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Old 08-22-2016, 08:58 AM   #38
Encroaching on your decrees
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: An island within the south-west coast of Scotland
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Sundae - I quite understand why your mum threw the hat away, please not to worry on that score. It was appreciated and used when it was needed, and that's the most important thing. Thank your mum for the invite to her shindy but we will say no. Even though we can bring our own accommodation - it would be a three-nights-away-from-home jaunt and there is work and life and other stuff we have to be getting on with, I'm afraid.
You are the second of our putative visitors to ask if this is the new guest accommodation - we've not slept in her ourselves yet - the ah, plumbing arrangements, are not yet finalised. It is no hardship at all for us if you sleep in the big room downstairs, the cats will have easier access to you and the, ah, facilities are more sophisticated. Also we have another lounge/sitting room upstairs, as you know.

Spexx - the route to my route to Fanny started with teardrops because they are so cute to look at. But I don't fancy standing outside to cook, or indeed going outside to be able to stand up. The British (Scottish expecially) weather isn't reliably pleasant enough. But small and easily towed by a not-very-big-car were the ideas which I took from teardrop trailers as the starting point of my extensive internet research.
Living it up on the edge ... of civilisation, within the southwest coast of
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