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Old 04-08-2020, 04:12 PM   #162
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
If I had to guess, I would say the backlash to Drew's statements in particular (because plenty of people outside the Fox universe said similar things and aren't getting vilified) have to do with the everpresent condescension in his voice. It wasn't "Don't worry, it's no worse than the flu," it was "no, you fucking morons, it's not dangerous, and you're morally repugnant for ignoring the real danger of the flu." People who get dunked on feel compelled to dunk back.

And to be honest, anyone who had to deal with addicts all day, and then LoveLine callers, and then internet trolls for decades on end... It's easy to understand how the frustration could rot him from within, to the point that that's just his normal way of speaking. Still not a good look, but I guess it's a better job hazard than black lung.
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