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Old 01-24-2007, 04:29 PM   #181
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adam was desperate for a companion, so he said, "God, please send me a companion, someone i can share my life with", and God said, "It will cost you an arm and a leg", to which Adam replied, "What can I get for a rib?", so Eve shows up, and God called down, "Adam, where is Eve?"
"She's down at the beach, bathing in the ocean."
"OH, that's just great", said God, "Now the fish will smell like that for centuries!"
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Old 01-24-2007, 04:46 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by axeman84 View Post
thanks for the insight, Urbane Goofoff, you might be the smartest of dumbass',,,,,besides it was just a random thought....send over the secret service,,,i'll make coffee and stem cell cheesecake,,,tee hee
Uh, UG didn't comment on the secret service - tw did.
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Old 01-24-2007, 08:13 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
I am part of some other forums that someone started a thread about a people's army that will assassinate the police and government officals, he was serious too. He is still there.
Example not relevant. His targets are different. The response, because the targets are different, would be radically different. Double standard? "Powers that be" does not care. Hate for one unique part of government gets a very severe response - once they find it. One example does not make a trend. That example implies violence against a much less significant target. What axeman84 has posted is significantly different to the 'powers that be'.
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Old 01-24-2007, 08:21 PM   #184
Franklin Pierce
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How? Bush is a government offical, the guy was talking about assassinating Bush too.
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Old 01-25-2007, 09:14 AM   #185
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i was refering to a post by UG, not tw....thank you
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Old 01-25-2007, 12:24 PM   #186
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this is the silliness i was responding to

Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
...On account of assholes coming in bouquets.

Now a slightly smarter collection of dumbasses -- study hard and you might get that far, axenutz -- realize that if they shoot W they make Dick Cheney President.:p :p :p

Some people...! Fuck up a one-car funeral, steal a hot stove and drop it on their foot, mix up Spike Lee and Spike Jones with Spike Milligan, and never get French benefits.
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Old 01-26-2007, 01:38 AM   #187
Urbane Guerrilla
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Perhaps I could have said all that with just an , but I wanted to be more specific.

At any rate, the motivation to try assassination diminishes week by week, and it was always the province of the dullard Left anyway. Bill Clinton gave as much if not more reason to get people muttering about assassination -- and there was no muttering, despite his many sins against the Constitution, in especial the Bill of Rights, which his Administration repeatedly found inconvenient. Comes of having your political instincts formed in what amounted to a one-party state, the state being Arkansas.

But the Right, being made up of almost nothing but people more mature than those of the Left, did not noise assassination about. The Left had better take a lesson, the blowhards.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 01-26-2007 at 01:45 AM.
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Old 01-26-2007, 02:25 AM   #188
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
...despite his many sins against the Constitution, in especial the Bill of Rights, which his Administration repeatedly found inconvenient.
UG, you are even dumber than I thought.
I've explained how bush has torn up every amendment he can touch EXCEPT the second. Explain to me how clinton went anywhere near any amendment but the second.
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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Old 01-29-2007, 12:41 AM   #189
Urbane Guerrilla
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Trouble is, son, that your explanations don't wash.

Ever heard of the Omnibus Crime Bill of 1994? Abused the Fourth as well as the Second. You could look it up.

Trespassing upon the Second was merely his chiefest symptom -- and it's the lethal one, indicative of a complete anticonstitutionalism. The most reliable source, I think, for a listing of Clinton's sins would be the "anti-Clinton bookshelf" of various books published by Regnery Publishing, Incorporated. I could be no more complete, thorough, or eloquent, than they were. Quite a few of these books sold well enough to venture into best-sellerdom. For a couple of examples, try Boy Clinton or Year of the Rat.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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Old 01-29-2007, 11:51 AM   #190
Happy Monkey
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Hee hee. Regnery Publishing, the single largest customer of Regnery Publishing, a reliable source. Amusing.
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Old 01-29-2007, 01:39 PM   #191
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I just posted a thread about BushCo. forcing the National Park Service to carry a book stating that the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's Flood.

