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Old 06-23-2004, 10:08 AM   #16
The urban Jane Goodall
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Originally posted by marichiko

Errr... Why does that make the phrase "final solution" come to my mind?
True, there is a surface similarity, but I ask you this:

How do you change the mind of all of people who believe, on a religious level that we have to die?

And just so we're clear, I don't like the idea, I just see it as the only solution that is going to stop the attacks.

I don't like the idea of eliminating options simply because they are distateful.
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. - Aristotle
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Old 06-23-2004, 10:25 AM   #17
Happy Monkey
I think this line's mostly filler.
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It wouldn't stop the attacks. It would generate more people who would be unambiguously justified in attacking us, and dramatically increase worldwide support structures for them.
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Old 06-23-2004, 10:54 AM   #18
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Killing them completely is not the only solution, Troubleshooter. One solution is to just leave, and stop buying their oil. When Europe during the Middle Ages considered the dangers in the Middle East no longer tolerable or profitable, they went West in search of alternative trade routes to Asia. Greater opportunities developed with the discovery of the "New World", and the Middle East languished alone for centuries. Simply develop already existing energy alternatives, and let them sit another 4 or 5 hundred years in their worthless black pools.
I'm not sorry anymore.

Last edited by LSMFT; 06-23-2004 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 06-23-2004, 11:15 AM   #19
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Ah, but see...we're Americans... who refuse to pay more money for electirc cars and can't stand the thought of slowing down to the speed of an electric car. The phrase "nuclear power plant" drives fear into the hearts of most Americans. The cost of solar energy and wind energy makes most Americans scoff.

Until we get out of the "must use oil" mindset and into an alternative energy mindset (which the oil companies DON'T want), we're going to have all our fingers in the Middle Eastern pie.

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Old 06-23-2004, 11:44 AM   #20
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I'm all for alt energy but solar has not yet hit a point where it produces more energy in it's lifetime that is used in it's construction, isn't that a dirty little secret.

Wind is doing well though, shell has some interesting wind projects going, my money is with them recovering nicely in the long term if the right figures can reorganize their stupid management structure and slowly move focus.

That waas a little offtopic.
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Old 06-23-2004, 06:19 PM   #21
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Detonate pork plasma bombs above trouble spots or simply crop dust with any sort of finely ground pig innards. Dip all soldiers rounds in pig blood etc. Take away the belief in the possibility of a glorious afterlife.
I want to indulge in retributive beheadings as much as the next guy but it merely helps them on the way to glory.
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Old 06-23-2004, 06:36 PM   #22
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Originally posted by Troubleshooter

True, there is a surface similarity, but I ask you this:

How do you change the mind of all of people who believe, on a religious level that we have to die?

And just so we're clear, I don't like the idea, I just see it as the only solution that is going to stop the attacks.

I don't like the idea of eliminating options simply because they are distateful.
OK, you want a neat solution? Here is one proposed to me (humorously, I hasten to add) by a retired Air Force Colonel who is an expert on foreign affairs. Don't kill the population. Merely use the strength of our military to force them out of their homes. Use a sort of scorched earth tactic to force hundreds of thousands of Moslems out of their countries and push them toward Central Asia. The influx of Moslem refugees will become a great annoyance to our pals in China. The Chinese have shown themselves to be capable of no mercy toward foreigners. They will send out their own military to rid themselves of the Moslem intruders. We will then have killed two birds with one stone, ridding the oil producing region of those who oppose us and distracting China from any thoughts it might have of world power on other fronts. The Chinese economy will also become weakened by this military expenditure on their part. Meanwhile, we will look like good guys in comparison, because we didn't actually kill anybody, just drove them out at gun point. It will be the Chinese who end up with the actual blood on their hands.

There. Happy now?
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Old 06-23-2004, 06:53 PM   #23
neither here nor there
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this is a depressing thread
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Old 06-23-2004, 08:08 PM   #24
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C'mon! How painless would it be to make it a national priority to get off the black stuff? We put a man on the Moon to see how far he could hit a golf ball! The billions wasted in Iraq could be spent here at home, with far greater results. Again, we are allowing our own fear and ignorance to squander a rare opportunity. Maybe this too is a reason our allies and other civilized countries are so angry with us.
I'm not sorry anymore.
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Old 06-23-2004, 11:54 PM   #25
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Originally posted by Yelof
this is a depressing thread
I agree, they just did the same to the Korean CIVILIAN. I can't even express how I feel about it actually.

From what I've read, they cut off Bergs head with a knife, took a good while to do it too, he was screaming thru most of it.

One of the others they did by SAWING off his head slowly. No footage yet thank god.

I always pictured a beheading as more of a guillotine or sword thing, but I guess it doesn't matter what I think. I would have been way happier never knowing any of the above.

What disturbs me probably more than anything is these people doing this think they are going to heaven with 70 odd virgins and what not. It's not that that really bugs me, it's the fact that these animals truly believe in their cause. Enough to kill themselves over.

