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Old 12-06-2012, 06:05 PM   #42
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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You don't believe the Democrats. We get it. I think there's *no* number that you would believe, you just Do. Not. Believe. What if they said they'd cut what the Republican's have offered? Would you believe it? Given the (mono)tone of your remarks, I doubt it. Since it appears you won't accept any communications coming from them, why do you bother? And if the parties negotiating feel that way, why would they bother to continue to negotiate? It's clear your respect for "the Democrats and Obama" is essentially zero. The "other side", such as it is, doesn't have the ability to have their way by fiat, so... so... so what? Together they must negotiate. You recuse yourself. Though you abdicate your opportunity to responsibly share your ideas, you don't remain silent, you just sit there with your loud tantrum, moving neither yourself nor the process forward.

Meanwhile, you just ignore facts. You say there are no cuts to spending proposed, not even a tiny fraction of a percent. Everyone else can see your statement's false; how can you expect to work with political opponents when you lie like this? How does that increase your credibilty as an informed citizen who has a point of view worthy of attention, never mind respect?

I know a little about you from what you've shared here, but none of that follows any kind of logic. You say you're so rational, but you don't exhibit any of that rationality when it comes to political discussions like this. It's a shame, I had high hopes for you. I'd hoped that you could share your viewpoints, some of which are different from mine. I'd hoped to learn from you, but posts like this offer nothing to learn from. I feel like I want to scold you, to tell you to grow up, but that's not really appropriate. But I do wish your arguments were more mature. When they are, I'll give them more attention. If they're good, I'll give them more respect. But not this crap.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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