absolutely a important leading industry which can lead the development of technologies and economy a country.From our viewpoint,it is unmeasurable that how the developing of manned spaceflight will impulse the develpment of technologies and economy of a country.

In fact,waht Apollo project's largest contribution to USA is not anything else but bring up high-level scientists for a generation and the ability to managing and Coordinating large project,and scientific research results of these scientists not only carried out the project straightly but also impulse the holistic technologies of USA.

We thought that,why USA is completely one-up on computer,communication,measurement & control,rocket,materials and many other high-new technologies, is greatly related with the base of "person" and "technology" which was founed during the developing of Apollo project.

Here's a very typical sample:video tape recorder was developed for Apollo project by American to record the course of landing moon.Afterward American diffused this technology into civil area and form a merchandise with rich gain,and impulsed the entertainment industry of USA farther.Moreover,many of those material and electrical technologies of USA one-up were technologies tbat resold to earth after "only for moon landing".
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Old 10-17-2005, 05:45 AM   #18
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Apparently,the "huge input" in spaceflight technologies of USA not only gained the great improvement of holistic technologies,but also gain a "huge output" of economy.This show very important refering significance to China who's facing the adjustment of economic structure and emphasizing the stratagem of "developing by technology innovating".

What we want to emphasize here is,after launching,the strongest impression we have of those people who are in charge of design, manufacture, lauching management and other parts of Divine Vessel Six project in front of TV is:youthful! We can see from this, only on "bring up high-level scientists for a generation", there already has a great harvest brought by Divine Vessel Six project.

A data offered by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation with important significance yesterday indicated that 80% of more than 1000 new materials of China recent years were developed under the traction of outerspace technologies.

Why the data has important significance is not because of the number in it,but the "consciousness" of "offer this data report".From our viewpoint,the action "offer" shows that China has taken fully notice of the "sameness and different" of the two super power's destiny in cold war.

From our point of view,the manned spaceflight plan took country stratagem of China a very advantaged place.Intensify national security one side like we said yesterday,and an other side it is apparently that Beijing want to find a "new way" to intensify the ability of high-new technology innovating then bring along the upgrade of Chinese economy through this project and following projects.

So from our point of view,this "data" shows that although China if following the way which was not changed from USSR to Russia on the details of carrying out manned spaceflight,China is referring to the mode of success of USA on how to impulse the national technology,bring up scientists widely and impluse the national economy in both "quality and quantity".

Impersonally the reserve in the mass of spaceflight and military technologies are all square,but USA did greatly successful job on turn high military technologies to civil which was a big failure of USSR.We think it the very important inner reason cause the different destiny of the two superpower.

So,China has "high-new technologies on top level",and decision-makers of China have already fully noticed the "success and failure" of USA and USSR on "turning from outer space to earth" and "truning from military to civil".They are consciously doing the job of "graft" of economy.

Withal,we think it is not enough just "fully notice" the importance of this "graft",the linchpin is how to found a mechanism of turning spaceflight and military technologies to civil.This shoul be the "import job of important jobs" of Chinese government.

From our viewpoint,Washington is proficient of such jobs and know well about what it means to China.

It's is so prominent that outer space technologies impulse the technologies and ecnomy of a country with alive market economy.This is the grounding why Washington bring out his argumentation of "menace of Chinese outer space military" "in time" too.

We have analyzed the restarting of SDI of Bush yesterday.From our point of view,the numbers of "worry" and "warning" of Americans is nothing but anxious for if they could realize their strategic objective of monopolizing outer space through SDI II or "veto" plan.

From our observing,for this moment,either the army or civil experts of USA,the menace they could describ clearly is focus on "Chia developing anti-satellites weapons".

From are two reason of this:first,just like Mr. Phillip Saunders said above,"US army is rely on these satellites deeply".

The second,and is the most important,as file from the Pentagon said,actually China has "developed out abecedarianly" the ability of attack and disturb satellites on low orbits the same as USA and USSR.

As we know,these three countries put breakthrough point on "laser weapon" and "high-energy particle weapon" happen to coincide.Many evidences show that Chinese technology of laser weapon is more advanced,all satellites flying on low orbit,either military or civil,are in the range of this weapon.

According to the Pentagon's plan,USA will deploy laser weapons or high-energy particle weapon in outer space to hold up and destroy satellites.This is the core of SDI.From our viewpoint,the plan which was seem to be impossible before has came to possible along with the developing of military spaceflight technologies.

Apparently,the developing of doday's technologies,especially electron,material and computer,make it pressing about the attacking and defensing based on outer space.

We noticed that,Americans have very detailed plan of building their outer space battle mode,that is:move their battle mode to outer space,buliding "spacecraft carrier" battle group in outer space,and one "manned space station" is equal to one "spacecraft carrier",orbit mobile anti-satellites spacecrafts can launch an attack at any moment and destrpy enemy's satellites quickly and exactly.

In addition,Americans are developing a kind of land-attack weapon based on outer space,named "hit top weapon".From the name we can know this kind of weapon will be used to attack target in sea,lan and air from outer space beyond visual range.This is the same attacking mode as cruise missiles carried by "aircraft carrier battle group".

Not hard to see that,once the development of laser weapons or high-energy particle weapon based on outer space success,the difference between technologies of "manned" and "unmanned" will emerge obviously and immediately.We noticed that in Washington's design,"manned" "spacecraft carrier" can not only destory enemy's satellites and spaceship,but also destroy enemy's intercontinental ballistic missile on their way,even in their boost phase."Manned" will be much more efficient than "unmanned" when doing such battle missions.

From our viewpoint,the reason why USA,Russia and China regard manned spaceflight technologies so highly is that all of them regard outer space as a possible battlefield in future,and think it a "absolute tipping point" to insure their own strategic living space.

[...pass over]
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Old 10-19-2005, 02:02 AM   #19
The future is unwritten
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So you're saying you're doing that way because we did it that way and you didn't learn from our mistakes so you're wasting your money too. Cool.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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Old 11-01-2005, 12:37 AM   #20
The future is unwritten
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Well, they've figured out how to do it.....ask the Russians.
MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia and China may cooperate in a lunar exploration program that would culminate with a manned moon mission within less than two decades, the Interfax news agency quoted a Russian space official as saying Monday.

China has asked Russia to help with an unmanned lunar probe program, Interfax quoted Federal Space Agency deputy chief Yuri Nosenko as saying in China ahead of a meeting between the two countries' prime ministers in Beijing on Wednesday.

That Chinese program, which would only involve Russian assistance, could be followed by a joint lunar study and exploration program -- possibly in 2012, when Russia is planning to launch a research probe to the moon, Nosenko said, according to the report. After that, "We may undertake a joint project designed for 5-10 years" that would end with a manned moon mission," Interfax quoted Nosenko as saying.

Nosenko also said that Russia has proposed that the two countries develop a small satellite to orbit Mars.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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