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Old 06-07-2010, 06:58 PM   #40
Chews Food Coming In, And Going Out
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
If receiving the first blow is to lose the war, and there is sufficient evidence that the first blow is about to come, you too would strike first. We ignore here the buildup to the war which made it transparently inevitable.

But again, it's part of the game. When side A is attacked, side B was warmongering! When side A is attacking, side B was acting provocatively!

How? How exactly would that happen? Would they bring a swastika to diplomatic meetings and request a bowing of the heads before any negotiations?

I notice that the countries that should have the most guilt are lukewarm to Israel, while Israel's biggest supporter has no guilt, except for entering the european theatre a tad late.

I'd also notice that in the last ten years of watching carefully, I have not heard the Holocaust mentioned in any mideast conflict news coverage, except to point out which of the actors are Holocaust deniers. I don't think this is mentioned to provoke guilt, as much as it is to point out which of the leaders are uneducated and dangerous.

I guess I'd also point to your words to say that you've given here two opposing explanations here, since the Jewish media would not feel guilt over the event.
It's implied guilt. They play on the fact that Western Governments feel they should've done more to stop it... it's not entirely their fault, either... no, our Governments have been, and continue to, act way out of sorts, when it comes to dealing with Jewish people, since the holocaust.

The Jewish Media = Jewish Controlled Media = Used to propagate Jewish ideals/ideas, whilst making us think they're the good guys. You'll find this, a lot, in America, more so than anywhere else, other than, of course, Israel.

You're right - We have nothing to feel guilty about. Not one thing. As I have already stated; we already did more than we should've, more than anyone could've expected from us, simply by saying "no," and then acting against the Nazi aggressors... but we still feel the guilt, which has never been fully allowed to subside, largely because we're countries of large hearts.

(It's the old "if we'd come sooner, we could've stopped more" guilt trip... A decent person would say "you did more than enough," and never bring it up, ever again... a cowardly, wicked person, would ensure that it's never quite left your mind, in one way or another, so you'll always feel guilty, and thus, become their bitch, through guilt, allowing them to walk all over you, as well as anyone else they choose.)
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