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Old 11-07-2012, 11:10 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Adak View Post
First things first, however. Obama needs to take another world-wide tour, so he can apologize for our freedoms and success, all over again.
You are emotional. Even forget second grade science concepts necessary to have a fact. Your knowledge is based only in hearsay and what Limbaugh, et al says. Even a simple science concept about bread breeding maggots escapes your grasp due to so much emotion.

A logical reply would say why Romney lost. Only the logical can discuss honestly. But that means, for example, trying to explain why Romney, who once called himself more liberal than Kennedy, is suddenly an extreme right wing conservative. Its called eating crow. To discuss Romney's problem means discussing why you were so deceived by rhetoric. It requires a logical post; not more emotional tirades.

You cannot face facts. So you post sour grapes. Post emotion. Since emotion and subjective claims are your reasoning.

Harm to America was created by extremist rhetoric (ie tax cuts, mythical WMDs, trickle down economics, no grasp of basic military doctrine, massive loss of respect for America from 2000 to 2008, hatred of solutions that saved the America economy, etc). All that and more is slowly improving. As defined by lessons from history and explained by the logical and educated. It will take ten years to undo disasters created in 2000 through 2008. America is getting better despite wacko extremists who said, "We want America to fail."

Extremists are now waiting for Limbaugh, et al to tell them what to think. Four years ago, even Bohemer's speech defined harm America so that Obama would only be a one term president. Limbaugh openly said he wanted *America* to fail. Having done so much to harm America, now what will extremists advocate?

Well, the question can only be asked using logic. Same logic that says why Romney lost would predict what extremist will do next. Where is America going? Sour grapes are from fools who got us in this mess (unwinnable wars, recession, destruction to science, massive job loss, increasing income disparity, etc). How much more harm will extremists do to America in the name of political rhetoric and Limbaugh lies? What will be their next strategy to make America fail? Or will their strategy be something different this time?

Either one can post sour grapes and emotion. Or one can be honest. Say why Romney lost and what extremists will advocate next. Clearly "We want America to fail" does not work.
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