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Old 09-02-2012, 01:02 AM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Basset Hound Quiz: You all failed! (it's not widely known).

Short legged dogs bred to go down the den holes/tunnels - those were all terriers, because they had to be fighters: Jack Russell, Patterdale, Dachshund, Fox Terrier, etc.

Longer legged terriers were bred to run with the hounds better, and dispatch the quarry if it was caught, above ground. Irish terriers, for example.

Bassets are NOT terriers, and never go into dens to dispatch a quarry! (Fighters they are not). They are bred with short legs so they're easy for hunters to work with. Rabbits were their main quarry, and when a rabbit is chased by dogs at high speed, they go for their dens underground OR run madly away at high speed, and don't circle back (if they circle back, a fast hound might "cut the corner", and have a good chance of catching the rabbit).

But, if the Basset is in pursuit, the rabbit will usually circle back around, giving the hunters two or more chances to shoot them. Also, if the rabbit goes to ground, a deep baying Basset hound or two, will sometimes scare them back out of the den, at it's other entrance, so again the hunters have another shot at it.

The Bassets we have today, have been bred for still shorter leg length because it's "cute", but originally, their slow speed when they worked rabbits, was the reason for their limited leg length.

I completely agree with you about the gross exaggeration that has gone on in several of the pure breeds. Pugs and Bulldogs can't breathe worth a damn because of their pushed in noses. Bulldogs can't give birth normally (only by C section) now, because the heads of the puppies are so big. The list goes on and on.

I love pure breeds because you have a much better idea of the kind of dog the puppy will grow up to be. The genetic problems from in-breeding by foolish breeders, has done some real damage, though.
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