Thread: The Quest
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Old 10-17-2012, 05:02 PM   #150
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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The second panel interview went very well. It was short. I met with the VP and the Supervisor of Information Services. I was asked mostly soft questions, about how I'd do stuff, how I'd handle potential conflict, what challenges I'd face during xyz upgrade. I demurred on that one and suggested that since I didn't have a lot of screen time with xyz, I could answer his question about challenges and how I overcame them with abc. He accepted my changed question. What has been my greatest accomplishment? I said I don't rank them but one that I am proud of and that was very helpful to the company was the introduction of help desk software at my last employer.

Then, the IS Supv asked me the name of the product and I turned into Rick Perry.



I checked my resume to see if I could find the name of the package... nope. I said, I can't remember the name of it at this moment, but I'll find out and get the answer to you. It was a little embarrassing, even though it was about five years ago. Anyhow, happy ending, fifteen minutes later I had remembered it and folded into an answer to another question the name of the product, along with my apologies for the brain fart.

They say they want to have an answer within a week or two since the new employee orientation (which must be completed before anyone can start) is at the beginning of November.

Now I wait and worry about my credit check. Yes, a credit check. I don't know what my credit score is, I know in the past it has been abysmal. I don't think I'm doing much to improve it partly because I don't fucking care and partly because I'm living my life without credit, my house note being an exception. I don't have anything to fear from the background check. I'm just ... waiting. Augh.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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