Thread: Shout Out
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Old 01-15-2013, 10:35 AM   #2
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
When I was really on my uppers in London, a Dwellar sent me his usual monthly Cellar contribution. This was agreed with Tony beforehand. I spent it on sensible things like bedding and detergent and it got me out of a hole I'd already started digging for myself.

At a time I couldn't ask my family for anything, the Cellar was my family. This has continued in many kindnesses and care offered me. I only made it to Glasgow this year - which became the springboard for my sobriety - because of financial assistance from the Cellar. Grace will come to those whose kindness leaves you without debt (emotionally of course.)

Even though now I am feeling the cold, Winter to me will always evoke the pleasure of pantomime. Routine but special. Ubiquitous but precious. And two steadfast friends who value my company.

And the books I have received. I count them equal to the books I have been recommended, but I know they've cost cold hard cash to ship to me. All of them have a draw. I've never yet read a Dwellar book and secretly thought *Hmmm, a bit shit*

And basically anyone who has sent me anything at any time. I bemoan my poverty far too much, but in spite of that people have been so kind over the years. I know the value of receiving prizes out of the blue. My belief system rejects being touched by an angel or feeling blessed, but I do believe I've fallen into an underworld habitation full of some of the kindest people alive.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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