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Old 08-31-2016, 06:22 AM   #503
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
My heart isn't great.
I have a heart murmer, which I always have to mention because otherwise anyone examining me gets excited about it. But it's not important enough to be treated - I assume, as it's on my records and I've never taken anything for it.

When I'm in hospital - which is frequently these days - the staff who come to take the observations (blood pressure, temperature oxygen) will often tell me my blood pressure is too high or too low so they'll be back again in half an hour.

Trust me, a beautiful black woman waking you up at 05.45 and saying she'll be back soon when all you want to do is sleep and you know you still have over 3 hours left for the flabby toast the NHS specialise in is not a wish-fulfillment situation.

ETA. I now want toast. But I'll bite my lip again and it will bleed and toast n blood is something even Heston Blumethal wouldn't serve.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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