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Old 03-26-2009, 12:29 PM   #100
Join Date: Apr 2006
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quirky, you're going to argue on the value of human life?

well lets see what humans have done on this planet vs all other life.

humans have poisoned the waters.
we've poluted the air.
we've raped the earth.

if in your mind, sefl awareness seperates us from the rest of life, then where is our will to survive?
we can be as self destructive as we want, its just that we're taking all other life with us.

what makes you so proud to be human?
you see yourself as superior to all other life, your actions prove the opposite.
self awareness hasn't served us that well.
you're in prison, and you call yourself free.

i see humanity as being at a pre-infant state.
which is the only excuse that could be made for our actions as a whole.

now you can point all you want bird fetus gobbler, but you're only pointing at yourself.
pls stfu k thx
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