Thread: Oooops...
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Old 11-19-2013, 01:30 AM   #72
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
It was for a radio broadcast, and I just caught a few minutes of it, unfortunately.

We know that there were survivors to the attack, of course. What they know about the attack, is a mystery to the public.

Obama's lies via his U.N. ambassador's mouth, of a "video demonstration", was THE most blatant lie I've heard in a long time. Since it didn't concern our wallets, and Obama is such a darling with the liberals, it was another no-matter event, quickly passed over.

They caught him up though on his lie about keeping your healthcare plan if you liked it.

And your doctor.

And the lie that he said to cover up the lie about keeping your healthcare plan if you liked it. "What I said was if ..."

He's so stupid when he does that. He acts like he's some city councilman out in podunk, Illinois, whose words are never recorded.

Mr. Obama, we KNOW EXACTLY what you said. It's all recorded, in clear digital audio, fer Chrissakes, and you repeated it umpteen times.

I expect politicians to lie, simply because they have to sway public opinion, and get votes. I hate it though when they act like we don't have a lick of brains in our heads, and give stupid lies.

"We have evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq"

I have evidence you have your head up your ass George, and need to pull it out for a breath of fresh air!
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