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Old 10-15-2003, 12:36 PM   #119
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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I don't need to contact the media, it's common knowledge. Yes, you're right, I have extremely limited military experience and maybe I'm wrong about the paperwork having not seen any since 1989. Maybe you're right and I'm wrong about the military desertion. Anything is possible. The site seems convincing to me though.

But even if he's not a military deserter. He used his father's political influence to avoid the war, and now he's sending other people to die in a war that he personally started with a country that poses no threat to America. He personally championed the single most unconstitutional piece of legislation in American history. He personally lied to the American people of his own accord to support this illegal use of the military even though the CIA told him specifically that Iraq was not involved in 9/11 and they posed no danger to America. There are still no WMD's and Americans are still dying because GWB sent them into someone else's sovereign nation.

America has no authority beyond our own borders. Neither the UN, nor America has any authority to tell any sovereign nation what weapons they may or may now possess. America is not the boss of the world or the police of the world. And the only valid use of the American military is to DEFEND against eminent attacks on American soil. Not for humanitarian aid missions, not to stabilize other countries, not to overthrow foreign "regimes" we don't like, and not to train the military of other nations. It's not even for defending our allies.

I have great reason to hate George W. Bush. He has earned it and richly deserves it. He is as anti-American as it gets. We would have been better off even wish a scumbag like Gore. Hell if Bin Laden himself were appointed to the office of the President by the Supreme Court like Bush was, even he couldn't be more anti-American than Bush.

Bush is against everything America stands for. We were created to escape from imperialistic tyranny and oppression, and now we're practicing it thanks to people like him. We had a country that kept religion and government apart, and thanks to people like Bush they're coming together.

I sincerely believe that Bush is a worse president than any random heroin addicted homeless guy.
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