Thread: Chilling
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Old 02-26-2020, 01:30 AM   #19
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Nah... he hasn't got time to stiff the taxpayers. Quite the opposite, what with that regulatory-reduction thing that is creating boom times because taxpayers' expenses doing business are now much lighter, with the prospect of getting lighter still. This is what running government like business looks like, and it looks good. (Fascists don't like the view... beg to return to the bad old ways.)

Apparently you can't feel the boom. Inattentive of you.

That doesn't oblige me not to feel it. That does not hide from my sight all the Help Wanted signs I see all over Oxnard -- where I didn't see any before -- that would be during the time of that Obama guy I didn't ever vote for. I'm a smart fellow, and pat myself on the back for it, after doing some suitable stretches to limber up. Need 'em at my age. Really I do.

Really Bruce, you patronizable wreck of a wannabe pundit, it will help ever so much if you stop getting the Democratic Party confused with America. The two are quite distinct. Real America, not your dumbunny bubble, is swollen even larger, while Team Democrat is lame and impotent. (Sexually undesirable too.)

I am uncomfortable with how the Democrats have forgotten how to American, and how in their group folly they push socialism. And for that matter how to even be democratic, what with that "impeachment first, offense later if ever" attitude of our precious Dem national leadership. Might Public Enema No. 1 help cure their syndrome? Or do we allot them to traveling sideshows under canvas -- and the heading of "grotesqueries?"
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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