Then I tried not to stick a pin in my eye.
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Old 01-30-2007, 05:26 PM   #192
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Climate Change Scientists, Officials Testify on Allegations of Administration Interference

Current and former government scientists and officials have testified to a congressional committee about what they call Bush administration efforts to downplay scientific evidence of global warming. VOA's Dan Robinson reports from Capitol Hill.

The allegations are not new, but this was the first time key individuals have appeared in person to detail what a new report calls an atmosphere of systematic political interference with climate change science.

Two private groups, the Government Accountability Project and Union of Concerned Scientists, say 1,600 climate scientists surveyed reported at least 435 occurrences of such interference over the past five years.

Nearly half of those responding said they perceived, or personally experienced, pressure to eliminate the words climate change from reports and communications, along with new or unusual administrative requirements impairing climate-related work.

"Political interference is harming federal science and threatening the health and safety of Americans," said Francesca Grifo, senior scientist and director of scientific integrity program for the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Grifo adds that nearly 700 scientists or 39 percent of respondents, feared retaliation for openly expressing their concerns.
But the prez says it's not global warming, it's global climate change.. no reason to be afeared...Hey look, a terrorist!

From here and many other places.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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Old 02-08-2007, 03:39 PM   #193
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From the NY Times of 9 Feb 2007:
Price of Next Big Thing in Physics: $6.7 Billion
The proposed machine, physicists say, is needed to complement to the Large Hadron Collider now under construction at the European Center for Nuclear Research, CERN, outside Geneva. That machine will be the world’s most powerful when it goes into operation this fall, eventually colliding beams of protons with 7 trillion electron volts of energy apiece. Physicists hope that using it they will detect a long-sought particle known as the Higgs boson, which is thought to endow all the other constituents of nature with mass. They hope, too, to discover new laws and forms of matter.

But protons are bags of smaller particles called quarks and gluons, and their collisions tend to be messy and wasteful. Because electrons and positrons have no innards, their collisions are cleaner, so they can be used to create and study with precision whatever new particles are found at CERN.
Notice where science does not promote the advancement of mankind. Not in the US and for good reason.
At a news conference in Beijing an international consortium of physicists released the first detailed design of what they believe will be the Next Big Thing in physics: a machine 20 miles long that will slam together electrons and their evil-twin opposites, positrons, to produce fireballs of energy recreating conditions when the universe was only a trillionth of a second old. ...

The International Linear Collider collaboration, led by a steering group chaired by Shin-ichi Kurokawa, of Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, or KEK, consists of 1,000 scientists and engineers from 100 countries.
Big price? Well the International Space Station was only supposed to cost $8 billion and has already cost on the order of $80 billion. ISS still does no science but is promoted by an MBA president. $6.7 billion for actually doing science research? By comparison, that price is a discount. Meanwhile George Jr will send a man to Mars only to promote his legacy at hundreds of $billions - screw science. To do so, George Jr is stripping the 10% of NASA's budget that acutally does science.

Whereas the transistor was the future for baby boomers, quantum physics is the future of this latest generation. But thanks to a mental midget and a dictatorship party of extremists, science is being driven from the United States.

How can you tell where science is fleeing to? Even in a science once dominated by Americans, advance physics must be done elsewhere. The fusion reactor (ITER) will probably be in Europe. CERN (France and Switzerland) will soon have a working Large Hadron Collider. And now an International Linear Collider is publicly proposed where? With so much fear and dictators advocating Fatherland security, then international science conferences remain outside America. Even when defining the next generation WiFi (now known as 802.11n), at the last minute American 'we fear' security banned most of the Chinese experts as a threat to national security. The message is clear to science. Clearly those Chinese were going to steal secrets of DisneyWorld.

Quantum physics moves to where peope instead want to advance mankind. This is where new jobs will be created. But science is too complex for brown shirts - so dumb as to not even ask simple questions such as, "When do we go after bin Laden". Quantum physics? Instead god will give it to us? And so science and the new jobs must go elsewhere. Another tribute to the MBA president and those brown shirts who blindly support him. This is what happens when some actually thing Fox is News or Rush 'tells it like it is'.
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Old 02-08-2007, 04:42 PM   #194
Franklin Pierce
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Sending a human to Mars is probably the most pointless thing we can do right now.
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Old 02-08-2007, 07:38 PM   #195
Ronald Cherrycoke
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Activist Lawsuit: God Guilty of Malicious Climate Change
By Jon Quixote
2/5/2007, 2:20 pm

