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Old 01-22-2011, 08:47 PM   #1
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Balancing Society and Freedom

It seems to me that in order to live together as a society (as the majority seem to want), there are some freedoms we must surrender -some rules we need to accept- to make it work. Every rule is a loss of freedom, right?

And it seems to me that most of our political diffeences are based on where the line between freedom and societal necessities lies. We tend to take things on a case by case basis and sweat the petty stuff.

I want to look at the bigger picture. I want to find a Factor X. I want to say "if a behaviour of A is detrimental to X% of the population who are forced to experience that behaviour, then there needs to be a rule against that behaviour."

Do you think it's possible there is an X-factor? If your neighbors in your terrace/townhouse fuck like banshees and keep you awake with the noise, maybe you are 100% of the affected population. If they do it in the elevator, you might drop to being only 5% of the population, and you might not care if you prefer the stairs anyway...... or you might be disabled and rely on that elevator...

Do you think there is an X Factor and if so, would you care to hazard a guess as to what % of the affected population needs to be pissed off by a behaviour in order for it to be "outlawed"?
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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