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Old 03-07-2019, 12:08 AM   #584
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Some good lines here. It's long, sorry. Maybe read the high points?

Dave Rubin – So what is Trump then? You’ve interviewed
the guy a bunch of times..What actually in the scheme of what
your book is about, sort of where America’s at at the moment
is he just the great “wrecker” that we sort of needed so that
this “ship of fools” wasn’t going to sink and take everybody
down with it.

Tucker Carlson – Well, he’s certainly a wrecker but look, here’s
what he’s not. Trump is not the guy that comes to Washington
and transforms the system. He’s not capable of that, he’s not
interested in that. Washington is a very specific town,ok, so the
legislative process is highly complex. He doesn’t understand and
doesn’t seek to. He’s not going to be the guy that runs on these 9
policies and then affects them once elected. Get’s them through the
congress, gets them through the agencies. HE CAN’T. That’s not his
role. It’s very frustrating actually if you’re from DC like me to watch
“Hey, wait a second get the energy department under control!”
It’s not going to happen. There’s 3 million executive branch employees
versus Trump, ok.

Trump’s role-

Dave Rubin – Is that right? That’s not right. There’s 3 billion?

Tucker Carlson – Million executive – I think there are 3 million
branch employees, that might include the military by the way.

I’m just saying that the permanent class in DC and I live right in the
center of them, they hate Trump. He’s a threat to them. But why
do they hate him? They hate him not because he’s a right winger.
They hate him because he’s the guy that says the obvious things.

So like, we went to Helsinki last summer and interviewed him during
the Putin thing. This was crystallized in an conversation I had with
him off camera.

I asked him something about NATO and he goes “Why do we have NATO?"

And someone who is a cold war kid I go “I like NATO”, thinking to myself.

“The Soviet Union fell in 1991. Wasn’t the point of NATO to keep them
from Invading Western Europe? But they don’t exist any more, why
do we still have them?”

And I tried searching for a good answer and I couldn’t find one.
So Trump repeats this in public and everyone’s like “Well..shut up!
What, are you, working for Putin?”

And then I thought, this is what Trump does, he comes in in his kinda
autistic way and asks the obvious question at the core of whatever
the issue is, that is the one question that everyone’s been avoiding
because they don’t have the answer to it.

So, why are we signing a trade agreement and letting all the other
signatories ignore the terms? Why don’t we have a border? I don’t
know, these are like not complex questions, very obvious questions
but because they are unanswered and unanswerable in some cases,
they expose the mediocrity of our ruling class. That they actually
don’t know what they are doing, is the truth.
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