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Old 09-26-2007, 11:41 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: de_dust
Posts: 141
Good night, Cellar

Yes, another "I'm retiring speech." Read it or don't, your choice.

I don't know how you "regulars" do it. From my short lived experience, this place has some closeness to it that I just haven't really seen in other forums. There are a lot more older folk here too, so it seems more wise and focussed discussion here. Plus, this forum is about, life, not a specific topic.

But it is too brutal here. The people here are down right mean. And unlike other forums, you guys develop your put downs and beat people over the head with it over and over and over again. Sometimes, for self amusement. That is horrible. I mean it with all my heart. Some of the shit that is stirred here is downright awful and, right now at least, the forum is giving off a very bad aura of hate. Let me say it again, you dwellars are mean spirited and wouldn't dare say these things to people in real life. Act all coy and intelligent and as cocky as you want over an internet forum but some of you assholes wouldn't be talking so much shit for no reason except for your own personal amusement.

Remember my first cellar meta thread, treehouse club? Well I wanted to believe what everyone had said. But after seeing the recent pummelings of inhabitants such as sky and fnc by a group, again, I can see that this place needs to be refurbished. I mean one person believes something unpopular or says something "semi controversial" and one member of the treehouse club raises an eyebrow and before you know it the whole tree is knocking on the accused. Not just knocking, but assaulting to the extreme.This, as many educated people know, is group think. And the cellar has it's inner circle and outer circle. And the inner circle is very capable of group think and uses it often.

I cannot believe that no one said anything when lumberjim said here--> AFTER HE HEARD I said that she was lost at WTC. No one said shit. Everyone here is too afraid to have lumberjim drop insult bombs on them (for months) to speak up. This community needs some real work if it cannot give compassion to a victim who was really hurt that someone added MORE to a very hurtful statement. And you know what? That asshole is just going to follow up this post with "well at least your mom still calls me!" And everyone will laugh and glance at each other but won't dare to call out a treehouse club member. Because lumberjim is not a decent person and he will try at every chance to tear you apart. Look how everyone turned a blind eye when he said those hurtful words to me. Look at fnc, everyone on the board is on his ass. Why? Because he dresses with apparel that you don't agree with? Why the hell do you care? Look at the earlier case with sky. You people spend time drawing pictures of an anti Sky club. You all took time to photoshop her picture to upset her. This cellar is cold, cold as ice.

Now before I leave and before you guys huddle up to decide what to say, think for yourself. Do you enjoy seeing other people torn apart because it's fun? Indifference of good people, is much worse than the evils of bad. "Oh lighten up, it's all fun!" What a bunch of bullshit. I'm not even going to address that reasoning.

And by the way, I would never want lumberjim to feel the pain I've felt. Maybe he already has, and if he did then I would never joke about it. Who would actually mean something as mean spirited as what he said? May the cosmos have pity on that person's soul.

I'm 18 years old, working full time at a grocery store trying to get into customer service management. Laugh at me, ridicule me, but then you're just proving my point of the cellar's mean spirited attitude. Aren't I just stumbling upon my own two feet on this path we call life, just like you.

Lumberjim made me cry for an hour that night. You can say all that shit about me as much as you want but as soon as you start messing with people I care about that's when the line is crossed. Especially when you come back for seconds after knowing full well the seriousness of my loss.

Sorry to go all emotional, but I'd trade everyone on this forum to have my sister back. Tell me you wouldn't do the same for your own beloved family member.
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
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