And we make peace with them how again? Chaulk me up with the nuke em crowd, I don't want to see a few hundred million everday arabs die along with them, but give em a few more months and we'll have dirty bombs killing thousands or millions of us. They didn't plan this shit if they didn't have a reasonable chance of getting it and doing it.

So I really want to know what you think, should we drop pamphlets & send food? Will this benefit mankind in the long run? Maybe Al Queda will see the light finally? Do you really think this is a viable strategy? They're raised to hate us, should we just lay low for a generation?

And for what it's worth, I think the war in Iraq is the right war at the wrong time, I admire Bush for his convictions but don't think he deserves a second term. I don't think Kerry deserves a first term. Who do I vote for? Leaning towards a write in for McCain.

I don't have all the answers, I've got some of them tho.
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Old 06-24-2004, 12:15 AM   #26
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Originally posted by novice
I want to indulge in retributive beheadings as much as the next guy but it merely helps them on the way to glory.
that's what they think. wait til they get to their paradise and find out there was a misspelling hundreds of years ago... instead of finding 72 virgins - they will be greeted by 72 virginians.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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Old 06-24-2004, 08:23 AM   #27
The urban Jane Goodall
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Speaking of the Korean who was killed.

Imagine if he had been a north korean?
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. - Aristotle
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Old 06-24-2004, 08:49 AM   #28
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The only thing that shocks me about all this is that they're not slowly torturing them to death and making sure the videos are well published.

It's not an easy one to solve, the al queda meme is a smart one, it can morph quickly to suit local conditions and outrages while still working towards a larger goal, that's a damn hard thing to kill.

The US have made this the mess it is, they're about the only ones who can stop it now. Stay the course in Iraq, reduce presence as fast as possible, lean on the governments of Saudi and Egypt like all hell, fucking stamp on the isreali government until they move, push some constructive economic development agendas across the middle east and tell france to do something abou tthe fucking ghettos and we might just get somewhere.

It was an downhill battle, now it's an uphill one.
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Old 06-24-2004, 09:10 AM   #29
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They'd better hope they are welcomed by virgins, or even Virginians for that matter. There are Muslim scholars who have claimed the actual interpretation is "72 golden raisins". Raisins! A treat worth dying for!
I'm not sorry anymore.
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Old 06-24-2004, 09:10 AM   #30
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I was sent this from a website called "Way Wierd", and it sure is!
But I don't believe a former Marine would act this way unless he was on 100% mental disability, do you guys?

"Protestor Against Beheadings To Go To Saudi Arabia"

If you're a regular listener of "talk radio" shows, then you most likely heard the interview between Jonathan Kemriley and Canadian talk-radio host Rachel Hints of Canadians Unleashed 670, so this story won't be news to you, but if you didn't hear the interview, then you won't believe what you're about to read!

Jonathan Kemriley, a retired US Marine, came onto the show to discuss the Canadian government's handling of two US military men who found refuge in Canada in order to not serve in Iraq, but the topic changed rather quickly. Below you can read a portion of the interview:

"Mrs. Hints, yes, the Canadian government is in the wrong here, but more importantly it's because those two men are scared of having their heads removed by Al-Qaeda cell members in Saudi, and I think that's a damn shame. I for one going to take a stand against these brutal beheadings by flying myself and my 14 and 17 year old sons with me to Saudi Arabia on Thursday of this week. Once in Saudi Arabia we're going to find a way to be taken in as hostages by Al-Qaeda groups.

Rachel Hints:

"What on Earth are you talking about sir?"

Jonathan Kemriley:

"These terrorists need to understand that Americans are not scared of their tactics, and most importantly I don't want my sons to be frightened of the world in which we live in.

My goal is to make sure that these savages capture us and give the US government 24 hours notice to release us in exchange for prisoners....If my plan is carried out correctly, after the 24 hours are up, my two boys and I will have been decapitated.... I want those savages to see the smiles on the faces of my boy's and I as they're cutting our heads off from our bodies. It will be the biggest slap in their faces that they'll ever receive. And I guarantee that not another US citizen will ever be taken hostage by this group ever again."

Rachel Hints:

"Sir, no offense, but that is the craziest, most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

Jonathan Kemriley:

"You just don't get it do you. Well the terrorists will 'get it' when they read the phrase on my shirt, which will be written in Arabic, "Do me a favor you savages, remove my head from the top of my neck, I bleed red, white, and blue. The stock market isn't going anywhere!'

Rachel Hints:

"So if I'm hearing you correctly, and I really hope I'm not, but you want yourself, and your young boys to be murdered."

Jonathan Kemriley:

"In the name of the USA, you better believe it".

The interview actually went on for another five minutes, and we have reached Jonathan Kemriley for a Way weird interview. He hasn't declined our interview yet, but told one of our editors that he would rather wait for us to do a story on him once he's in Saudi Arabia.

We'll keep you posted!
Phineas J. Twunt
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