Fight against climate change has taken a new dimension Monday as a new legal defense group, Spiritual Lawyers Against Natural Disasters (SLAND), initiated international class-action litigation against God for the environmental destruction and Global Warming that has resulted from acts that He has caused to occur. "For many years enviro-activists, spearheaded by Al Gore and financed by trial lawyers, have been pointing to human greed, oil industries, and Western capitalism-based societies as the main causes of Global Warming," said SLAND lead attorney and Executive Director, Peacedove Handwring at a press conference. "While all these factors are a fine cause for international insurance litigation, the primary culprit of climate change that is more powerful and more difficult to deal with, has so far escaped attention of our lawyers. That culprit is God."

Mt. St. Helens: May 18, 1980 was the day that produced more "greenhouse gasses" than any single event in human history.

In that 24-hour period, more toxic pollutants were spewed into the Earth's biosphere than any single day, week, month or year before or since.

And it had absolutely nothing to do with humans

"Over thousands of years, God has been producing so-called 'natural disasters' that have caused many times more pollution and carbon-dioxide emissions than anything man could even conceive," P. Handwring explained. "Yet He has been effectively absolved from any responsibility from our current plight. With the advent of The SLANDers, the free pass afforded to God is going to come to a decisive end."

Pressed for specifics, Ms. Handwring provided some compelling examples to support her claims:

"May 18, 1980 was the day that produced more global-warming emissions than any single event in human history. In that 24-hour period, more toxic pollutants were spewed into the Earth's biosphere than any single day, week, month or year before or since. And it had absolutely nothing to do with humans: it was the eruption of the volcano known as Mt. St. Helens in Washington.

"We in the progressive environmental movement had little to say about this, because most policy experts and scientists dismissed this as a 'natural disaster.' But who is ultimately responsible for supposedly 'natural disasters' such as this? Only one person: God.

"Furthermore, as we allege in our federal complaint, God has been singularly responsible for the repeated ice ages that have plagued the Earth since He supposedly created it, each of which was followed by periods of global warming. We consider it eminently unfair that during these unnatural temperature cycles, so many species could not adapt and went extinct. After all - who is He to play... God!?"

Responding to critics who claim that the SLANDers are pursuing a legal dead-end by suing God, Ms. Handwring said: "It is beyond dispute that we in the progressive community have mastered the art of using the law, schools and public news media to advance anti-industrial, anti-freedom, anti-capitalist, and anti-human perceptions and values. But while we have focused on factories and automobiles and the like, we've allowed God - the most grievous violator of our right to a clean environment - to not face the responsibility or consequences for the fact that He has been the primary cause of Global Warming.

"Consider other supposedly 'natural disasters' that also contribute more to global warming than humans ever could. Lightning strikes a forest and it goes up in flames, belching clouds of toxic materials into the atmosphere. Until now, we chalked it up to a 'random occurrence.' But who is really responsible? That's right - God.

"We at SLAND are now going to marshal and focus our legal skills, and all the resources at our avail, to expose this travesty, and to finally hold God accountable, both in a court of law, and in the so-called 'court of public opinion.' Then, and only then, will we be able to deal with the real cause of so many needless deaths of humans, animals and plants," Handwring said.

The first stage of SLANDers' campaign will be massive public demonstrations by the most notorious enviro-activists who have protested throughout the world over the past 40 years. Ms. Handwring's convincing PowerPoint presentation gave the assembled journalists a preview of what may be coming to a park, shopping mall, or public school near you:

As of this time, God was unavailable for comment. One of God's spokesmen, St. Ernest, however, issued the following statement: "While God certainly respects Ms. Handwring and her fellow attorneys at SLAND, at the moment He is too busy trying to deal with the insanity of religious wars occurring throughout the world to respond to her accusations as fully as He'd like. We are, however, in receipt of the SLANDers' discovery motions, and will be responding to them at our earliest opportunity. And although we aren't sure which court would have jurisdiction in such a cosmic matter, God is eagerly looking forward to defending both Himself and human freedom
against SLANDers' allegations.
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